


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
58607 05/05/2020 06:55 PM Konstantina Galouni

Trunk | Connect: community.component.html: [Bug fix] Show zenodo communities if there exist.

58605 05/05/2020 06:08 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add breadcrumbs on content, national bulletins and projects pages

58604 05/05/2020 05:37 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


App: update menu items
Curators: remove number from the title

58600 05/05/2020 12:40 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add animation module

58595 05/05/2020 10:52 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. subscribe.component.ts: Remove unnecessary prints.
2. searchCommunities.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix - sometimes on 1st load] Remove data binding for 'sort' in <new-search-page>.
b. [Bug fix - no results on 1st load] Remove data binding for 'filters' in <new-search-page>....

58592 04/05/2020 04:14 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Impact factors: Remove fontawesome css, remove css from connect-custom (moved in library.css)

Statistics: add check for statistics service response

58581 30/04/2020 12:35 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Fix height of my communities cards

58577 29/04/2020 09:53 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect |Trunk]

Fixing issues with Communities search (new search component update)

58574 28/04/2020 01:07 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'.
2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About.
3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status)....

58567 28/04/2020 10:05 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Search communities: use newsearchpage component

58565 27/04/2020 03:00 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect Trunk]

customization.css: remove border radius css
connect css: add border radius for subscribe buttons

Zenodo Communities:
add breadcrumb
use communityId for helptexts

58558 27/04/2020 02:31 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Contact us add breadcrumbs

58557 27/04/2020 12:54 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Remove important from font's color

58556 27/04/2020 12:49 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Change color of fonts.

58554 27/04/2020 10:22 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add property showAddthis
Search Projects:
show static filters only if there are results
add showOnly results and breadcrumb options

Search Projects:
add showOnly results and breadcrumb options

58549 24/04/2020 06:38 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing
1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities).
2. community.component.html:
3. community.component.ts:
a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete...

58548 24/04/2020 06:33 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add FAQs page. Add breadcrumbs to all pages.

58535 23/04/2020 05:59 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Change paqes base on new mocks.

58531 23/04/2020 03:35 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


App Component:
update menu items
update navbar and footer according to the new mocks

Search projects/datasources: enable refilter when the url parameters change
Search results: add options about breadcrumb and include only results

58505 16/04/2020 12:34 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Add customization css as css file (ignore saved layout)

58486 14/04/2020 11:35 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: subscribe.component.ts: [Bug fix] In subscribe.service: method "getNumberOfCommunitySubscribers()" (/community/{pid}/subscribers/count) returns now {"value": number}
(Used to return String. This was a problem for cache. API changed to return object, where number of subscribers is mapped to "value").

58473 10/04/2020 02:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


App component:
Connect menu:
publications menu item fixes
pass connect communityId in navbar
HtmlPages: use connect communtiy if there is no communityId

58471 10/04/2020 12:04 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Add html page for connect (helptexts):
Add new html Pages per community (helptexts):
Projects and funding
National Bulletins
Content (moved from connect to separate page per community)
add the routes and the menu items for the above pages...

58462 10/04/2020 08:12 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: searchCommunities.component.ts: remove email parameter from "getCommunitiesSubscribedTo()" method call (subscribe.service).

58460 10/04/2020 07:24 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. my-communities.component.ts: Use new method "isSubscribedToCommunity()" without email parameter (subscribe.service).
2. subscribe.component.ts: Do not reveal users' (subscribers') emails:
a. Check when method "init()" is called .
b. Use new methods "isSubscribedToCommunity()", "subscribeToCommunity", "unSubscribeToCommunity" without email parameter (subscribe.service). ...

58425 07/04/2020 07:14 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add b2noteAPIURL property

58421 07/04/2020 06:52 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. communities.component.ts & contentPage.component.ts & shareInZenodo.component.ts & helper-test.component.ts & organizationsPage.component.ts &
learn-how.component.ts & learn-in-depth.component.ts & my-communities.component.ts:
"properties" as first parameter in methods of helper.service.ts....

58414 06/04/2020 04:51 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Apply changes from Elixir branch r58296
add impact factors:
add fontawesome (package.json, styles.css, angular.json)
add them in community page - most recent results

58408 05/04/2020 12:55 PM Konstantina Galouni

[use-UoaAdminToolsLibrary | Connect]: Set svn externals to the library branch 'use-UoaAdminToolsLibrary'.

58407 05/04/2020 12:53 PM Konstantina Galouni

Creating a branch 'use-UoaAdminToolsLibrary' for updating Admin Tools Service using uoa-admin-tools-library

58392 03/04/2020 06:02 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Initial commit for new UI of Search page:
add search research outcomes page
update links, routes and menu items accordingly
add result landing page

58330 26/03/2020 11:27 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Contact form fix a bug while email has not been sent.

58296 18/03/2020 12:26 PM Serafeim Chatzopoulos

Add impact indicators on research dashboard

58290 17/03/2020 06:50 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add pids' URLS on properties

58221 10/03/2020 06:13 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: searchCommunities.component & searchProjects.component: [Bug fix] "Filter" fields have been upadated.

58212 09/03/2020 04:19 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
beta-properties.json & production-properties.json & test-properties.json & env-properties.json: values for "sherpaURL" and "helpdeskEmail" added.

58187 05/03/2020 03:12 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add pmid property.

58124 20/02/2020 02:57 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add alt metrics api URL on properties

58007 21/01/2020 12:20 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect| Elixir Branch]

update properties file

58006 21/01/2020 12:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect|Elixir Branch]
Clean up branch
update externals to use Elixir library

58005 21/01/2020 12:05 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Update Elixir branch with a new copy

58004 21/01/2020 12:04 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Update Elixir branch with a new copy

58003 21/01/2020 12:04 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect| Elixir Branch]

Clean up elixir Branch

58002 21/01/2020 11:58 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect| Elixir Branch]

Update branch with a new copy

57944 23/12/2019 04:45 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Remove url from get user info.

57795 03/12/2019 01:51 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Change contact with library contact us component.

57790 03/12/2019 11:03 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Add condition to check if user exists to create userItems.

57604 14/11/2019 11:12 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[connect | Trunk]

Server.ts: add x-frames headers to sameorigin, but allow for specific domains

piwikHelper: add community pids

57548 08/11/2019 01:08 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Revert check if is Client. Added on UserInfo method.

57546 08/11/2019 12:04 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Add check if isClient to getUserInfo

57444 22/10/2019 03:14 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Add on server REQUEST and RESPONSE providers

57425 21/10/2019 03:02 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: customization.component.ts: Check if document is undefined and return in 'buildCss()' method.

57420 21/10/2019 12:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect| Trunk]

customization options: update css for lattest deposit changes (OR - svg)

57391 16/10/2019 01:01 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Properties: add property "dashboard"
use it in navbar

57332 09/10/2019 05:54 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


append css only once - use html id
request the API for saved layout options
default options using the constructor of CustomizationOptions class
use string concat methods to create the build the css

57328 09/10/2019 03:18 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. app.module.ts: Do not import here CKEditorModule.
2. env-properties.json: Property 'vocabulariesAPI': Use dev url.

57275 07/10/2019 09:00 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect | Trunk]

Customization: updates according to admin UI

57202 30/09/2019 01:43 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: Use HttpInterceptorService (http-interceptor.service.ts) for not repeating in client requests of server.

57192 30/09/2019 11:34 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Add userInfoUrl property

57096 20/09/2019 12:31 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Fix communities search when user is not logged in

57085 16/09/2019 11:35 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: community.component & results.component: Merge methods for research results (since they are now merged in one common service & component).

57083 16/09/2019 11:33 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: app.component.ts: [Bug fix] Check if user is not undefined or null.

57069 13/09/2019 11:25 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect: User Component reset to session is logged in.

57061 13/09/2019 09:47 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Change user login check with user management service.

57046 12/09/2019 11:41 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


-update deploy script
-move /CustomizationOptions.ts in library and change paths

57028 11/09/2019 11:49 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. advancedSearchDatasets & advancedSearchOrps & advancedSearchPublications & advancedSearchSoftware: Use common advanced search page for research results (advancedSearchResearchResults).
2. searchDatasets & searchOrps & searchPublications & searchSoftware: Use common simple search page for research results (searchResearchResults).

56974 05/09/2019 03:12 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Customization css/ Linking : don't override css for uk-modal - the default background is white

56972 05/09/2019 11:26 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: beta-properties.json & env-properties.json: Add property "searchLinkToSoftwareLanding".

56970 05/09/2019 10:56 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: Merging branch "mergeResultLandingPages" into Trunk 56933:56969

56967 05/09/2019 10:19 AM Konstantina Galouni

[mergeResultLandingPages | Connect]: Merging Trunk into branch 56934:56966

56960 04/09/2019 11:33 AM Konstantina Galouni

[mergeResultLandingPages | Connect]: Move "resultLanding" files inside "landingPages/result" folder - import paths changed.

56951 03/09/2019 12:56 PM Konstantina Galouni

[mergeResultLandingPages | Connect]: For landing pages of type result (publication, dataset, software, orp) use "ResultLandingComponent" and "ResultLandingModule".

56941 30/08/2019 04:53 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


update deploy script

56934 30/08/2019 11:50 AM Konstantina Galouni

[mergeResultLandingPages: Connect]: Set svn externals to the library branch 'mergeResultLandingPages'.

56933 30/08/2019 11:46 AM Konstantina Galouni

Creating a branch 'mergeResultLandingPages' for merging landing pages of publications, datasets, software and other research products by using same components and services.

56930 30/08/2019 10:10 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Replace banner background with gradient color.

56926 29/08/2019 04:02 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect Add new assets for Connect.

56924 29/08/2019 12:47 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Add on communities page condition for error Message.

56921 29/08/2019 11:48 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Add propery afterLoginRedirectLink

56920 29/08/2019 11:44 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


community page: css changes, also applied in configuration

share in zenodo: make variable private to correct build error

beta properties; update last index date

56918 28/08/2019 02:54 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect|Trunk]: Merge from Login: Login Experience functionality has been added.

56915 28/08/2019 12:24 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect|Login]: Merge from trunk

56914 28/08/2019 12:08 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Fix bug: Menu of Connect is showed up before community's menu.

56907 27/08/2019 02:30 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect|Login]: Finish My Communities page

56895 26/08/2019 02:37 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect|Login]: Create my-communities page.

56894 26/08/2019 02:21 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect|Trunk]: Curators, Affiliation and Invite componenents: On short View, title must not be changed.

56888 26/08/2019 09:37 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Creating branch for login experience.

56846 05/08/2019 12:31 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Search Communities search if there are ri communities show type filter.

56841 02/08/2019 04:56 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: Fix and add when missing: schema2jsonld, canonincal url, meta tags, piwik call.

56835 02/08/2019 12:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect: Curators Page remove space from top.

56833 02/08/2019 10:20 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Community page: Add select of material. Align View More and View All on center. Communities Page: Remove height match from card body and make browse all and view all text-small.

56825 01/08/2019 01:53 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Remove unused properties.

56822 31/07/2019 04:46 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


add production properties
update script for production

add productions site ids for the communities
create a method to get piwik id based on community and environment

56817 31/07/2019 12:42 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: Add properties 'depositLearnHowPage' and 'depositSearchPage' and use properties for urls.

56814 30/07/2019 05:25 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect]: Communities Page: When communities is empty list stop loading.

56812 30/07/2019 04:06 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect: Community Card - Add directLink on Visit too.

56811 30/07/2019 03:29 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect: Add new functionality dont show message again on modal.

56809 30/07/2019 03:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

Connect: Add new functionality dont show message again on modal.

56806 30/07/2019 10:59 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Communities Service get communities: changed to null as initial value -> add extra check for components using it

Customizations: change the default colors for communities

56804 29/07/2019 05:07 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Trunk|Connect]: Communities: Fix uk-height match to have row: false.