


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
34498 13/02/2015 11:00 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

error message fixed : url parameters added

34473 12/02/2015 12:23 PM Eri Katsari

updates in chart urls ; patch for datasources with no pubs ; fix for datasources with invalid chars in name

34472 12/02/2015 11:57 AM Eri Katsari

added fct & fet nums

34264 04/02/2015 11:21 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change loading picture in search, add /openaire/claims in rooter.php for administrator page of claims, fixed blue print page of article

34263 04/02/2015 10:27 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

beta css changes in yoo_solar and openaire component after release 1.1.0

34238 03/02/2015 03:22 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Tagging 1.1.0 release - january review release

34080 23/01/2015 05:48 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

remove unnecessary </div>, remove titles from claiming procedure

34067 23/01/2015 11:09 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

lang file additions for dataset page

34065 23/01/2015 11:04 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

in browsePublcations and browseDatasets: add in datasource query 'or resultcollectedfromdatasourceid exact '

34052 22/01/2015 02:12 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Link to publication from dataset, changes in parsing claims to support new type of claims, fixed bug for ordering claims in my deposition

33962 16/01/2015 04:50 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

latest css synchronized with beta

33956 16/01/2015 03:26 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

resolving some bugs: claiminline/2 correct redirect url after login, error message

33942 16/01/2015 10:34 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Cite this Dataset: more formats added

33937 15/01/2015 06:17 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Cite this article: more formats added, claims claiminline: reload parent window when closing modal box and sourceType as parameter of claiminline url

33931 15/01/2015 01:44 PM Eri Katsari

updated country stats plugin with correct query for num of publications

33925 15/01/2015 10:45 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

inferred subjects: slide in/out to show or hide them

33898 14/01/2015 04:15 PM Eri Katsari

updated numbers plugin for new backend

33868 13/01/2015 03:54 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

latest template for openaire - synchronised with beta

33817 12/01/2015 11:26 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

CLAIMS: solve bug - Popup window for claiminline2 close after 5 seconds, parameterize claiminline2 to seperate publications and dataset, remove selected publications from cart, clear selected objects when open a popup, remove link to publication button from publications page

33708 22/12/2014 01:41 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Article: add view more authors when authors are more than 30, datasets: tooltip for funded projects/ related datasets and publications in tables, article and dataset : change facebook link for share, claiminline: csschanges- buttons on the right

33358 12/12/2014 11:51 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

claim.php: parsing crossref books and conference journals, article: fix showing communities, claim2: show selected contexts, /en-GB.com_openaire.ini add no_claimed_concepts/datasets/projects/publications

33347 11/12/2014 04:30 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

finalizing claims (delete functionality, date request), claims1 uncomment concept

33343 11/12/2014 02:05 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

connector and thrift php with enhanced Claim object that contains objectid. This is to better support claim deletion.

33314 10/12/2014 03:57 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Parsing in claims: show claims with different identifierType attribute or without identifierType, bug fixes and layout changes in article view

33175 04/12/2014 11:17 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

widget with urls for articles - it was somehow overriden from the old version

33160 03/12/2014 03:24 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

site/helpers/openairehelper.php-> change JURI::base() to JURI::current() to keep the language in oct-release

33159 03/12/2014 03:18 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

site/helpers/openairehelper.php-> change JURI::base() to JURI::current() to keep the language

33134 02/12/2014 04:15 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Article (similar publications and related data in tables, message for inferred, tooltip in projects funded by, citations-references add show all in top too)

33122 01/12/2014 05:31 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

new layout - copy from production

32875 19/11/2014 11:53 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

searchDOI in croosref: fixed parsing for book, add parsing method for conference

32851 18/11/2014 12:01 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Latest changes for claim - session cleaning and orcid claim refinement

32405 11/11/2014 09:30 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

Closing #962 for dataset

32394 10/11/2014 04:40 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Closing #962 - publication -> access mode is set from bestlicense

32333 07/11/2014 05:20 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

com_openaire/site/views/claiminline/view.html.php: fix bug-save multiple claims for projects that have left in session-empty session properly , com_openaire/site/models/claim.php : changes for claim administrator page

32332 07/11/2014 05:15 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

article.js: comment function for stats tab, article/tmpl/default.php: layout changes-, /claim4/tmpl/default.php uncomment tabs- use zebra table -message for empty tabs, com_openaire/site/views/claiminline/view.html.php: fix bug-save multiple claims for projects that have left in session-empty session properly

32224 05/11/2014 03:14 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

merging r31944:32223 from october-release branch to trunk

32223 05/11/2014 03:04 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

fix comment problem in section_context in article/tmpl/default.php

32217 05/11/2014 12:42 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

uncomment piwik in claim4/view.html.php

32216 05/11/2014 12:34 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change my deposition title to CLAIMED_PUBLICATIONS_DATASETS , comment piwik in claim4/view.html.php

32150 04/11/2014 11:31 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

uncomment piwik in claim4

32148 04/11/2014 10:47 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change embargo date format

32081 03/11/2014 03:48 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change proceed button class name to button-primary in claims, use the acronym instead of project title in my depositions page

32069 03/11/2014 12:14 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change form method from get to post, in order to work without SEF

32067 03/11/2014 11:10 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

changes for warning message in claims, embargo date smaller width

32065 03/11/2014 11:04 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

claim1 error message added

32061 31/10/2014 06:15 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Claims: start over button- remove selected project/publications, css changes in buttons, disable funder field when return to step 1, set the right access mode in step3, show a calendar to choose embargo date

32033 31/10/2014 12:36 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Refined look and feel for claim4 view

31970 30/10/2014 02:55 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

article now visible, tabs in claim4 commented out

31953 30/10/2014 11:48 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

Version with beta features commented out

31944 30/10/2014 10:47 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

Creating a branch for the october release

31943 30/10/2014 10:44 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

claims view

31942 30/10/2014 10:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change forms' action in claim 2 & 3

31761 27/10/2014 06:21 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

submit in claim3 and piwik in claim4

31624 21/10/2014 09:58 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

similar publication -> sort on similarity not on trust

31429 17/10/2014 04:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

declare file modal.php in templateDetails so that joomla can see it

31281 13/10/2014 12:09 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


31274 10/10/2014 06:50 PM yannis.stratoulis
31273 10/10/2014 06:25 PM yannis.stratoulis

claim problem

31245 09/10/2014 01:57 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

fixed issue #704

31209 08/10/2014 03:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

altMetrics for a publication and remove '-' from identifiers

31202 08/10/2014 01:08 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

new parsing for the authors, using the \'hasAuthor\' value instead of \'author\'

31152 06/10/2014 03:44 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

latest images and css from beta

31118 06/10/2014 01:55 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

update with latest css from beta

30943 30/09/2014 12:30 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Closing #784 - filtering now works for projects

30919 29/09/2014 10:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

changes after merging with yannis files, changes in article view:subjects in trust order - citations - related data splitted in sections - similar publications in trust order

30889 26/09/2014 11:37 AM yannis.stratoulis
30888 26/09/2014 11:10 AM yannis.stratoulis

added modal file. needed for the popups to have the themes style.

30864 25/09/2014 01:40 PM yannis.stratoulis

language file changes

30449 17/09/2014 11:06 AM Sandro La Bruzzo

created tag folder for release

30062 09/09/2014 12:24 PM Antonis Lempesis

merged commit 30060 from dnet11

29935 02/09/2014 02:12 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

added note for Zenodo when the institution cannot be found in our db. Fixing part of #745

29213 17/07/2014 12:43 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

updating widget with publication url

28821 02/07/2014 03:22 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Closing #668

28818 02/07/2014 03:00 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

Closing #623