


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
60986 12/05/2021 09:18 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Search page:
fix for undefined properties
add page prefix as an input() attribute (for connect)

60985 11/05/2021 11:26 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. invite.component.ts: [Bug fix] Set meta (canonical url, url, title, description) only when "longView == true" (when we are on invite page, not just calling invite component).
2. browse-community.component.ts: Added method "_formatDescription()" which calls method "StringUtils.HTMLToString()" and then it cuts description up to a threshold (max chars)....

60984 11/05/2021 11:14 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]:
1. newSearchPage.component.ts: [Bug fix] Initialize properties (Envproperties) in field definition, not in ngOnInit method (when parent called a method that needs property, may had not been initialized).
2. portal-search-result.component.html: Removed tooltip from description....

60983 10/05/2021 08:10 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. community.module.ts: Imported "SafeHtmlPipeModule".
2. community.component.html: Show description of community as html using safeHtml pipe and without read more/less button.

60982 10/05/2021 07:56 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]: class-help-content-form.component.html & page-help-content-form.component.html & subscriber-invite.component.ts: Updated config --> removeButtons for <ckeditor> (show less buttons).

60981 10/05/2021 07:51 PM Konstantina Galouni

[new-UI | Admin]:
1. edit-community.module.ts: Imported "CKEditorModule".
2. edit-community.component.ts: Replaced input of description with ckeditor.

60980 07/05/2021 03:03 PM Konstantina Galouni

[new-UI | Admin]: remove-projects.component.html: [Bug fix] Added a space before the opening parenthesis "(" when there is a name and an acronym for a project.

60977 07/05/2021 01:43 PM Konstantina Galouni

[new-UI | Admin]:
1. remove-projects.component.html: [Bug fix] When there is no openaireId or no (grantId and funder), show name of project without a link.
2. remove-content-providers.component.ts & remove-projects.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method for filtering by keyword, match all fields with search text....

60976 28/04/2021 05:54 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Library | Trunk]
Search pages:
updating canonical url with filters
update title with filter values

60975 28/04/2021 05:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


setting time out to 3s

60974 28/04/2021 05:03 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix some errors on server from numbers component

60973 28/04/2021 04:42 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Print timeout error request on error interceptor

60970 26/04/2021 11:42 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


Checks for PIDs:
- Landing page, ORCID page: add looser rule for pids (if not valid set it is a doi)
- String utils: Identifier.isValidDOI add generic rule doi starting with "10."

60969 23/04/2021 06:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add subscriber invite module from library

60968 23/04/2021 06:25 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix server errors. Input add validators for chips. Subscriber-invite: Change To field to chips, add short view

60966 23/04/2021 02:48 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Portal link important color

60965 23/04/2021 10:47 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


css: portal button exclude uk-disabled

60964 23/04/2021 10:43 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


customization css: portal-button colors exclude uk-disabled
add piwik ids for new communities
add GSC verification code

60963 22/04/2021 08:22 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix some variables missing on css

60962 22/04/2021 08:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Move global variables to library

60961 22/04/2021 08:17 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Dashbpard | Theme]: Move global variables to library

60954 22/04/2021 10:41 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Input component fix condition on filter

60953 22/04/2021 09:55 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Input component if it is checkbox set false value on null

60952 21/04/2021 05:32 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | NewUI]: Fix logout property

60951 21/04/2021 05:31 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | NewUI]: Fix login property

60950 21/04/2021 05:30 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | NewUI]: Delete unneeded files. Remove connect-files from svn library

60949 21/04/2021 05:28 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Add equals object function and change input chip label condition with it

60946 21/04/2021 02:54 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | NewUI]: Add smooth scroll fro safari

60945 21/04/2021 02:52 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll

60944 21/04/2021 02:36 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Aggregator | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll

60943 21/04/2021 02:28 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Explore | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll

60942 21/04/2021 02:22 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll for safari

60941 21/04/2021 02:11 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | NewUI]: Add script for mining installation

60940 21/04/2021 01:13 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Explore]:
1. app.component.ts: [Bug fix] Update url for "Manage helptexts" button (use adminPortalURL property).
2. environment.beta.ts & & environment.test.ts & environment.ts: Add property "adminPortalURL".

60939 21/04/2021 01:09 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]: resultLanding.component.html & result-preview.component.html: [Bug fix] Remove check "&& properties.environment != 'production')" when "properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'community'".

60938 21/04/2021 01:07 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]: app.component.ts: [Bug fix] Update url for button "Manage helptexts" in Connect Portal.

60936 21/04/2021 11:15 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Subscriber invitations: Fix is manager method

60928 20/04/2021 05:41 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | New UI]: Fix tabs on manage communities to fit with new smooth scroll service

60927 20/04/2021 05:20 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll service

60926 20/04/2021 05:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Remove scroll to top from pages initiliazation

60925 20/04/2021 04:55 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]: orcid.service.ts: In method "saveWork()" added "dashboard" field that is sent and is built by properties.environment and properties.dashboard (to know from which portal comes the claim).

60922 20/04/2021 12:38 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Fix label on indicator sizes

60917 19/04/2021 06:30 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Remove height from uk-logo in navbar

60916 19/04/2021 06:28 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


- display claims:
rename property title to pageTitle > avoid confusion with HTML tooltip
add tooltip for claim status
Search research results service - add check for year in most recent results
- Bottom component: update newsletter url...

60915 19/04/2021 06:25 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Remove a reference from about

60914 19/04/2021 06:13 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | Trunk]: Fix production properties

60913 19/04/2021 06:09 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Connect | Trunk]: Check properties for production

60909 18/04/2021 02:03 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Aggragator | Trunk]: Home remove numbers variables

60908 18/04/2021 02:03 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Aggragator | Trunk]: Add numbers on home page

60907 18/04/2021 02:01 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers: Fix dataset link

60906 18/04/2021 01:57 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers: Add refine value on init

60905 18/04/2021 01:42 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Numbers add external link to explore

60904 18/04/2021 01:41 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix get query params if are emptry

60903 18/04/2021 01:36 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Explore | Trunk]: Fix boolean variables for entities

60902 18/04/2021 01:35 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers add external link choice for links

60897 16/04/2021 08:38 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers: Add init function. Create numberSize interface

60896 16/04/2021 08:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Explore | Trunk]: Add numbers component to home page

60895 16/04/2021 08:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers: Add init function. Create numberSize interface

60894 16/04/2021 06:24 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Admin tool | Branch new-UI]

-updates on Customization component

60893 16/04/2021 06:23 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Library | Trunk]

- add reset icon
- Input.css: hide arrows from input number
- Update css rules slider z-index

60892 16/04/2021 06:20 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

[Connect | Trunk]

- Update affiliations layout
- Use customization class to create the css
- Create preview/ demo component
- Clean up piwik helper file
- updates on customization css

60891 16/04/2021 05:08 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Navbar fix padding of logo on left position

60890 16/04/2021 03:19 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Change team member photo

60889 16/04/2021 03:18 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Change team member photo

60888 16/04/2021 03:14 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers loading min height

60887 16/04/2021 03:14 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Finish development base on new mocks

60886 16/04/2021 03:00 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Numbers alignment fixed

60885 16/04/2021 01:45 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix html condition error on change detections

60884 16/04/2021 01:07 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix scroll to top on route change

60883 16/04/2021 11:59 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


- Result landing: allow get result from input instead of the service.
- FetchResearchResults class: getResultsForCommunity add check for current year when sorting on date
- Customization checkForObsoleteVersion: add extra check

60881 16/04/2021 11:20 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | New-UI]: Criteria add error on save

60880 16/04/2021 11:20 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin | New-UI]: Criteria add loading on save and remove redirection on successfull save

60879 16/04/2021 11:14 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Connect]:
1. app-routing.module.ts: Added paths "orcid" and "my-orcid-links".
2. app.component.ts: Added "My ORCID links" in usermenu.
3. environment.beta.ts & && environment.ts: Added property "myOrcidLinksPage".
4. Added folder "orcid" and files for ORCID Search & Link functionality.

60878 16/04/2021 11:03 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: References remove a wrong section. Fix margins

60877 16/04/2021 11:01 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki


- Add meta tags in index.html - to properly be updated from each page
- update jsonld urls
- add json ld where missing
- update descriptions

60876 16/04/2021 10:38 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Explore]:
1. app-routing.module.ts: Commented "recommended-orcid-links" route, since it not used.
2. environment.beta.ts & & environment.test.ts & environment.ts: Added property "myOrcidLinksPage".

60875 16/04/2021 10:31 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]:
1. myOrcidLinks.component.ts:
a. Remove comments from file.
b. Update and move on top of the page, message about green icons and when the data will be synchronized with ORCID.
c. Align "Discover research results related to you" on the right side of title....

60872 15/04/2021 08:52 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Add meta data information to new pages

60871 15/04/2021 08:29 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Add padding on explore button

60870 15/04/2021 08:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Remove explore id

60869 15/04/2021 08:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Add explore and cases section in home page

60868 15/04/2021 08:26 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Entities selection add enable all parameter

60867 15/04/2021 04:42 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Create numbers component

60866 15/04/2021 04:39 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Create Team and References pages. Change about architecture images

60865 15/04/2021 04:39 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Assets]: Add flip card css

60859 13/04/2021 04:37 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


- My orcid links: add piwik module
- comment consoles in Result landing

60858 13/04/2021 04:25 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Fix pids bug with content id

60857 13/04/2021 03:32 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Library]:
1. claimsAdmin.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added "uk-margin-small-top" in grid | [Bug fix] Added "uk-container-large" class (when !isConnect) together with "uk-container".
2. myOrcidLinks.component.ts: Added piwik tracking when it is enabled (in Explore, there is no input "piwikSiteId" and piwikService resolves it from properties).

60856 13/04/2021 03:29 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Explore]: app.component.ts: Updated url for "Manage helptexts" user menu item (Admin on BETA is updated and a new url was needed).

60854 13/04/2021 02:52 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


SEO: use canonical url for jsonld in result/organization landing

60853 13/04/2021 02:34 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Add css class to break all words

60852 13/04/2021 02:33 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: PIDs add title, fix truncate on 2 lines. Remove input properties

60848 13/04/2021 12:39 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Counts | Trunk]: Add smooth-scroll

60847 13/04/2021 12:21 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Graph | Trunk]: Add smooth scroll

60846 13/04/2021 12:20 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Remove ngDestroy from smooth-scroll

60845 12/04/2021 11:56 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: 1. Add smooth js for safari/ie/edge 2. Inject new smooth scroll service on app component. 3. remove configuration about scrolling at navigation start

60844 12/04/2021 11:55 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Create smooth scroll service

60842 12/04/2021 05:38 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki


SEO - robots filter: check for empty values

60841 12/04/2021 05:35 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: NavBar fix current route on html

60840 12/04/2021 05:33 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Library | Trunk]: Set active menu add condition for fragment