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{"id": "id0", "title": "Video Quality Prediction Models Based on Video Content Dynamics for H.264 Video over UMTS Networks", "abstract": "The aim of this paper is to present video quality prediction models for objective non-intrusive, prediction of H.264 encoded video for all content types combining parameters both in the physical and application layer over Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) networks. In order to characterize the Quality of Service (QoS) level, a learning model based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and a second model based on non-linear regression analysis is proposed to predict the video quality in terms of the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The objective of the paper is two-fold. First, to find the impact of QoS parameters on end-to-end video quality for H.264 encoded video. Second, to develop learning models based on ANFIS and nonlinear regression analysis to predict video quality over UMTS networks by considering the impact of radio link loss models. The loss models considered are 2-state Markov models. Both the models are trained with a combination of physical and application layer parameters and validated with unseen dataset. Preliminary results show that good prediction accuracy was obtained from both the models. The work should help in the development of a reference-free video prediction model and QoS control methods for video over UMTS networks.", "language": null, "keywords": null, "externalIdentifiers": {"hindawi-id": "608138", "doi": "10.1155\/2010\/608138"}, "journal": "International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting", "year": 2010, "publisher": "Hindawi Publishing Corporation", "references": [{"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["3GPP, TS"], "pages": null, "source": "Third Generation Partnership Project: Technical Specification Group Access network; Radio Link Control,\u201D RLC Specification (Release 5).", "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "322", "url": null}, "position": 1, "text": "[1] 3GPP TS 25.322, \u201CThird Generation Partnership Project: Technical Specification Group Access network; Radio Link Control,\u201D RLC Specification (Release 5)."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CMethods for subjective determination of transmission quality", "authors": ["Rec, ITU-T.", "P"], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": "800", "year": "1996", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 2, "text": "[2] ITU-T. Rec P.800, \u201CMethods for subjective determination of transmission quality,\u201D 1996."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Video quality experts group, \u201CMultimedia group test plan", "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "December 2005", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "8", "url": null}, "position": 3, "text": "[3] Video quality experts group, \u201CMultimedia group test plan,\u201D Draft version 1.8, December 2005, http:\/\/\/."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Video quality assessment based on structural distortion measurement", "authors": ["Wang, Z.", "Lu, L.", "Bovik, A. C."], "pages": {"start": "121", "end": "132"}, "source": "Signal Process- ing: Image Communication", "volume": "19", "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 4, "text": "[4] Z. Wang, L. Lu, and A. C. Bovik, \u201CVideo quality assessment based on structural distortion measurement,\u201D Signal Process- ing: Image Communication, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 121\u2013132, 2004."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 5, "text": "[5] http:\/\/\/video\/index.htm."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 6, "text": "[6] http:\/\/\/."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Ries, M.", "Rupp, M."], "pages": {"start": "41", "end": "50"}, "source": "Journal of Communications", "volume": "3", "year": "2008", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "1", "url": null}, "position": 7, "text": "[7] M. Ries, O. Nemethova, and M. Rupp, \u201CVideo quality estimation for mobile H.264\/AVC video streaming,\u201D Journal of Communications, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 41\u201350, 2008."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CA theoretical framework for end-to-end video quality prediction of MPEG-based sequences,\u201D", "authors": ["Koumaras, H.", "Kourtis, A.", "Lin, H.", "Shieh, C.-K."], "pages": null, "source": "in Proceedings of the 3rd Interna- tional Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS \u201907)", "volume": null, "year": "June 2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 8, "text": "[8] H. Koumaras, A. Kourtis, C.-H. Lin, and C.-K. Shieh, \u201CA theoretical framework for end-to-end video quality prediction of MPEG-based sequences,\u201D in Proceedings of the 3rd Interna- tional Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS \u201907), June 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Objective quality evaluation model for videophone services", "authors": ["Yamagishi, K.", "Tominaga, T.", "Hayashi, T.", "Takahashi, A."], "pages": null, "source": "NTT Technical Review", "volume": "5", "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "6", "url": null}, "position": 9, "text": "[9] K. Yamagishi, T. Tominaga, T. Hayashi, and A. Takahashi, \u201CObjective quality evaluation model for videophone services,\u201D NTT Technical Review, vol. 5, no. 6, 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CA \u201CGAP-model\u201D based framework for online VVoIP QoE measurement", "authors": ["Calyam, P.", "Ekici, E.", "Lee, C.-G.", "Haffner, M.", "Howes, N."], "pages": {"start": "446", "end": "456"}, "source": "Journal of Communications and Networks", "volume": "9", "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "4", "url": null}, "position": 10, "text": "[10] P. Calyam, E. Ekici, C.-G. Lee, M. Haffner, and N. Howes, \u201CA \u201CGAP-model\u201D based framework for online VVoIP QoE measurement,\u201D Journal of Communications and Networks, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 446\u2013456, 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Temporal aspect of perceived quality in mobile video broadcasting", "authors": ["Huynh-Thu, Q.", "Ghanbari, M."], "pages": {"start": "641", "end": "651"}, "source": "IEEE Trans- actions on Broadcasting", "volume": "54", "year": "2008", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "3", "url": null}, "position": 11, "text": "[11] Q. Huynh-Thu and M. Ghanbari, \u201CTemporal aspect of perceived quality in mobile video broadcasting,\u201D IEEE Trans- actions on Broadcasting, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 641\u2013651, 2008."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CContent-based video quality prediction for MPEG4 video streaming over wireless networks", "authors": ["Khan, A.", "Ifeachor, E."], "pages": {"start": "228", "end": "239"}, "source": "Journal of Multimedia", "volume": "4", "year": "2009", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "4", "url": null}, "position": 12, "text": "[12] A. Khan, L. Sun, and E. Ifeachor, \u201CContent-based video quality prediction for MPEG4 video streaming over wireless networks,\u201D Journal of Multimedia, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 228\u2013239, 2009."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "The impact of link error modeling on the quality of streamed video in wireless networks,\u201D", "authors": ["Karner, W.", "Rupp, M."], "pages": {"start": "694", "end": "698"}, "source": "in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS \u201906)", "volume": null, "year": "September 2006", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 13, "text": "[13] W. Karner, O. Nemethova, and M. Rupp, \u201CThe impact of link error modeling on the quality of streamed video in wireless networks,\u201D in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS \u201906), pp. 694\u2013698, Valencia, Spain, September 2006."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Error control tech- niques for efficient multicast streaming in UMTS networks: proposals and performance evaluation", "authors": ["Rossi, M.", "Zorzi, M."], "pages": null, "source": "\u201D Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics", "volume": "2", "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "3", "url": null}, "position": 14, "text": "[14] M. Rossi, L. Scaranari, and M. Zorzi, \u201CError control tech- niques for efficient multicast streaming in UMTS networks: proposals and performance evaluation,\u201D Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, vol. 2, no. 3, 2004."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "UMTS Parameterization for Real-Time Flows", "authors": ["Peteghem, H.", "De Vleeschouwer, C."], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "August 2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 15, "text": "[15] H. Peteghem, L. Schumacher, and C. De Vleeschouwer, UMTS Parameterization for Real-Time Flows, Qshine, Vancouver, Canada, August 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Evaluation of UMTS RLC parameters for MPEG4 video streaming,\u201D", "authors": ["Panchaem, A.", "Kamolpiwong, S.", "Unhawiwat, M.", "Sae- wong, S."], "pages": null, "source": "ECTI Transactions on Computer and Infor- mation Technology", "volume": "3", "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "1", "url": null}, "position": 16, "text": "[16] A. Panchaem, S. Kamolpiwong, M. Unhawiwat, and S. Sae- wong, \u201CEvaluation of UMTS RLC parameters for MPEG4 video streaming,\u201D ECTI Transactions on Computer and Infor- mation Technology, vol. 3, no. 1, 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Impact of the video slice size on the visual quality for H.264 over 3G UMTS services,\u201D", "authors": ["Fajardo, J. O.", "Liberal, F.", "Bilbao, N."], "pages": null, "source": "in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, (BROAD- NETS \u201909)", "volume": null, "year": "September 2009", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 17, "text": "[17] J. O. Fajardo, F. Liberal, and N. Bilbao, \u201CImpact of the video slice size on the visual quality for H.264 over 3G UMTS services,\u201D in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, (BROAD- NETS \u201909), Madrid, Spain, September 2009."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Perfor- mance evaluation of MPEG-4 video streaming over UMTS networks using an integrated tool environment,\u201D", "authors": ["Lo, A.", "Heijenk, G. J.", "Niemegeers, I. G. M. M."], "pages": {"start": "676", "end": "682"}, "source": "in Proceed- ings of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS \u201905)", "volume": null, "year": "July 2005", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 18, "text": "[18] A. Lo, G. J. Heijenk, and I. G. M. M. Niemegeers, \u201CPerfor- mance evaluation of MPEG-4 video streaming over UMTS networks using an integrated tool environment,\u201D in Proceed- ings of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS \u201905), pp. 676\u2013682, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, July 2005."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Performance of video tele- phony services in UMTS using live measurements and net- work emulation,\u201D", "authors": ["Malkowski, M.", "ClaBen, D."], "pages": {"start": "19", "end": "32"}, "source": "Wireless Personal Communications", "volume": "46", "year": "2008", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "1", "url": null}, "position": 19, "text": "[19] M. Malkowski and D. ClaBen, \u201CPerformance of video tele- phony services in UMTS using live measurements and net- work emulation,\u201D Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 19\u201332, 2008."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Capacity of a burst-noise channel,\u201D", "authors": ["Gilbert, E. N."], "pages": {"start": "1253", "end": "1265"}, "source": "Bell Systems Technical Journal", "volume": "39", "year": "1960", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 20, "text": "[20] E. N. Gilbert, \u201CCapacity of a burst-noise channel,\u201D Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 39, pp. 1253\u20131265, 1960."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Automatic equalization for digital communica- tion", "authors": ["Lucky, R. W."], "pages": {"start": "547", "end": "588"}, "source": "Bell Systems Technical Journal", "volume": "44", "year": "1965", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "4", "url": null}, "position": 21, "text": "[21] R. W. Lucky, \u201CAutomatic equalization for digital communica- tion,\u201D Bell Systems Technical Journal, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 547\u2013 588, 1965."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": null, "pages": {"start": "0222", "end": "0222"}, "source": null, "volume": "60", "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 22, "text": "[22] ITU-T Rec. M.60, 3008; ITU-T Rec.Q.9, 0222."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Link error analysis and modeling for video streaming cross-layer design in mobile communication networks", "authors": ["Karner, W.", "Nemethova, O.", "Svoboda, P.", "Rupp, M."], "pages": {"start": "569", "end": "595"}, "source": "ETRI Journal", "volume": "29", "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "5", "url": null}, "position": 23, "text": "[23] W. Karner, O. Nemethova, P. Svoboda, and M. Rupp, \u201CLink error analysis and modeling for video streaming cross-layer design in mobile communication networks,\u201D ETRI Journal, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 569\u2013595, 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Perspectives on the impact of error statistics on protocols for wireless networks", "authors": ["Zorzi, M.", "Rao, R. R."], "pages": {"start": "32", "end": "40"}, "source": "IEEE Personal Communications", "volume": "6", "year": "1999", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "5", "url": null}, "position": 24, "text": "[24] M. Zorzi and R. R. Rao, \u201CPerspectives on the impact of error statistics on protocols for wireless networks,\u201D IEEE Personal Communications, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 32\u201340, 1999."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "ANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system", "authors": ["Jang, J.-S. R."], "pages": {"start": "665", "end": "685"}, "source": "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", "volume": "23", "year": "1993", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "3", "url": null}, "position": 25, "text": "[25] J.-S. R. Jang, \u201CANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system,\u201D IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 665\u2013685, 1993."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["\u201C, JM H."], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 26, "text": "[26] \u201CJM H.264 Software,\u201D http:\/\/\/suehring\/tml\/."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 27, "text": "[27] \u201COPNET for research,\u201D http:\/\/\/."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 28, "text": "[28] \u201CRaw video sequences,\u201D http:\/\/\/yuv\/index. html."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CEvalVid\u2014a framework for video transmission and quality evaluation,\u201D", "authors": ["Klaue, J.", "Rathke, B.", "Wolisz, A."], "pages": {"start": "255", "end": "272"}, "source": "in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation", "volume": "2794", "year": "2003", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 29, "text": "[29] J. Klaue, B. Rathke, and A. Wolisz, \u201CEvalVid\u2014a framework for video transmission and quality evaluation,\u201D in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, vol. 2794, pp. 255\u2013 272, Urbana, Ill, USA, 2003."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Snedecor, G. W.", "Cochran, W. G.", "Methods, Statistical"], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "1989", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 30, "text": "[30] G. W. Snedecor and W. G. Cochran, Statistical Methods, Iowa State University Press, Iowa, Iowa, USA, 8th edition, 1989."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Hochberg, Y.", "Tamhane, A. C."], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "1987", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 31, "text": "[31] Y. Hochberg and A. C. Tamhane, Multiple Comparison Proce- dures, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 1987."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Controlling mul- timedia QoS in the future home network using the PSQA metric", "authors": ["Rubino, G.", "Varela, M.", "Bonnin, J.-M."], "pages": {"start": "137", "end": "155"}, "source": "Computer Journal", "volume": "49", "year": "2006", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 32, "text": "[32] G. Rubino, M. Varela, and J.-M. Bonnin, \u201CControlling mul- timedia QoS in the future home network using the PSQA metric,\u201D Computer Journal, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 137\u2013155, 2006."}], "authors": [{"authorFullName": "Asiya Khan", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Lingfen Sun", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Emmanuel Ifeachor", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Jose-Oscar Fajardo", "affiliationPositions": [1]}, {"authorFullName": "Fidel Liberal", "affiliationPositions": [1]}, {"authorFullName": "Harilaos Koumaras", "affiliationPositions": [2]}], "affiliations": [{"organization": "Centre for Signal Processing and Multimedia Communication, School of Computing, University of Plymouth", "country": " UK", "rawText": "Centre for Signal Processing and Multimedia Communication, School of Computing, Communications and Electronics, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK"}, {"organization": "Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of the Basque Country (UPV\/EHU)", "country": " Spain", "rawText": "Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of the Basque Country (UPV\/EHU), 48013 Bilbao, Spain"}, {"organization": "Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications", "country": " 15310 Athens, Greece", "rawText": "Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos, 15310 Athens, Greece"}], "volume": "2010", "issue": null, "pages": null}
{"id": "id1", "title": "Robot Learning from Demonstration of Force-based Tasks with Multiple Solution Trajectories", "abstract": "\u2014 A learning framework with a bidirectional communication channel is proposed, where a human performs several demonstrations of a task using a haptic device (providing him\/her with force-torque feedback) while a robot captures these executions using only its force-based perceptive system. Our work departs from the usual approaches to learning by demonstration in that the robot has to execute the task blindly, relying only on force-torque perceptions, and, more essential, we address goal-driven manipulation tasks with multiple solution trajectories, whereas most works tackle tasks that can be learned by just finding a generalization at the trajectory level. To cope with these multiple-solution tasks, in our framework demonstrations are represented by means of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the robot reproduction of the task is performed using a modified version of Gaussian Mixture Regression that incorporates temporal information (GMRa) through the forward variable of the HMM. Also, we exploit the haptic device as a teaching and communication tool in a human-robot interaction context, as an alternative to kinesthetic-based teaching systems. Results show that the robot is able to learn a container-emptying task relying only on force-based perceptions and to achieve the goal from several non-trained initial conditions.", "language": null, "keywords": null, "externalIdentifiers": null, "journal": null, "year": null, "publisher": null, "references": [{"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Billard, A.", "Calinon, S.", "Dillmann, R.", "Schaal, S."], "pages": {"start": "1371", "end": "1394"}, "source": "Robot Programming by Demonstration", "volume": null, "year": "2008", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 1, "text": "[1] A. Billard, S. Calinon, R. Dillmann, and S. Schaal, Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008, ch. 59. Robot Programming by Demonstration, pp. 1371\u20131394."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CA survey of robot learning by demonstration", "authors": ["Argall, B.", "Chernova, S.", "Veloso, M.", "Browning, B."], "pages": {"start": "469", "end": "483"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2009", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "57", "url": null}, "position": 2, "text": "[2] B. Argall, S. Chernova, M. Veloso, and B. Browning, \u201CA survey of robot learning by demonstration,\u201D RAS, no. 57, pp. 469\u2013483, 2009."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "The Neuroscience of Social Inter- action", "authors": ["Schaal, S.", "Ijspeert, A.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "199", "end": "218"}, "source": "Learning by Imitation", "volume": null, "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "1431", "url": null}, "position": 3, "text": "[3] S. Schaal, A. Ijspeert, and A. Billard, The Neuroscience of Social Inter- action. Oxford University Press, 2004, no. 1431, ch. Computational Approaches to Motor Learning by Imitation, pp. 199\u2013218."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Lopes, M.", "Melo, F.", "Santos-Victor, J."], "pages": {"start": "313", "end": "355"}, "source": "Abstraction Levels for Robotic Imitation: Overview and computational approaches", "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 4, "text": "[4] M. Lopes, F. Melo, L. Montesano, and J. Santos-Victor, From Motor to Interaction Learning in Robots. Springer, 2010, ch. Abstraction Levels for Robotic Imitation: Overview and computational approaches, pp. 313\u2013355."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Learning tasks from observation", "authors": ["Bentivegna, D.", "Atkeson, C.", "Cheng, G."], "pages": {"start": "163", "end": "169"}, "source": "RAS", "volume": "47", "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 5, "text": "[5] D. Bentivegna, C. Atkeson, and G. Cheng, \u201CLearning tasks from observation and practice,\u201D RAS, vol. 47, no. 2-3, pp. 163\u2013169, 2004."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "From Motor to Interaction Learning in Robots", "authors": ["Grollman, D.", "Jenkins, O."], "pages": {"start": "407", "end": "430"}, "source": "Can We Learn Finite State Machine Robot Controllers from Interactive Demonstration?", "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 6, "text": "[6] D. Grollman and O. Jenkins, From Motor to Interaction Learning in Robots. Springer, 2010, ch. Can We Learn Finite State Machine Robot Controllers from Interactive Demonstration?, pp. 407\u2013430."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals", "authors": ["Calinon, S.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "153", "end": "177"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 7, "text": "[7] S. Calinon and A. Billard, Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals. Cambridge, 2007, ch. Learning of Gestures by Imitation in a Humanoid Robot, pp. 153\u2013177."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Robot learning by demonstration with local gaussian process regression,\u201D", "authors": ["Schneider, M.", "Ertel, W.", "in, IROS"], "pages": {"start": "255", "end": "260"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 8, "text": "[8] M. Schneider and W. Ertel, \u201CRobot learning by demonstration with local gaussian process regression,\u201D in IROS, 2010, pp. 255\u2013260."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Learning to walk through imitation,\u201D", "authors": ["Chalodhorn, R.", "Grimes, D.", "Grochow, K.", "Rao, R.", "in, IJCAI"], "pages": {"start": "2084", "end": "2090"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 9, "text": "[9] R. Chalodhorn, D. 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{"id": "id0", "title": "Video Quality Prediction Models Based on Video Content Dynamics for H.264 Video over UMTS Networks", "abstract": "The aim of this paper is to present video quality prediction models for objective non-intrusive, prediction of H.264 encoded video for all content types combining parameters both in the physical and application layer over Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS) networks. In order to characterize the Quality of Service (QoS) level, a learning model based on Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and a second model based on non-linear regression analysis is proposed to predict the video quality in terms of the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The objective of the paper is two-fold. First, to find the impact of QoS parameters on end-to-end video quality for H.264 encoded video. Second, to develop learning models based on ANFIS and nonlinear regression analysis to predict video quality over UMTS networks by considering the impact of radio link loss models. The loss models considered are 2-state Markov models. Both the models are trained with a combination of physical and application layer parameters and validated with unseen dataset. Preliminary results show that good prediction accuracy was obtained from both the models. The work should help in the development of a reference-free video prediction model and QoS control methods for video over UMTS networks.", "language": null, "keywords": null, "externalIdentifiers": {"hindawi-id": "608138", "doi": "10.1155\/2010\/608138"}, "journal": "International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting", "year": 2010, "publisher": "Hindawi Publishing Corporation", "references": [{"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["3GPP, TS"], "pages": null, "source": "Third Generation Partnership Project: Technical Specification Group Access network; Radio Link Control,\u201D RLC Specification (Release 5).", "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "322", "url": null}, "position": 1, "text": "[1] 3GPP TS 25.322, \u201CThird Generation Partnership Project: Technical Specification Group Access network; Radio Link Control,\u201D RLC Specification (Release 5)."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CMethods for subjective determination of transmission quality", "authors": ["Rec, ITU-T.", "P"], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": "800", "year": "1996", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 2, "text": "[2] ITU-T. Rec P.800, \u201CMethods for subjective determination of transmission quality,\u201D 1996."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Video quality experts group, \u201CMultimedia group test plan", "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "December 2005", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "8", "url": null}, "position": 3, "text": "[3] Video quality experts group, \u201CMultimedia group test plan,\u201D Draft version 1.8, December 2005, http:\/\/\/."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Video quality assessment based on structural distortion measurement", "authors": ["Wang, Z.", "Lu, L.", "Bovik, A. C."], "pages": {"start": "121", "end": "132"}, "source": "Signal Process- ing: Image Communication", "volume": "19", "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 4, "text": "[4] Z. Wang, L. Lu, and A. C. 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R."], "pages": {"start": "32", "end": "40"}, "source": "IEEE Personal Communications", "volume": "6", "year": "1999", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "5", "url": null}, "position": 24, "text": "[24] M. Zorzi and R. R. Rao, \u201CPerspectives on the impact of error statistics on protocols for wireless networks,\u201D IEEE Personal Communications, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 32\u201340, 1999."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "ANFIS: adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system", "authors": ["Jang, J.-S. R."], "pages": {"start": "665", "end": "685"}, "source": "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", "volume": "23", "year": "1993", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "3", "url": null}, "position": 25, "text": "[25] J.-S. R. 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Hochberg and A. C. Tamhane, Multiple Comparison Proce- dures, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, USA, 1987."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Controlling mul- timedia QoS in the future home network using the PSQA metric", "authors": ["Rubino, G.", "Varela, M.", "Bonnin, J.-M."], "pages": {"start": "137", "end": "155"}, "source": "Computer Journal", "volume": "49", "year": "2006", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 32, "text": "[32] G. Rubino, M. Varela, and J.-M. Bonnin, \u201CControlling mul- timedia QoS in the future home network using the PSQA metric,\u201D Computer Journal, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 137\u2013155, 2006."}], "authors": [{"authorFullName": "Asiya Khan", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Lingfen Sun", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Emmanuel Ifeachor", "affiliationPositions": [0]}, {"authorFullName": "Jose-Oscar Fajardo", "affiliationPositions": [1]}, {"authorFullName": "Fidel Liberal", "affiliationPositions": [1]}, {"authorFullName": "Harilaos Koumaras", "affiliationPositions": [2]}], "affiliations": [{"organization": "Centre for Signal Processing and Multimedia Communication, School of Computing, Communications and Electronics, University of Plymouth", "country": "UK", "rawText": "Centre for Signal Processing and Multimedia Communication, School of Computing, Communications and Electronics, University of Plymouth, Plymouth PL4 8AA, UK"}, {"organization": "Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of the Basque Country (UPV\/EHU)", "country": "Spain", "rawText": "Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, University of the Basque Country (UPV\/EHU), 48013 Bilbao, Spain"}, {"organization": "Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos", "country": "Greece", "rawText": "Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos, 15310 Athens, Greece"}], "volume": "2010", "issue": null, "pages": null}
{"id": "id1", "title": "Robot Learning from Demonstration of Force-based Tasks with Multiple Solution Trajectories", "abstract": "- A learning framework with a bidirectional communication channel is proposed, where a human performs several demonstrations of a task using a haptic device (providing him/her with force-torque feedback) while a robot captures these executions using only its force-based perceptive system. Our work departs from the usual approaches to learning by demonstration in that the robot has to execute the task blindly, relying only on force-torque perceptions, and, more essential, we address goal-driven manipulation tasks with multiple solution trajectories, whereas most works tackle tasks that can be learned by just finding a generalization at the trajectory level. To cope with these multiple-solution tasks, in our framework demonstrations are represented by means of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the robot reproduction of the task is performed using a modified version of Gaussian Mixture Regression that incorporates temporal information (GMRa) through the forward variable of the HMM. Also, we exploit the haptic device as a teaching and communication tool in a human-robot interaction context, as an alternative to kinesthetic-based teaching systems. Results show that the robot is able to learn a container-emptying task relying only on force-based perceptions and to achieve the goal from several non-trained initial conditions.", "language": null, "keywords": null, "externalIdentifiers": null, "journal": null, "year": null, "publisher": null, "references": [{"basicMetadata": {"title": null, "authors": ["Billard, A.", "Calinon, S.", "Dillmann, R.", "Schaal, S."], "pages": {"start": "1371", "end": "1394"}, "source": "Robot Programming by Demonstration", "volume": null, "year": "2008", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 1, "text": "[1] A. Billard, S. Calinon, R. Dillmann, and S. Schaal, Springer Handbook of Robotics, 2008, ch. 59. Robot Programming by Demonstration, pp. 1371\u20131394."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CA survey of robot learning by demonstration", "authors": ["Argall, B.", "Chernova, S.", "Veloso, M.", "Browning, B."], "pages": {"start": "469", "end": "483"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2009", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "57", "url": null}, "position": 2, "text": "[2] B. Argall, S. Chernova, M. Veloso, and B. Browning, \u201CA survey of robot learning by demonstration,\u201D RAS, no. 57, pp. 469\u2013483, 2009."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "The Neuroscience of Social Inter- action", "authors": ["Schaal, S.", "Ijspeert, A.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "199", "end": "218"}, "source": "Learning by Imitation", "volume": null, "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "1431", "url": null}, "position": 3, "text": "[3] S. Schaal, A. Ijspeert, and A. 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Abstraction Levels for Robotic Imitation: Overview and computational approaches, pp. 313\u2013355."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Learning tasks from observation", "authors": ["Bentivegna, D.", "Atkeson, C.", "Cheng, G."], "pages": {"start": "163", "end": "169"}, "source": "RAS", "volume": "47", "year": "2004", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 5, "text": "[5] D. Bentivegna, C. Atkeson, and G. Cheng, \u201CLearning tasks from observation and practice,\u201D RAS, vol. 47, no. 2-3, pp. 163\u2013169, 2004."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "From Motor to Interaction Learning in Robots", "authors": ["Grollman, D.", "Jenkins, O."], "pages": {"start": "407", "end": "430"}, "source": "Can We Learn Finite State Machine Robot Controllers from Interactive Demonstration?", "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 6, "text": "[6] D. Grollman and O. Jenkins, From Motor to Interaction Learning in Robots. Springer, 2010, ch. Can We Learn Finite State Machine Robot Controllers from Interactive Demonstration?, pp. 407\u2013430."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals", "authors": ["Calinon, S.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "153", "end": "177"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 7, "text": "[7] S. Calinon and A. Billard, Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals. Cambridge, 2007, ch. Learning of Gestures by Imitation in a Humanoid Robot, pp. 153\u2013177."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Robot learning by demonstration with local gaussian process regression,\u201D", "authors": ["Schneider, M.", "Ertel, W.", "in, IROS"], "pages": {"start": "255", "end": "260"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 8, "text": "[8] M. Schneider and W. Ertel, \u201CRobot learning by demonstration with local gaussian process regression,\u201D in IROS, 2010, pp. 255\u2013260."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Learning to walk through imitation,\u201D", "authors": ["Chalodhorn, R.", "Grimes, D.", "Grochow, K.", "Rao, R.", "in, IJCAI"], "pages": {"start": "2084", "end": "2090"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 9, "text": "[9] R. Chalodhorn, D. Grimes, K. Grochow, and R. Rao, \u201CLearning to walk through imitation,\u201D in IJCAI, 2007, pp. 2084\u20132090."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Humanoid robot learning and game playing using pc-based vision,\u201D", "authors": ["Bentivegna, D.", "Ude, A.", "Atkeson, C.", "Cheng, G.", "in, IROS"], "pages": {"start": "2449", "end": "2454"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2002", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 10, "text": "[10] D. Bentivegna, A. Ude, C. Atkeson, and G. Cheng, \u201CHumanoid robot learning and game playing using pc-based vision,\u201D in IROS, 2002, pp. 2449\u20132454."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Dogged learning for robots,\u201D", "authors": ["Grollman, D.", "Jenkins, O.", "in, ICRA"], "pages": {"start": "2483", "end": "2488"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 11, "text": "[11] D. Grollman and O. Jenkins, \u201CDogged learning for robots,\u201D in ICRA, 2007, pp. 2483\u20132488."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Intent imitation using wearable motion capturing system with on-line teaching of task attention", "authors": ["Inamura, T.", "Kojo, N.", "Sonoda, T.", "Sakamoto, K.", "Okada, K."], "pages": {"start": "469", "end": "474"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2005", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 12, "text": "[12] T. Inamura, N. Kojo, T. Sonoda, K. Sakamoto, and K. Okada, \u201CIntent imitation using wearable motion capturing system with on-line teaching of task attention,\u201D in Humanoids, 2005, pp. 469\u2013474."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Incremental learning of gestures by imitation in a humanoid robot", "authors": ["Calinon, S.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "255", "end": "262"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 13, "text": "[13] S. Calinon and A. Billard, \u201CIncremental learning of gestures by imitation in a humanoid robot,\u201D in Humanoids, 2007, pp. 255\u2013262."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Teaching physical collaborative tasks: Object-lifting case study with a humanoid", "authors": ["Evrard, P.", "Gribovskaya, E.", "Calinon, S.", "Billard, A.", "Khedda, A."], "pages": {"start": "399", "end": "404"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2009", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 14, "text": "[14] P. Evrard, E. Gribovskaya, S. Calinon, A. Billard, and A. Khedda, \u201CTeaching physical collaborative tasks: Object-lifting case study with a humanoid,\u201D in Humanoids, 2009, pp. 399\u2013404."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Motion learning and adaptive impedance for robot control during physical interaction with humans", "authors": ["Gribovskaya, E.", "Kheddar, A.", "Billard, A."], "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2011", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 15, "text": "[15] E. Gribovskaya, A. Kheddar, and A. Billard, \u201CMotion learning and adaptive impedance for robot control during physical interaction with humans,\u201D in ICRA, 2011."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Imitation learning of positional and force skills demonstrated via kinesthetic teaching and haptic input", "authors": ["Kormushev, P.", "Calinon, S.", "Caldwell, D."], "pages": {"start": "581", "end": "603"}, "source": "Advanced Robotics", "volume": "25", "year": "2011", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "5", "url": null}, "position": 16, "text": "[16] P. Kormushev, S. Calinon, and D. Caldwell, \u201CImitation learning of positional and force skills demonstrated via kinesthetic teaching and haptic input,\u201D Advanced Robotics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 581\u2013603, 2011."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CLearning and reproduction of gestures by imitation", "authors": ["Calinon, S.", "Sauser, E.", "Caldwell, D.", "Billard, A."], "pages": {"start": "44", "end": "54"}, "source": "IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine", "volume": "17", "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": "2", "url": null}, "position": 17, "text": "[17] S. Calinon, F. D\u2019halluin, E. Sauser, D. Caldwell, and A. Billard, \u201CLearning and reproduction of gestures by imitation,\u201D IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 44\u201354, 2010."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Sharpening haptic inputs for teaching a manipulation skill to a robot", "authors": ["Rozo, L.", "Jime, P.", "Torras, C."], "pages": null, "source": "IEEE Intl. Conf. on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics", "volume": null, "year": "2010", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 18, "text": "[18] L. Rozo, P. Jime´nez, and C. Torras, \u201CSharpening haptic inputs for teaching a manipulation skill to a robot,\u201D in IEEE Intl. Conf. on Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2010."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Application of hidden markov model to acquisition of manipulation skills from haptic rendered virtual environment,\u201D Robotics", "authors": ["Dong, S.", "Naghdy, F."], "pages": {"start": "351", "end": "360"}, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": "2007", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 19, "text": "[19] S. Dong and F. Naghdy, \u201CApplication of hidden markov model to acquisition of manipulation skills from haptic rendered virtual environment,\u201D Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, pp. 351\u2013360, 2007."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "\u201CA tutorial on hidden markov models and selected appli- cations in speech recognition,\u201D", "authors": ["Rabiner, L."], "pages": {"start": "257", "end": "286"}, "source": "in Proceedings of the IEEE", "volume": null, "year": "1989", "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 20, "text": "[20] L. Rabiner, \u201CA tutorial on hidden markov models and selected appli- cations in speech recognition,\u201D in Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989, pp. 257\u2013286."}, {"basicMetadata": {"title": "Videos accompanying this paper", "authors": null, "pages": null, "source": null, "volume": null, "year": null, "edition": null, "publisher": null, "location": null, "series": null, "issue": null, "url": null}, "position": 21, "text": "[21] Videos accompanying this paper. Available in: http:\/\/\/people\/lrozo\/Publications\/ICAR11.html."}], "authors": [{"authorFullName": "Leonel Rozo", "affiliationPositions": null}, {"authorFullName": "Pablo Jime ́nez", "affiliationPositions": null}, {"authorFullName": "Carme Torras", "affiliationPositions": null}], "affiliations": null, "volume": null, "issue": null, "pages": null}
3 3
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