Search_for_more_than = Search for more than in = in from = from From = From for = for To=To countries = countries logoUrl = Welcome.action in_repositories = in {0} repositories from_countries = from {0} countries count = 2 message_1 =

Are you a repository manager?


Is your repository registered with DRIVER? If not, visit our dedicated site \ \ "Register your Repository" \ , \ where you may register your repository with a few clicks. \

message_2 =

Can we help your organization?


\ The DRIVER software ( \ \ D-NET v 1.0 \ \ ) may be used to set up similar portals to harvest and aggregate content from various sources, provide search, browsing and personalized services using customized user interfaces. \


\ Check out two example applications: the \ \ Belgium DRIVER portal \ \ and the Spanish publications portal \ \ Recolecta\ .\

footnote = true footnote_message =

\ Do you have questions or need further information? Please contact our \ \ helpdesk \ \ and we will be happy to assist you! \

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