#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # JPPF. # # Copyright (C) 2005-2010 JPPF Team. # # http://www.jppf.org # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # List of drivers this client may connect to. # # If auto discovery of the server is enabled, this needs not be specified. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# jppf.drivers = driver1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Host name, or ip address, of the host the JPPF driver is running on # # If auto discovery of the server is enabled, this needs not be specified. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# driver1.jppf.server.host = localhost #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # port number for the class server that performs remote class loading # # default value is 11111; uncomment to specify a different value # # If auto discovery of the server is enabled, this needs not be specified. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# driver1.class.server.port = 11111 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # port number the clients / applications connect to # # default value is 11112; uncomment to specify a different value # # If auto discovery of the server is enabled, this needs not be specified. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# driver1.app.server.port = 11112 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # JMX management port of the driver # # default value is 11198; uncomment to specify a different value # # If auto discovery of the server is enabled, this needs not be specified. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.management.port = 11098 #jppf.management.enabled = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Priority given to the driver # # The client is always connected to the available driver(s) with the highest # # priority. If multiple drivers have the same priority, they will be used as a # # pool and tasks will be evenly distributed among them. # # default value is 0; uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# driver1.priority = 10 driver1.jppf.pool.size = 10 #driver2.jppf.server.host = localhost #driver2.class.server.port = 11121 #driver2.app.server.port = 11122 #driver2.priority = 10 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Maximum time in milliseconds spent trying to initialize at least one # # connection, before releasing control to the main application thread. # # default value is 1000 (1 second); uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.client.max.init.time = 1000 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Automatic recovery: number of seconds before the first reconnection attempt. # # default value is 1; uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #reconnect.initial.delay = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Automatic recovery: time after which the system stops trying to reconnect, # # in seconds. A value of zero or less means the system nevers stops trying. # # default value is 60; uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# reconnect.max.time = -1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Automatic recovery: time between two connection attempts, in seconds. # # default value is 1; uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #reconnect.interval = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enable local execution of tasks? Default value is false # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.local.execution.enabled = true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Number of threads to use for loacal execution # # The default value is the number of CPUs available to the JVM # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.local.execution.threads = 4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enable/Disable automatic discovery of JPPF drivers. # # default value is true; uncomment to specify a different value # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# jppf.discovery.enabled = false #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UDP multicast group to which drivers broadcast their connection parameters # # and to which clients and nodes listen. Default value is # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.discovery.group = #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UDP multicast port to which drivers broadcast their connection parameters # # and to which clients and nodes listen. Default value is 11111 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #jppf.discovery.port = 11111