site.title = Validator Admin Panel site.slogan = Tools for validator administration general.unblock = Please make sure that you can accept mails from menu.home = Home menu.register = Join OpenAIRE menu.validate = Test Compatibility menu.account = My Account menu.about = Help menu.account.login = Sign In menu.account.registration.title = New User? menu.account.registration = Register Now! menu.account.logout = Logout menu.account.edit = My Account | = Send Feedback menu.about.faq = FAQ = Help Guides menu.admin = Admin Panel homepage.welcome = Welcome to Validator Administration Panel! instructions.welcome = How to Join OpenAIRE instructions.message =
  1. Do you wish your repository or journal to be a part of OpenAIRE?
  2. Register your repository in OpenDOAR (this step does not apply for journals)
    • OpenDOAR is an authoritative worldwide directory of academic open access repositories.

  3. Make your repository/journal OpenAIRE compliant by implementing the OpenAIRE Guidelines
    • If your repository/journal currently has no OpenAIRE records, you will need to create a test record as proof of correct implementation of the guidelines.
    • Create an openaire set and insert your OpenAIRE records in it.
    • If you used a test record, you will need to keep it until your repository/journal is successfully added as OpenAIRE compliant (step 5). Then you can safely delete it.
    • You can find an example of an OpenAIRE compliant record here.

  4. Test Compatibility
    • After you have made some progress in implementing the guidelines you should run a Compatibility test.
    • Enter the OAI-PMH base URL of your repository/journal and choose to test your repository against the OpenAIRE rule set. Aim for a score of 100, which will be sufficient to allow your repository to join OpenAIRE.
    • After running the test you can browse the results. Please note that the results are updated periodically, and the whole test might take some time to finish.

  5. Join OpenAIRE
    • Now your repository/journal is ready to Join OpenAIRE!
    • If you want to add a literature repository, click here and locate your repository. Add and correct any details in the form and click submit.
      If you want to add a data repository, click here and locate your repository. Add and correct any details in the form and click submit.
      If you want to add a journal, click here, fill in the form, and click submit.
      If you want to add an aggregator, click here, fill in the form, and click submit.
    • After a short compatibility test against the OpenAIRE rule set, your repository will be ready to join OpenAIRE.
    • An email will be sent to the repository administrator to confirm this request. Please make sure you have contacted them before registering.
    • If the compatibility test does not succeed, you will be unable to join OpenAIRE until you correct all the errors that are found. Then you must re-submit your request (step 5).

For more information check the FAQ and our detailed help guide.
If you need further assistance please contact us through the OpenAIRE Helpdesk.

The validator is a customizable tool that may be installed and operated in various aggregating environments.
Click here to contact us and receive more information.

homepage.admin.message = You have logged-in using an administrator email. For information on how to create new rules, new rule-sets, and for the various other functionalities, please refer to the Administrator Manual. homepage.message = You can view rules, rule-sets, job statistics and request changes to rules/rulesets. registration.title = User Registration = E-mail registration.password = Password registration.repassword = Re-enter password registration.successful = An activation e-mail has been sent to the e-mail address you specified. Please follow the link included in that e-mail to activate your account. registration.mail.subject = OpenAIRE Account Activation registration.mail.message = Please follow this link to activate your account registration.okAccountActivation = Account activation was successful! You can now log-in using your account details. registration.okAccountAlreadyActivation = Your account is already activated! You can log-in using your account details. registration.description = Register to use the OpenAIRE repository manager services registration.rememberme = Remember me registration.ldap.message = Your email address will be used for signing in the validator service.
For the rest of the OpenAIRE services available through the openAIRE portal you will have to sign in using your username. registration.username = Username registration.username_email = Username/Email registration.firstName = First Name registration.lastName = Last Name registration.institution = Institution info.title = Information login.title = User Login login.forgotpassword = Forgot your password? login.notActivated = Your account has not been activated. Please check your mailbox again and follow the instructions found in the activation email. login.incorrectCreds = The credentials you entered are incorrect login.userNotExists = The username you specified doesn't have an associated account. You should consider registering it first. login.description = If you have an account login.overview = This service uses the same sign-in mechanism as the OpenAIRE portal so you can use the same credentials. forgotPassword.title = Reset Password forgotPassword.message = An e-mail will be sent to this address. Please follow the instructions found inside to reset your password. forgotPassword.mail.Subject = OpenAIRE Reset Password Request forgotPassword.mail.Body1 = To complete your password reset please follow this link forgotPassword.mail.Body2 = Security Code resetPassword.securityCode = Security Code resetPassword.securityCode.message = Enter the security code sent to you through mail. resetPassword.wrongSecurityCode = Security Code is incorrect resetPassword.success = You have successfully changed your password corneeded.title = Errors Found corneeded.back = Please use the "back" button of your browser to correct these errors manageJobs.deleteJobs.title = Delete Jobs manageJobs.deleteJobs.success = jobs deleted successfully manageJobs.deleteJobs.deleteOld = Delete jobs manageJobs.deleteJobs.whatToDelete = What to delete manageJobs.sendReports.title = Send Registrations Report manageJobs.sendReports.selectDateFrom = Date from manageJobs.sendReports.selectDateTo = Date to manageJobs.sendReports.selectMonth = Select Month manageJobs.sendReports.selectYear = Select Year manageJobs.sendReports.success = Registrations Report sent successfully chooseRuleCategory.title = Choose Rule Category chooseRuleForEdit.title = Choose Rule chooseRuleForEdit.label = Choose Rule to Edit chooseRuleForEdit.label2 = Choose Rule to View chooseRuleForClone.label = Choose Rule to Clone addRule.title = Add Rule addRule.success = New rule has been added successfully addRule.uploadFile = Upload a File deleteRule.title = Delete Rule deleteRule.label = Choose Rule to Delete deleteRule.success = Rule has been deleted home.title = Homepage home.login = Sign In home.register = Register home.browseJobs = Browse Compatibility Test Results home.manageRules = Rules home.manageRules.addRule = Add New Rule home.manageRules.editRule = Edit Rule home.manageRules.cloneRule = Clone Rule home.manageRules.deleteRule = Delete Rule home.manageRules.viewRule = View Rule home.manageRulesets = RuleSets home.manageRulesets.createRuleSet = Create RuleSet home.manageRulesets.editRuleSet = Edit RuleSet home.manageRulesets.deleteRuleSet = Delete RuleSet home.manageRulesets.viewRuleSet = View RuleSet home.manageJobs = Jobs home.manageJobs.deleteJobs = Delete Jobs home.manageJobs.sendReport = Send Report home.manageJobs.viewStats = View Statistics home.manageUsers = Users home.manageUsers.addUser = Add User home.manageUsers.editUser = Edit User home.manageUsers.makeAdmin = Make Admin home.logout = Logout editRule.title = Edit Rule editRule.title2 = View Rule editRule.label = Choose Rule to Edit editRule.success = The rule was edited successfully editUser.title = Edit your account details editUser.fname = First Name editUser.lname = Last Name editUser.inst = Institution editUser.success = Your profile has been successfully updated createRuleSet.title = Create/Edit Rule Set createRuleSet.title2 = View Rule Set = Name createRuleSet.shortName = Short Name createRuleSet.visibility = Visibility createRuleSet.guidelinesAcronym = Guidelines Acronym createRuleSet.description = Description createRuleSet.rulesContent = Choose Content Rules createRuleSet.rulesUsage = Choose Usage Rules createRuleSet.success = The Set has been created successfully! createRuleSets.atLeastOneRule = You must select at least one rule to be added in this set chooseRuleSet.title = Choose Rule Set chooseRuleSet.label = Choose Rule Set deleteRuleSet.title = Delete Rule Set deleteRuleSet.success = Rule Set has been deleted successfully jobSummary.title = Test Summary jobSummary.successes = # Records jobSummary.errors = Success sidebar.toolbar = Toolbar sidebar.homepage = Homepage = Name ruleSetInfo.description = Description ruleSetInfo.jobType = Available in tests of type: ruleSetInfo.message = Here you can find information on the rules contained in the chosen rule set.


ruleSetInfo.title = Rule Set Information ruleSetInfo.DRIVER = The DRIVER rule set checks the compatibility of your repository with the DRIVER guidelines ruleSetInfo.openAIRE = The openAIRE rule set checks the compatibility of your repository with the openAIRE guidelines feedback.title = Send us your feedback feedback.message = Message feedback.reason = Reason feedback.loggedin = Please note that you must be logged-in to send a message using this form. feedback.success = Thank you for your message! help = Help help.addOaiContent.title = Adding an OAI-Content Validation help.addOaiContent.message = To add a new validation:
1. Select the base URL of the repository you want to validate. Please note that you need to have registered the repository first, and the administrator must have activated its registration.
2. Insert the number of records you want to validate.
3. Choose if you want the records to be selected randomly from those found in the repository, or in the order that the repository lists them.
4. If you want to validate only the records belonging to a particular set, insert the name of the set.
5. Either choose a predefined rule-set or manually choose the rules you want to apply.

You can view a rule set or an individual rule by using the toolbar on the left. For more information please refer to the User Manual, in the section OAI Content Validation. help.addOaiUsage.title = Adding an OAI-Usage Validation help.addOaiUsage.message = To add a new validation:
1. Select the base URL of the repository you want to validate. Please note that you need to have registered the repository first, and the administrator must have activated its registration.
2. Either choose a predefined rule-set or manually choose the rules you want to apply.

You can view a rule set or an individual rule by using the toolbar on the left. For more information please refer to the User Manual, in the section OAI Usage Validation. help.addRule.title = Adding a New Rule help.addRule.message = help.browseJobs.title = Browsing Validations help.browseJobs.message = Here you can browse all the past and current validations you have submitted. Please note that the results of an ongoing validation are not update in real-time, but only after the validation has finished its execution completely. To see a summary of the validation click on Show Summary. If you want more details about each task that was executed, you may click on Show Details though this is generally not neccessary. For more information please refer to the User Manual, in the section Browsing Validations. help.chooseJobCategory.title = Choosing a Validation Category help.chooseJobCategory.message = help.chooseRuleCategory.title = Choosing a Rule Category help.chooseRuleCategory.message = help.chooseRuleCategory.type.title = Rule Type help.chooseRuleCategory.type.message = help.chooseRuleForEdit.title = Choosing a Rule help.chooseRuleForEdit.message = help.chooseRuleSet.title = Choosing a Rule Set help.chooseRuleSet.message = help.chooseRuleSetForDeletion.title = Choosing a Rule Set help.chooseRuleSetForDeletion.message = help.createRuleSet.title = Viewing a Rule Set help.createRuleSet.message = You can view the name of the Rule Set, as well as the rules that it contains (the ones with a blue background). help.deleteRule.title = Deleting a Rule help.deleteRule.message = help.editRule.title = Viewing a Rule help.editRule.message = When you view a rule you will be presented with many fields describing its functionality. For general purposes, the fields you must focus on are name and description. If you would like to find out what the rest of the fields mean, you must refer to the administrator manual. help.jobDetails.title = Viewing the Details of a Validation help.jobDetails.message = Here you can review details about each task of a validation. Each row refers to a certain task and you can see on which rule was used, which record it was applied on and if it was successful or not. Please note that retrieving the details of a validation can be a time-consuming process for large validations, and viewing a validation summary is generally sufficient. For more information please refer to the User Manual, in the section Viewing Validation Details. help.jobSummary.title = Viewing the Summary of a Validation help.jobSummary.message = Here you can review a summary of the validation results. Each row refers to a certain validation rule and you can see how many of the records were successfully validated. For the records that did not validate successfully, links are provided to their oai-dc metadata representation. For more information please refer to the User Manual, in the section Viewing a Validation Summary. help.login.title = Logging in help.login.message = help.registration.title = Registering help.registration.message = help.repoRegistration.title = Registering a Repository help.repoRegistration.message = Before you can start a validation, you have to register the repository you want to validate (unless it is already registered by someone else). To do this, you must fill in it\''s base URL. Automatically an e-mail will be send to the repository\''s administrator containing an activation link. As soon as the administrator activates the registration, you will be able to start validations for this repository. help.resetPassword.title = Reseting your Password help.resetPassword.message = help.generic =

For help adding your repository/journal in OpenAIRE, please follow these instructions

For more advanced uses, you can find detailed information and step-by-step guides in the User Manual


The validator is a customizable tool that may be installed and operated in various aggregating environments.
Click here to contact us and receive more information.

help.newvalidation =

Select repository/journal

Select from the list, or enter the base OAI URL of the repository/journal. The repository''s/journal''s published sets are exposed in a later stage and you may select one for the compatibility tests.

Select guidelines

You may apply two types of compatibility tests on your repository: You may select from a predifined set of rules (OpenAIRE for Literature Repositories, OpenAIRE for Data Archives) or customize them according to your needs.

Select parameters

You may define an upper limit on the # of records tested. This is highly recommended for first time users, or when re-checking after the implementation of automated changes.

Select one of the repository''s/journal''s exposed sets.

You may also group your results by a specific field. This is quite useful when validating an aggregator and you know in advance which is the field that distinguished among data sources.

For further assistance please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk.

help.browsevalidations =
Instructions manual

TYPE: Content or Usage
STATUS: Working / Stopped / Finished
SCORE: click here to find more
SUBMITTED: time of submission
DURATION: time test took to finish
REPOSITORY: tested repository/journal
GUIDELINES: guidelines used for testing
REPORTS: comprehensive summary of the compatibility test results

For further assistance please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk.

Instructions manual

For further assistance please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk.

help.registerRepo =

Use the form on the right to add your repository or journal in OpenAIRE. If you want to find more information about this process click here.

The official repository/journal administrator (his/her email address being retrieved from the OAI-PMH verb Identify) will be contacted and informed about registration request. So please make sure that you are either this person or have access to the email address, or that you have notified them.
For any problems or questions please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk. help.chooseRepoForEdit =

You have access to edit one of the following repositories/journals listed on the right.

For any problems or questions please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk.

help.editRepoDnet =

Use the form on the right to update the repository/journal information.

For any problems or questions please contact the OpenAIRE helpdesk.

For more information read our detailed help guide.
footer.text = © 2010 - 2015 OpenAIRE