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Revision 56947

[mergeResultLandingPage | Library]:
1. alert.ts: Add input field 'classBody' to add class in modal (e.g. for width).
2. project.component & resultLanding.component: Call <metrics> only when the accordion in clicked.
3. resultLanding.component:
a. Bug fix: variable was used as string
b. Bioentities preprocessing not only for publications
c. metrics valid only when actually clicked
d. modal for other versions (deleted by inference) added in html only if there are other versions & use 'classBody' to set its width.

View differences:

5 5
  template: `
6 6
    <div [class]="(!isOpen)?'uk-modal ':'uk-modal uk-open'" uk-modal [open]="!isOpen" id="myModal"
7 7
         tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel">
      <div class="uk-modal-dialog  uk-modal-body uk-animation-slide-bottom-small  uk-text-left" role="">
      <div [class]="'uk-modal-dialog  uk-modal-body uk-animation-slide-bottom-small  uk-text-left '+classBody" role="">
9 9
        <div class="uk-modal-title" [hidden]=!alertHeader>
10 10
          <button class="uk-modal-close-default uk-float-right" (click)='cancel()' uk-close></button>
11 11
          <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">{{alertTitle}}</h4>
52 52
 * API to an open alert window.
53 53
54 54
export class AlertModal {
  @Input() classBody: string ="";
55 56
56 57
   * Caption for the title.
57 58

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