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Revision 58497

[Trunk | Library]:
1. entitiesAutoComplete.component.ts: [Bug fix] Add missing encoding in autocomplete term (problem when query uses cache).
2. newSearchPage.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Add missing keyword encoding for simple search form (problem when query uses cache).
b. [Bug fix] In advanced search, when "all fields" (field id="q") is added more than once in form, add both values (params "+=" and not "=" in "getSearchAPIQueryForAdvancedSearhField()" method).
3. searchAll.component.ts: Decode keyword parameter from url (to show it properly in search form).
4. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Add missing encoding in search term, used by datacite, crossref and orcid search services (problem when query uses cache).
b. In methods of crossref service pass properties, instead of url - url will be built in service.
5. searchCrossref.service.ts:
a. In all methods, pass properties, instead of url.
b. Use cache when available.
6. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix]: Return "accessMode.json" vocabulary when: entity == "result" (case added in if statement).

View differences:

680 680
            } else {
681 681
              params += this.createQuotedKeywordQuery(this.selectedFields[i].value, this.selectedFields[i].id, this.selectedFields[i].operatorId,countParams,true);
682 682
            params = NewSearchPageComponent.createKeywordQuery(this.entityType,this.selectedFields[i].value, this.selectedFields[i].id, this.selectedFields[i].operatorId, countParams);
            params += NewSearchPageComponent.createKeywordQuery(this.entityType,this.selectedFields[i].value, this.selectedFields[i].id, this.selectedFields[i].operatorId, countParams);
684 684
            //TODO deposit case
685 685
            // console.log(this.usedBy)
686 686
            // console.log(this.keywordFields)
797 797
798 798
  private static getNoQuotedQueryPart(fieldId:string, value:string,  isSearchAll:boolean){
799 799
      return  value ;
      return StringUtils.URIEncode(value);
801 801
802 802
      return fieldId+"="+ StringUtils.URIEncode(value);
803 803

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