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Revision 58688

[Trunk | Monitor]:
1. contact.component.ts & monitor.component.ts: "properties" as first parameter in methods of helper.service.ts.
2. home.component.ts & learn-how.component.ts & learn-in-depth.component.ts: "properties" as first parameter in methods of helper.service.ts | in methods of helper.service.ts check communityId "monitor".
3. searchFunders.component.ts: "Filter" entity has changed - replace field: "valueIsUnique: false" with "filterType: "checkbox".
4. invite.component.ts:
a. "properties" as first parameter in methods of helper.service.ts
b. create request path in service email.service.ts
5. subscribe.component.ts: Do not reveal users' (subscribers') emails:
a. Use new methods "isSubscribedToCommunity()", "subscribeToCommunity", "unSubscribeToCommunity" without email parameter (subscribe.service).
b. Use new method "notifyForNewManagers()" when more appropriate than "sendEmail()".

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