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Revision 58788

[Trunk | Library]: project.component:
1. Add fields 'firstTab' (to add 'uk-active' in active tab on start), '_numberOfTabs' (to count existing tabs - checks for showing tabs/ small tabs), 'tabsAreInitialized'.
2. Selects have first option selected by default.
3. Add methods 'public get hasPrimaryInfo(): boolean', 'public get hasSecondaryInfo(): boolean', 'public get numberOfTabs(): number' for checking when and how to show tabs.
4. Do not use 'square-button' button.
5. Use svg version for linking icon | Rename 'Research results' to 'Research outcomes'.
6. Add checks for tabs (when and how to show them) | Loading until tabs are initialized | In small screens use <small-tabs>.
7. Update 'Powered by OpenAIRE graph' and 'Last update date' to be the same as in resultLanding.component.
8. Update margins and paddings.

  • added
  • modified
  • copied
  • renamed
  • deleted