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Revision 58807

[Trunk | Library]:
1. tabs.component.ts: If tabs are more than 2, add class (in all html) 'uk-visible@m' - <small-tabs> will be displayed instead.
2. small-tabs.component.ts: Show small tabs if they are more than 2 and add class 'uk-hidden@m'.
3. resultLanding.component & project.component & organization.component & dataProvider.component:
a. Show tabs without waiting for initialization - do not calculate number of tabs.
b. Show summary tab always - if no primary or secondary information, show alert message.
c. Remove checks and 'uk-visible@m', 'uk-hidden@m' from calling <my-tabs> and <my-small-tabs> - chekcs are now inside components.
d. Add 'uk-active' in first tab (no need to calculate which tab is first).
e. resultLanding.component & project.component & dataProvider.component:
Summary tab always visible - if no primary or secondary information, show alert message.
f. organizations.component: projects tab always visible.
g. resultLanding.component & project.component: Add margins in linking button.
4. organization.component:
a. [Bug fix] Execute search queries only once for each tab.
b. [Bug fix] In datasets and other tab, show appropriate view (not projects tab).
c. [Bug fix] On initialization, get projects results (not just count).

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