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Revision 60682

[new-UI | Admin]:
1. add-zenodo-communities.component.html:
a. For "add" and "remove" buttons column in row, replaced "uk-width-auto" with "uk-width-auto@m uk-width-1-1".
b. Added in DOM both "add" and "remove" buttons to get the same width, but hide (add hide-element class) one of them.
c. Added small vertical padding for "add" and "remove" buttons.
d. Replaced <i class="clickable uk-text-success" uk-icon="plus"> with <icon name="add"> (and a parent div for "uk-text-success").
e. Added ratio="0.7" for <icon name="remove_circle_outline">.
2. add-zenodo-communities.component.ts & manage-zenodo-communities.component.ts:
a. Added "handleError()" method to show danger notification when add or remove fails.
b. Replace word "deleted" with "removed" in success notification.
3. manage-zenodo-communities.component.html: Added ratio="0.7" for <icon name="remove_circle_outline">.
4. zenodo-communities.component.ts: Replaced title for browser tab: "'Administration Dashboard | Zenodo Communities'" --> "this.communityId.toUpperCase() + ' | Zenodo Communities'".

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