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Revision 60686

[new-UI | Admin]:
1. add-projects.component.html:
a. Fixes in paddings.
b. [Bug fix] Check if allOptions.length > 0 (instead of funders).
c. In dashboard-input autocomplete (funders filter), added parameter [showOptionsOnEmpty]="false" (do not show funders list, until something is written).
d. [Bug fix] Use <no-load-paging> for bottom paging.
2. add-projects.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fix funders filter - returned as selected an Options value, not funder name.
3. communityProjects.module.ts: Removed "info" icon.
4. manage-projects.component.ts:
a. Info icon used directly by uikit, not <icon> component.
b. [Bug fix] Renamed "community" property to "communityId" and initialized it.
5. remove-projects.component.html & manage-zenodo-communities.component.html:
a. Moved "Add new" button on top of search-input and added to this button "uk-flex-last@m" class (on small screens, button will be on top).
b. Fixes in margins and paddings and in width of "Remove" button.
6. add-zenodo-communities.component.html: Removed "uk-margin-small-top" class from "Remove" button.

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