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Revision 60703

[new-UI | Admin]:
1. remove-projects.component.ts:
a. Renamed "communityUrl" to "projectUrl".
b. Added properties.searchLinkToProject in "projectUrl", so as it is not set by hand in html.
2. remove-projects.component.html:
a. Name of search button is (by default) "Search" and placeholder "Search Projects".
b. Do not append "/search/project" to projectUrl (old communityUrl).
3. manage-projects.component.ts: Set ratio of info icon to 1.3.
4. add-projects.component.ts: "communityUrl" always set to "explore" portal, not community specific.
5. add-projects.component.html: Name of search button is (by default) "Search" and placeholder "Search Projects".
6. community-info-routing.module.ts:
a. Added "content-providers" path url.
b. For "content-providers/:provider" path url, load CriteriaModule from "../content-providers" folder and not "../community/content-providers".

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