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Revision 61321

[Branch angular-11 | Library]:
1. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added field "fundedContent" and updated "aggregationStatus: {"fulltexts": string};".
2. searchResearchResults.service.ts: Added method "countCollectedResultsWithFundingInfo()" to get number of research outcomes related to any project and collected from specific datasoure.
3. dataProvider.service.ts: Updated methods "getDataproviderAggregationStatus()" and "parseDataproviderAggregationStatus()" to parse "fulltexts" (new GET API call used).
4. dataProvider.component.ts: Added method "countResultsWithFundingInfo()" and updated method "hasAggregationStatusInfo()".
5. dataProvider.component.html: Deleted info "Latest data aggregation" and show "dataProviderInfo.fundedContent" instead of "dataProviderInfo.aggregationStatus.fundedContent".

  • added
  • modified
  • copied
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  • deleted