changed settings for FCT rest api
Test for DOI pattern
Let's use a test date in the future to ensure the test does what is expected
DOIResolver plugin now supports multiple csv files in the input folder (baseURL) and incremental
Plugin that collects records from DOI resolvers based on a given list of DOIs
refactored methods working with json so they can be reused by other plugins
Rest-Collector plugin: additional log.debug statements
changed test for readexcel plugin
Test DataciteESIterator's decompression method
added main classes to verify the content collected from Kaggle and Reactome
added new test for Elsevier
Added default empty dataset document serialization for endpoints where no dataset can be retrieved
Added harvesting plugin. Supports sitemapindex files and api listing calls to retrieve endpoints list
changed the number of expected repositories
Changes in the Rest_Json CollectorPlugin with enhancements for the new OpenDOAR API at JISC under
added new test
use HttpConnector to download XML instead of VTDGen parse URL method
modified test
fix for package name (HTTPWithFileName -> httpfilename and fixed issue on iterator for HTTPWithFileNameCollectorIterable
disabled test
small refactor
added @Ignore on the HTTPWithFileName test referring external resource
testing for HTTPCOllectorWithFileNamePlugin
use commons-lang3
Ignore remote test
fixed 'next' method of the iterator class and added new field entityPath
implemented missing method collect in RestCollectorPlugin; added test class; removed RestIteratorFactory class
declaring bean for RestCollectorPlugin
collector plugin for rest apis
Ignore test that makes external calls
Moved HttpConnector in common package
Ignore test class that relies on external calls
Using HttpConnector in re3data plugin
Updated re3data baseurl
Added tara Pangaea projects in test, which is now ignored as it connects to the remote Pangaea API
integrated latest changes from dnet40
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system