fixed test
refactored Action
Map only job that produces [openaireId, doi] pairs of records containing invalid characters
added parameter to filter only organization in DOIBoostToAction
fixed problem of missing name in authors
merged beta branch to master
using updated mapping-utils module, added unit test to check the merge procedure for context and country updates
added code for propagation of countries from institutional organization
master branch for deployments @ICM
changes to consider modification in code to align to trunck version
broker event serialization test for ProjectEventFactory
integrating bulktag from trunk to beta branch
fixed name of TDS profile used by test method
removed warning
added invisible setup
fixed null element
Created CrossrefImportMapper
add CrossRefToAction
fixed mapping from scholix to openaire model
implemented mapper writing
added Mapper for tranform scholexplorer links into actionsets
javadoc and test
improved behaviour EventWrapperTest
Partial implementation of a unit test
Fixed the generation of eventIds
Workaround for CLARIN mining issue: #3670#note-29
Back to BETA versions
now we should be fine with tests for release
Test for claimed relationship
expand author identifiers
discover the invalid character from the exception details
more tests for Software and Orp entities
Testing EGI as ri and using fam as example of community
Test for collected external references
Including Open SOurce among the licenses
Testing Open Source access rights for software
All date fields are actually added as Date field on mongo, hopefully
force gson to serialise dates in a format that can be undrestood by ElasticSearch, updated elasticsearch-hadoop-mr lib to version 5.2.0
Fixed date parsing in OAI
#3110 Support incremental harvesting: setting dateOfTransformation as datestamp whenever available
one more mapping test
fixing mapping for license vs accessright #3128, cleanup
getting rid of person entities
upgraded solr version to 6.6.0
more tests
temporairly ignoring some tests
some java8 refactorings, added more tests for the software entities mapping
integrated latest changes from dnet40
implemented use of opt in/out rules for entity fields (#2557).depending on specific solrj version (thus excluding cdh6.X versions)
just to let the test compile
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system