


# Date Author Comment
55095 26/03/2019 05:58 PM Miriam Baglioni

moved transformation for oaf and dr elements out of result element

53365 02/10/2018 11:33 AM Alessia Bardi

Need to set resourceTypeGeneral to clinicalTrial as this is where the IIS can distinguish clinical trial records from "normal dataset"

53118 13/09/2018 06:13 PM Claudio Atzori

fixes #3886

52778 20/07/2018 06:03 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed opentrials mapping: cobjecategory and accessrights

52316 04/06/2018 10:56 AM Alessia Bardi

TDS profiles re-organised in subfolders

49667 24/10/2017 05:30 PM Alessia Bardi

Clinical trial with capital starting letter

48816 08/08/2017 10:57 AM Alessia Bardi

Applied changes from the beta profile: creators and orgs.

48175 29/06/2017 06:15 PM Claudio Atzori

integrated latest changes from dnet40

45279 10/01/2017 06:30 PM Claudio Atzori

codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system