#2384#note-82 : EGI context updated with new param 'miningLabel'
update openaireId
removed projects not belonging to mes community and modified datasourceprovider in accord with #3365#note-71
set claim=true for community projects
update context with subject and updated projects grant agreements
changed the funder element value by using the fundershortname
added 'software' term in dnet:result_typologies vocabulary
removed the content provider example from the context
subjects divided by commas
added new general information to the profile
update of the context using integers as id for project, contentprovider and subcommunity
updating the community profile in accordance with (#2908#note-8)
updated instruct context name
added default community properties
updated broker enrichment job configurations to support direct indexing of events
added empty category for community content providers
Fixed community profiles
added communities instruct-eric and elixir
imported corrected version of puma transformation rule
removed invalid values present in XML
#3392: added funder param in community profiles
more precise definition of the xpath used by the pid fields
added back relfundinglevel[0,1,2]_name fields
mark field oafentity as tokenizable='false' in order to exclude it from the copy fields
Oh my dear old claim management: you still need old job nodes.
added vocabulary to describe the broker topics
git iis#846 caching solution for software reference extraction web crawling phase
Fixed subcommunitiy id
Udated version of cache builder
Fixes #2870#note-15: renamed to EGI Federation
added protocol term rest_json2xml
updating IIS cache builder profile by removing obsolete properties which are currently defined in config-default.xml file on IIS cluster
RDA context profile #3060
Updated encoding of isRelatedTo rel with "resultResult_relationship_isRelatedTo"
optional SCAN
optional FILTERS
integrated exportSummaryRecordsJob profile from dnet40
Fixed typo "suggestedAcknowledg[e]ment" reported by Marek in #593
context for fisheries extended with information for projects
updated broker related job configuration profile
Clinical trial with capital starting letter
updated country PHL
added workflows and extended mappings for the intersection use case
added clustering by doi
removing duplicated concepts with wrong ids
getting rid of person entities
avoid issues with url encoding
Fixed wrong closing tag in FET FP7 profile
Fixed FET FP7 profile by merging missing concepts from the back-up 28th August 2018.
fixing mapping for license vs accessright #3128
updated fields: removed person entities, added resultauthor, resultauthorprefix
added index.solr.compress.result parameter
updated mapping for datasets
update nlm transformation script with date-type "pub" and publication-format "electronic"
fixed concept identifiers for et-fp7::proactive::968 subtrees
marine_community context
fixes #2561: egi projects have CD_PROJECT_NUMBER and the values do not start with 'RI-'
Added property 'mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum' trying to not to kill Solr while indexing
Updated description of the job
Applied changes from the beta profile: creators and orgs.
update of core-rioxx transformation script
added community for EX post grant OpenAIRE pilot
exclude the dataset entities from the OAF MDstores
#2870: the label must be EGI Foundation.
updated IIS main job configuration profile with the settings from production
updated IIS preprocessing job configuration profile with the settings from production
Updated EGI projects
Support Tara projects and not only FP7
Updated EGI VO statements: #2384#note-31
regexp to exclude claimed records with wrong objIdentifiers #2973 (thanks Jochen)
added subcommunity
removed duplicated code
added transformation for book
changed community id
changed communities id
Skip records with wrong identifiers
TDS rule for publications claimed via OpenAIRE
Transformation for publications claimed via Orcid
Tranformation rule for publications claimed via Crossref
Removed unused transformation
Fixed transformation rule
Transformation for datasets claimed via OpenAIRE
Updated transformation for datasets claimed via Datacite
added projects numbers for ECRE8
integrated latest changes from dnet40
resultorganization_2_hbase.xsl migrated from dnet40
added affiliation pseudo ontology
added job conf for the broker project events
added affiliation relationships
added param reports_external_path
added fields resultidentifier and resultsource as requested in #2937
added projects for ECRE8