ApiDescriptor imported from new package
Removed MessageType from Message
implematation of dhp messages with a MVC controller
updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows
Fixed counter handling and more logs
fixed compilation
Add country to funders
Fixes #4993#note-8 : patch the "good" hosted by node and ignore the one inside resource, if any.
mereged transformation Job spark
merged with branch dnet-hadoop
Fixes #3191#note-20: incremental transformation
Encode baseUrl like in "normal" MDBuilder
MERGE dnet-openaireplus-workflows dnet-hadoop 56022:56364 into trunk
change param set to standard void
text from wf GUI comes with \\n instead of \n, so we clean the text before posting
add claims in batch instead of all together at the end
Updates for Selection Criteria implementation
reintegrated branch solr75 -r53774:HEAD
Re-implemented POST VRE following instructions at https://wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/Social_Networking_Service#Write_application_post
fixed property injection
debugging wget on api cache evict
Cache evict for direct index api called on the endpoint specified by the new property dnet.openaire.index.api.cacheEvictUrl
added utilities to load the ontology profiles and pass them to the M/R jobs
Considering types for software and orp
Fails if relInfo.length != 3
new consistency nodes
ovveride an sql query
Workflow to test invalid repo profiles
fixed a bug with openaire Ids
Fixed progressProvider
Added logs
reimplemented method to refresh store sizes
added a condition to reduce the number of updates
Consistency of sizes (mdstores,objectstores,repo profiles and db)
node for bulktagging
addDataInfo instead of set
added WF for tranform scholexplorer links into actionsets
write on dsm_organizations
updated property name
To support incremental update of projects in the database, useful functionality of IncrementalTransformationJobNode has been extracted to a superclass. Wf template for entity registries has been updated accordingly. Wf templates for other types of ds that were already in incremental mode have been updated for the new param name inherited from the superclass.
moved directIndex API in a new module
Added wf parameter for dashboard visibility
added missing class
Use misc-utils escaper: the one in velocity is too old and does not cover all XML entities!
upgraded version of jdbc driver for postgres, this includes a lot of changes, Because we have to add @transactional annotation in some properties to avoid connection closed exception
merged branch dsm into trunk
#3392: added funder param to FET-H2020 projects
Adding an almost geenric approach to obtain funder prefixes and ids. For names, however, we are still hard-coding them
Again, fixes name of FCT for direct indexing
Fixed FCT name
stream claims from the jdbcTemplate instead of load them in memory
fix bug for fet-h2020 context
Added method to get an id of the submitted result
Log json payload of the request upon exception
Fixed toString() and comments
trivial fixes
use single quote instead of double quote
integrated (hopefully) all required changes from dnet40
Fixed implementation for keeping track of progress
fixed parameter order
Node for writing context updates on hbase and refactoring
ApplyClaims with progress provider
Let's not fail for a non well-formed claim: we go on and keep track of it.
Updated toString
Fixed order of arguments
Fixed semantics and added test
Fixed ApplyClaimRels job param and mapping datasets and pubs to results
Using database service classes to avoid exception 'Method org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.isValid(int) is not yet implemented.'. We are locked to an old jdbc driver (for hibernate?)
Getters and setters
nodes and workflows for the new claims
Classes and configuration for writing claimed relationships into HBASE
Claims metadata are collected from the file system, not from the database.
updated the direct index api
removed an invalid migration of the apis
migrated to dnet45
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system