commented new field contactfullname in table projects. To remove the comment when new db version in beta
context for Academy of Finland funder
transformation for Academy of Finland funder
transformation for sgov funder
trasformation for sgov context generation
more accurate mapping for contactfullname
small changes
avoid to produce empty xml records when a 'canceled' project is found, it breaks the workflow. Fixed also the organization identifier costruction and the separator character used to parse column 'project number'
normalise spaces when extract project contact info
project contact person moved in project's description
fixed mapping
getting rid of person entities #2893
changed to match the change in the db
change for upgrade in the db
implements #2385#note-66: FWF projects whose status is canceled must be skipped.
changed the name and description funding stream level 1
fix bug in date format
trtansformation for conicyt context
transformation for conicyt funder
fixed nsPrefix length
Context for Tubitak funder
Transformation for Tubitak funder
Properly handle dates with xslt 2
SFI OA mandates starts from 2009 (#1506#change-23022)
Fixed WT rule for OA mandate and project aliases
WT projects have OA mandate if they started after 2015.
set the datasource prefix
integrated (hopefully) all required changes from dnet40
OpenAIRE mdbuilder basically does nothing if the record has already an oaf:entity (for claim of records already in OpenAIRE)
Do not generate a new objIdentifier if there is one, even if it is not in the dri namespace (for claims, see r47589 )
Claims metadata are collected from the file system, not from the database.
Let's forget the repositoryId
Corrected description of node
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system