added job configuration profile to import crossref as actionset
added meta wf for importing scholexplorer
added WF for tranform scholexplorer links into actionsets
Added profile id based on what has been assigned by beta
Allow assignment of INGEST wf to aggregator of data repos
we don't need anymore prepareQueryDatasources.sql
Funder wfs now use xslt as TDS rule for transformations
Updated wf name
New parameters for community tags #3158#note-86
added configuration for software entities in IIS primary workflow
adapted the broker event generation workflow to directly feed ElasticSearch
corrected wrong xml
merged branch dsm into trunk
Oh my dear old claim management: you still need old job nodes.
updated broker related workflows
Provision retry meta-wf
fixed consequence value
added workflows and extended mappings for the intersection use case
getting rid of person entities
wf updated to the shape we have in beta
Updated OAI wf param name
fetch oozie report back from workflow execution
Updated wf according to the latest version of the OAI job nodes
Updated parameters of the OAI feed wf branch.
integrated (hopefully) all required changes from dnet40
renamed wf file
Node for writing context updates on hbase and refactoring
ApplyClaims with progress provider
Fixed ApplyClaimRels job param and mapping datasets and pubs to results
Updated date of creation
updated node description and parameter types
Updated wf uuid and added missing bean
nodes and workflows for the new claims
Classes and configuration for writing claimed relationships into HBASE
delete empty package
Claims metadata are collected from the file system, not from the database.
added param declaring the oozie job action names to be reported back to the workflow logger (#2772)
migrated to dnet45
codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system