


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
53313 28/09/2018 09:58 AM Alessia Bardi

removed unused folder doc

53312 28/09/2018 09:57 AM Alessia Bardi

removed unused ontologies folder

53311 28/09/2018 09:55 AM Alessia Bardi

ignore oxygen project file

53310 28/09/2018 09:53 AM Alessia Bardi

removing old oxygen file

53309 28/09/2018 09:48 AM Alessia Bardi

renaming module

53308 28/09/2018 09:45 AM Alessia Bardi
53305 27/09/2018 05:28 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53304 27/09/2018 05:28 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.13

53303 27/09/2018 05:27 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.13

53302 27/09/2018 05:24 PM Myrto Koukouli

fixed redirecting to redirectUrl after login

53301 27/09/2018 05:23 PM Miriam Baglioni

node for bulktagging

53300 27/09/2018 04:48 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53299 27/09/2018 04:48 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.12

53298 27/09/2018 04:48 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.12

53297 27/09/2018 04:45 PM Miriam Baglioni

update for bulktagging properties and node bean definition

53296 27/09/2018 04:44 PM Miriam Baglioni

workflow for bulkTagging

53288 27/09/2018 01:48 PM Claudio Atzori

reverted to r52985 . Test runs shows we need to rely on the edgeIds produced by the connected components identfication phase instead of the vertexIds

53280 26/09/2018 03:59 PM Miriam Baglioni

changes to consider modification in code to align to trunck version

53279 26/09/2018 03:59 PM Miriam Baglioni

alignment to trunk version

53277 26/09/2018 03:33 PM Miriam Baglioni

added default value for trust as "0.8"

53276 26/09/2018 03:24 PM Miriam Baglioni

remove reducer for bulktaggin

53275 26/09/2018 02:58 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53274 26/09/2018 02:58 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.2.12

53273 26/09/2018 02:58 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.2.12

53272 26/09/2018 02:57 PM Miriam Baglioni

added @Ignore to test not working (Claudio to fix)

53271 26/09/2018 02:36 PM Miriam Baglioni

testing for communityconfigurationfactory

53269 26/09/2018 01:59 PM Miriam Baglioni

propagation general classes

53268 26/09/2018 01:58 PM Miriam Baglioni

propagation for inst repos modev in dedicated folder

53267 26/09/2018 01:57 PM Miriam Baglioni

modification for using trust as parameter of the configuration of the hodoop job and change in the provenance

53266 26/09/2018 01:10 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Fix configuration update method not creating duplicates, add check for no user information

53262 25/09/2018 05:41 PM Claudio Atzori

avoid to produce duplicated events by eliminating the roots from the comparison process

53261 25/09/2018 04:55 PM Claudio Atzori

broker event serialization test for ProjectEventFactory

53260 25/09/2018 03:26 PM Claudio Atzori

introduced mapping resulttype -> portal url

53256 25/09/2018 10:31 AM Claudio Atzori

picking latest changes relative to the possibility to use TDS in transfromation workflows for entity registries

53255 25/09/2018 10:25 AM Claudio Atzori


53254 25/09/2018 10:25 AM Claudio Atzori


53253 24/09/2018 05:53 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53252 24/09/2018 05:53 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.11

53251 24/09/2018 05:53 PM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.11

53250 24/09/2018 05:52 PM Claudio Atzori

included node filterManaged in

53248 24/09/2018 05:33 PM Miriam Baglioni

added new variable for enable/disable writing operations on hbase

53245 24/09/2018 05:13 PM Miriam Baglioni

refactor to consider the change in provenance for bulktagging operations

53244 24/09/2018 05:12 PM Miriam Baglioni

modification of the profile to add enable/disable writing operation parameter

53243 24/09/2018 05:11 PM Miriam Baglioni

country propagation. changes in the map reduce interface

53242 24/09/2018 05:10 PM Miriam Baglioni

added the verification that param enable writing operation is set

53241 24/09/2018 04:42 PM Miriam Baglioni

test for communityconfiguration factory

53240 24/09/2018 04:07 PM Miriam Baglioni

fixing issues on new param

53239 24/09/2018 03:47 PM Miriam Baglioni

remove of mock from names and addition of enable parameter to allow enabling/disabling of writing operations on hbase

53238 24/09/2018 03:46 PM Miriam Baglioni

enabling/disabling of writing operation

53237 24/09/2018 03:29 PM Miriam Baglioni

changed the name from BulkTaggingMockJob to BulkTaggingJob

53229 24/09/2018 11:14 AM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53228 24/09/2018 11:14 AM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.10

53227 24/09/2018 11:14 AM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.10

53226 24/09/2018 11:13 AM Alessia Bardi

Removed reference to old orgs table and added ec specific fields of organizations when loading onto HBASE

53222 22/09/2018 11:16 AM Myrto Koukouli

fixed login issue

53221 22/09/2018 10:41 AM Myrto Koukouli

fixed hover bug in topmenu links

53220 21/09/2018 05:50 PM Claudio Atzori

working on dedup test methodology

53219 21/09/2018 03:50 PM Miriam Baglioni

transformation rules for innoviris funder

53218 21/09/2018 03:50 PM Miriam Baglioni

fix in the transformation rules

53217 21/09/2018 03:49 PM Miriam Baglioni

update table name for enabling and disabling of the trigger

53216 21/09/2018 12:42 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53215 21/09/2018 12:42 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.5-BETA

53214 21/09/2018 12:42 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.5-BETA

53213 21/09/2018 12:36 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed log class name

53212 21/09/2018 12:07 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated dep to openaire-blacklist

53211 21/09/2018 12:05 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53210 21/09/2018 12:05 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-blacklist-1.1.2

53209 21/09/2018 12:05 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-blacklist-1.1.2

53208 21/09/2018 12:01 PM Alessia Bardi

Reverted to revision 48064. Use solr7 branch for new solr

53207 21/09/2018 11:09 AM Claudio Atzori

honor the ignoreMissing config in condition evaluation, using Numbers to map model params, cleanup

53205 20/09/2018 05:52 PM Claudio Atzori

cleanup also "

53204 20/09/2018 05:21 PM Claudio Atzori

rule out empty strings from clustering keys

53203 20/09/2018 04:35 PM Konstantina Galouni

springContext-claimsDemo.xml: targetHour and targetMinute beans restored (were changed for testing purposes).

53202 20/09/2018 04:32 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. add method fetchNumberOfClaimsByDateAndOpenaireId.
2. request datasource API to get community information (including managers).
3. Method fetchFirstContextByCommunityId to parse name of community to be used in the above API....

53201 20/09/2018 04:22 PM Konstantina Galouni

Add database sql script to remove 'token' and 'notify' from project table and create notification table.

53200 20/09/2018 04:19 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. Add entity 'Notification': pairs of mail-openaireId, with the preferences for notifications of this user for this id.
2. Add FetchNotificationHandler and NotificationHandler for 'Notification' entity.
3. springContext-claimsDemo.xml: Add beans for FetchNotificationHandler, NotificationHandler, defaultFrequencyInHours....

53199 20/09/2018 03:29 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. Remove 'token' field from 'Project' entity.
2.,, Remove methods related to 'token' field.
3. Add 'fetchProjectIdsAndNamesByProjectManagerMail' method | Change 'fetchContactEmailsByProjectId' method (mails are returned as List from DAO).

53197 20/09/2018 03:18 PM Konstantina Galouni
close ResultSet and Statement in finally clause
return CachedRowSet instead of ResultSet when needed (avoids problems with closed connection, nothing else changes because CachedRowSet extends ResultSet)

53196 20/09/2018 02:41 PM Myrto Koukouli

fixed openaire link in topmenu

53195 20/09/2018 12:45 PM Claudio Atzori

added field organizationalternativenames

53194 20/09/2018 12:33 PM Claudio Atzori

added URL clustering

53193 20/09/2018 10:50 AM Claudio Atzori

added URL clustering

53192 19/09/2018 06:57 PM Claudio Atzori

cleaned up unused method, using setDurability in put operation

53191 19/09/2018 05:46 PM Claudio Atzori

avoid collisions when hashing pids by value

53190 19/09/2018 05:33 PM Claudio Atzori

cleaned up unused method, using setDurability in put operation

53189 19/09/2018 04:25 PM Myrto Koukouli

finished with the usagestats bugs

53188 19/09/2018 04:04 PM Myrto Koukouli

fixed bug in usagestats

53187 19/09/2018 12:57 PM Tsampikos Livisianos

add other research products

53186 19/09/2018 10:16 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

53185 19/09/2018 10:16 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-collector-plugins-1.3.21

53184 19/09/2018 10:16 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-collector-plugins-1.3.21

53183 19/09/2018 09:15 AM Andreas Czerniak

enhancement of new resumptionType, Issue Enhancement #3858

53182 18/09/2018 08:00 PM Alessia Bardi

Map DOAJ Publishers as organisations with country

53181 18/09/2018 07:11 PM Alessia Bardi

of course its typology also in the SELECT

53180 18/09/2018 06:59 PM Alessia Bardi

datasourceclass column was renamed to typology

53179 18/09/2018 06:53 PM Alessia Bardi

Fix #3882

53178 18/09/2018 05:56 PM Claudio Atzori


53177 18/09/2018 05:34 PM Miriam Baglioni

change the name for the Key in country propagation from institutional repositories

53176 18/09/2018 04:26 PM Claudio Atzori

DedupBuildRoots[mapper|reducer] merged implementation from beta branch

53175 18/09/2018 04:10 PM Claudio Atzori

cleaned up Tika Lib