PRIVATE we can produce dumps also for content providers (data sources)
put operations WAS SYNC
openorgs simrels in provision wf
sql queries for open orgs similarities
new transformation rule to import open orgs similarities
some "not null"
Added new propagation constants for the ORCID propagation
update xquery for the community configuration used in the exporter. Added information in the community profile to include the organizations that support the community
workflow for the propagation of result to community through relevant organization. THe organization relevant for the community are given as an input parameter ( input) managed by the user in the workflow
Workflow for the propagation of result to communities through semantic relation
Hadoop Job for propagation of community results through organization
PRIVATE Preparing for public consultation of the OpenAIRE Research Graph. Added doc page for dumps. All pages updated with: 1. menu item to the dump page; 2. alert message of the public consultation; 3. updated message about the schema change
renamed file
introduced distcp configuration profile to synchronise data from DM to IIS cluster
introduced distcp workflow to synchronise data from DM to IIS cluster
(openorgs) added schemeid to pids in sql query
temporary test
Import of OpenOrgs Organizations
pick the first mergedIn identifier
#3535: context profile for EPOS
#4996: funding for RISIS projects
#4996: fixed profile format for RISIS
#4996: updated information for RISIS
#4982: changed id and label for the EuroMarine context profile and updated file name
#4990: context profile for beopen - transport research
new contexts for RI mes and RISIS
fixed relative urls
fixed projectid in ifremer infrastructure profile
#4995: profile for IFREMER
metrics-instructions updated
Updates to queries and code to support the 'reports' table
added summary, totalcost and fundedamount to the projects_mv materialized view
handling of 403-forbidden errors moved to backend controller(revision 57350 @ /uoa-repository-manager-service/trunk)
Moved permissions at the controller level
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.3.38
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.3.38
using protobuf model 3.9.5
avoid to marerialise the stream content
open dependency range for openaire-protobuf module
mereged transformation Job spark
using streams instead of guava collection transformations
[AdminTool]: Add New Layout options. Run update.js on your mongo to delete the previous one.
1. adminPg-registrations: pencil for update purposes2. adminPg-metrics: clickable link on id to show metrics3. Abstracts field on eventlist: better check for line breaks
updated transformation to match #4969 and added if statement to handle cases where the contribution for the organization is not a valid number (i.e. the value is simply '.'). In cases like this one generally the contribution for the organization in 0. In the transformation rule when the value to be transformed is not a number (that is a Natural number) the contribution element is not produced
Updated transformations to match #4969
sequential identifiers
using latest version of apache-lang
updated dependency property
#4967: change for datasources
merged with branch dnet-hadoop
the login webapp contains uoa-login-core
This project contains all the necessary code for the OpenAIRE authentication
included uoa-search-3.5.5 with uptime metrics, facet.limit=-1, reports always download the first 2000 results and dedup organizations returned
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag uoa-search-3.5.5
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-search-3.5.5
uptime metric added
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag uoa-search-3.5.4
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-search-3.5.4
return facets with more than the default 100 value
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.5-proto250
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.5-proto250
extended model to include project summary and monetary information #4968
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.5
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.5
Transformation rules modified to consider also funded amount and summary for the projects. Not all the rules consider both the updates (not all the funders provide both funded amount and summary for the project) ref #4965
Disable dataset mining module in pre-processing
#4852: sysimport:crosswalk is enough
#4852: updated vocabulary of provenance with labels for the portals in english name
added firstname and surname in case of authors without orcid id, extracted from fullname, needed for propagation
removed optional2 and optional2 from project_details table
simple authentication (with logout ?)
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.46
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.3.46
changed the original name with the English name
fixed wrong number of chars in namespaceprefix
changed the context for considering the founding stream and the change in the name of the funder
Russian Science Foundation context
transformation rule fro Russian Science Foundation
Change the namespaceprefix of the funder and the funder name and shortcut
Addressing #2563: OA-PG context re-registered on beta