


| Revision:

# Date Author Comment
60578 04/03/2021 01:58 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-directindex-api-2.2.1

60577 04/03/2021 01:57 PM Alessia Bardi

Log request body

60571 04/03/2021 11:37 AM Alessia Bardi

Test for enermaps

60567 03/03/2021 04:56 PM Alessia Bardi

Test label for enermaps category

60566 03/03/2021 04:07 PM Alessia Bardi

PRIVATE : I have the impression we are not preventing a NullPointerException during collection that I am experiencing with the eurostat API of the EU Open Data Portal.

60564 03/03/2021 12:46 AM Stefania Martziou

Added a mock 'update admins' page for the repository

60563 03/03/2021 12:23 AM Stefania Martziou

Changed the usage counts diagrams

60560 02/03/2021 04:19 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Claims Service]:
1. [NEW] File for getting community managers from registry service added.
2. Property "" added - URL of registry service for requesting community manager emails....

60556 02/03/2021 01:32 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

PRIVATE: Changing the header description after Michal's input

60555 02/03/2021 12:48 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin Tools | Trunk]: Change properties to dl instead of mapagasas

60554 02/03/2021 12:27 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin Tools | Trunk]: Add get managers by Type. Get Curators base on AAI ID

60553 02/03/2021 12:01 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

latest search library

60551 02/03/2021 11:35 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

the latest search library

60550 02/03/2021 11:32 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

60549 02/03/2021 11:32 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag uoa-search-3.6.3

60548 02/03/2021 11:32 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release uoa-search-3.6.3

60547 02/03/2021 11:31 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

Added resultpid to the public API queries

60527 01/03/2021 04:44 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Get notifications
return 404 if not found
403 if no manager or curator

60526 01/03/2021 04:32 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Do not initialize notifications if nothing found in the db - Return 204

60524 26/02/2021 05:33 PM Alessia Bardi

PRIVATE : fixed Zenodo link

60523 26/02/2021 05:29 PM Alessia Bardi

PRIVATE : updated changelist

60522 26/02/2021 05:28 PM Alessia Bardi

NEWS: new dump available with research products with project funding information

60521 26/02/2021 03:54 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]:
1. Remove "email" field.
a.Replace methods "notifyNewManagers()" (/notifyForNewManagers/{pid}) and "notifyForNewSubscribers()" (/notifyForNewSuscribers/{pid})
with "notifyManagers()" (/notifyManagers/{pid}/{newRoleType}), where newRoleType is "manager" or "subscriber"....

60517 26/02/2021 01:44 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools Library]:
1. & Added method "findByPortalAndPageOrderByPlacementAscOrderAsc()" to get page help contents for a specific portal and page.
2. Added method "getPageHelpContentsBasic()"....

60514 26/02/2021 11:16 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin Tools | Trunk]: Remove notification components

60513 26/02/2021 11:14 AM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin Tools | Trunk]: Add again role Utils. Fix curator methods

60512 26/02/2021 09:40 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

60511 26/02/2021 09:40 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-hadoop-service-2.7.9

60510 26/02/2021 09:40 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-hadoop-service-2.7.9

60509 25/02/2021 08:00 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Admin Tools | Trunk]: Add get managers method. Delete no needed files.

60504 25/02/2021 12:58 PM Michele Artini

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

60503 25/02/2021 12:58 PM Michele Artini

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag cnr-mongo-mdstore-6.0.7

60502 25/02/2021 12:58 PM Michele Artini

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-mongo-mdstore-6.0.7

60501 25/02/2021 12:57 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]:
1. pom.xml: Added dependency for spring security.
2. Import AuthorizationConfiguration.class | Remove SecurityConfig.class from @EnableConfigurationProperties.
3. Comment "addInterceptors()" method calling AuthorizationHandler with SecurityConfig....

60500 25/02/2021 12:53 PM Michele Artini

redirect to openaire md inspector with hadoop

60499 25/02/2021 11:43 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]:
1. & Commented POST/ DELETE methods from controllers related to subscribers (these files will be deleted after migration of roles to AAI).
2. Commented all methods (file and statistics schema in general need update - currently not working).

60498 25/02/2021 11:27 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]: & Rename "setAffiliation()" to "setAffiliations()".

60497 25/02/2021 11:18 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]:
1. update_db.js: Added method to add Piwik ids for each community (check ids before running it).
2. migrateCommunityIn_db.js: Added method to migrate curators (there was an error with null fields - UI needs them empty strings).

60496 25/02/2021 11:07 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools]:
1. Deleted folder "responses" with all its files (moved to uoa-admin-tools-library in r60105 ).
2. Deleted file "" (moved to uoa-admin-tools-library in r60105 ).

60495 25/02/2021 11:03 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Admin Tools Library]:
1. pom.xml: Added in dependency for spring security and and for uoa-authorization-library.
2. import "AuthorizationConfiguration.class".
3. Added folder handlers/utils and file handlers/utils/ to get roles and info of user from authorization library....

60492 24/02/2021 08:41 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Orcid Service]:
1. Comment file, since it is not used by portal (to be deleted).
2. Use "apiUrl" property for requests to ORCID API (not string set in the code).

60491 24/02/2021 08:24 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Authorization Library]: add method "getEmail()", to get user email.

60490 24/02/2021 08:22 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Monitor Service]:
1. Comment all contents of this file (should be removed in next commit). This file is added in uoa-admin-tools-library.
2. & & & & & Import RolesUtils from uoa-admin-tools-library....

60487 24/02/2021 01:40 PM Konstantinos Triantafyllou

[Authorization-libary | Redis]: Merge from trunk

60486 24/02/2021 01:10 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

latest and gratest from trunk

60485 24/02/2021 12:46 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

updated beta urls + layout

60484 24/02/2021 12:46 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

minor layout fix

60483 24/02/2021 12:12 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

merging trunk changes

60482 24/02/2021 12:11 PM Katerina Iatropoulou

finalizing urls and info for release

60481 24/02/2021 11:38 AM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Orcid Service]: In "getPersonalDetailsFromOrcid()" method (/orcid/personal-details), when getting error response from ORCID API, throw Exception.

60479 23/02/2021 03:23 PM Alessia Bardi

Default access right set to RESTRICTED instead of CLOSED

60478 23/02/2021 03:21 PM Alessia Bardi

Removed Java unsecape on title. Should fix issue with hostedby setting and XML parsing

60477 23/02/2021 02:55 PM Alessia Bardi

Debugging error on hostedby for ERC record

60476 23/02/2021 02:48 PM Alessia Bardi

Log more about the error

60475 23/02/2021 02:25 PM Alessia Bardi

Synced with version available on beta

60474 23/02/2021 10:01 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

60473 23/02/2021 10:01 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-7.1.9

60472 23/02/2021 10:01 AM Claudio Atzori

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-7.1.9

60471 23/02/2021 10:00 AM Claudio Atzori

preparing the 1st release that includes the hadoop-based aggregation workflows, bumped version

60470 23/02/2021 09:58 AM Claudio Atzori

preparing the 1st release that includes the hadoop-based aggregation workflows

60452 19/02/2021 12:43 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60443 17/02/2021 08:39 AM Claudio Atzori

WIP: broker API documentation

60441 16/02/2021 04:19 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60440 16/02/2021 04:01 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60439 16/02/2021 03:16 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60438 16/02/2021 11:27 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for ukri and gsri (formerly rcuk and gsrt)

60435 16/02/2021 11:24 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for new funder chist-era

60434 16/02/2021 11:19 AM Miriam Baglioni

we lost the information for one eventual level 2 in the funding stream with the data we get from the api

60433 16/02/2021 11:18 AM Miriam Baglioni

context for new funder chistera and changed name for old funders RCUK (now UKRI) and GSRT (now GSRI)

60432 16/02/2021 11:16 AM Miriam Baglioni

changed to consider funding stream to level two

60431 16/02/2021 10:47 AM Miriam Baglioni

new TR for data got from the API

60430 16/02/2021 10:43 AM Miriam Baglioni

TR for new funder SFRS (Serbia)

60429 16/02/2021 10:42 AM Miriam Baglioni

added information about funded amount and organization

60428 16/02/2021 10:38 AM Miriam Baglioni

information regarding institution added

60427 16/02/2021 10:37 AM Miriam Baglioni

added in the TR specific rules for the institution code. Modification of the tables dsm_identities and dsm_organizationpids

60425 15/02/2021 06:41 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60424 15/02/2021 06:26 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60423 15/02/2021 03:35 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop aggregation workflow reporting

60419 14/02/2021 11:55 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Authorization Library]: [Bug fix] Added "authentication.getPrincipal() instanceof User" check before casting authentication.getPrincipal() to User - if user is not logged in, it is String.

60418 14/02/2021 11:52 PM Konstantina Galouni

[Trunk | Orcid Service]:
1. pom.xml: Change version from 2.0.0 to 1.0.0 (not yet released and was set to 2.0.0 as a false copy-paste).
2. & Added @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") in class (some methods were missing that)....

60411 11/02/2021 11:44 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

- fix order by titles
- context query: get results made in the same dashboard
- add claimed_in_dashboard in the result
- commit changes in Test CopyFromBeta

60409 11/02/2021 10:06 AM Claudio Atzori

WIP: broker API documentation

60408 10/02/2021 06:07 PM Claudio Atzori

WIP: broker API documentation

60407 10/02/2021 05:48 PM Claudio Atzori

WIP: broker API documentation

60404 10/02/2021 11:28 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

minor css change

60402 10/02/2021 11:17 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

Authentication documentation added + broker card + broker dummy page

60399 10/02/2021 10:37 AM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Claim Service:
- allow save/ get notifications for community curators
- add method to compose 200 response
- return 403 if user is not among the managers or the curators

60391 10/02/2021 10:00 AM Katerina Iatropoulou

creating branch for authentication and broker api

60389 09/02/2021 05:07 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Query Generator:
context query: link with specific community or claimed in community's dashboard

60386 08/02/2021 05:39 PM Michele Artini

fixed a for cycle

60385 08/02/2021 05:17 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows

60384 08/02/2021 05:06 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows

60383 08/02/2021 02:35 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows

60382 08/02/2021 02:19 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows

60381 08/02/2021 01:54 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific aggregation workflows

60380 08/02/2021 01:40 PM Claudio Atzori

updated hadoop-specific collection workflow parameters: allow to configure the http client behaviour

60379 08/02/2021 12:46 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

60378 08/02/2021 12:46 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-collector-plugins-1.5.9

60377 08/02/2021 12:46 PM Alessia Bardi

[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-collector-plugins-1.5.9

60376 08/02/2021 12:30 PM Miriam Baglioni

[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration