


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
claims_crossref_2_OAF.xml 3.59 KB 48221 over 7 years Alessia Bardi Tranformation rule for publications claimed via...
claims_datacite_2_ODF.xml 4.89 KB 48213 over 7 years Alessia Bardi Updated transformation for datasets claimed via...
claims_openaire_2_ODF.xml 9.92 KB 48219 over 7 years Alessia Bardi Fixed transformation rule
crossref2oaf.xsl 10.8 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
datacite_rules.xml 12.5 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
datasourceorganization_2_hbase.xsl 2.73 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
datasources_2_hbase.xsl 2.51 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
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dc2oaf_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_compliant.xml 6.4 KB over 8 years claudio.atzori
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dc2oaf_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_pmc.xml 7.02 KB about 10 years jochen.schirrwagen
dc2oaf_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_puma.xml 7.26 KB about 10 years jochen.schirrwagen
dc2oaf_cleaning_crossrefclaims.xml 4.65 KB about 9 years jochen.schirrwagen
dc_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_compliant.xml 19.2 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_erc.xml 13.8 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
dc_cleaning_OPENAIREplus_repec.xml 7.77 KB over 8 years jochen.schirrwagen
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_CSIC.xml 7.51 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_compliant_ISSN-DESY.xml 20.3 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_compliant_SCIndeksORCID.xml 19.7 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_compliant_hal.xml 6.72 KB about 8 years aenne.loehden
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_compliant_handle.xml 8.01 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_compliant_ojs_fulltext.xml 6.65 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dc_cleaning_OpenAIREplus_dc_relation.xml 7.94 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
dissimilarity_2_hbase.xsl 2.5 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
ict_fp7_to_oaf.xml 4.37 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
nlm2oaf_cleaning_OPENAIREplus.xml 3.62 KB over 9 years jochen.schirrwagen
oaf2hbase.xml 10.1 KB almost 8 years claudio.atzori
oaf2hbaseAuthors.xml 10.2 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
oaf2hbaseUnpackAuthors.xml 12.9 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
oaf2oaidatacite.xml 9.46 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
oaf2oaidc.xml 13.7 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
oaf_person2hbase.xml 5 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
oaf_publication2hbase.xml 5.2 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
oaf_transformation_fp7_pubdb.xml 11.9 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
odf2hbase.xml 14.1 KB almost 8 years claudio.atzori
opentrials2datacite.xsl 10.3 KB 48175 over 7 years Claudio Atzori integrated latest changes from dnet40
organizations_2_hbase.xsl 2.49 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
persons_2_hbase.xsl 2.43 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
projectcontactperson_2_hbase.xsl 2.64 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
projectorganization_2_hbase.xsl 2.69 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
projects_2_hbase.xsl 2.44 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
resultorganization_2_hbase.xsl 2.67 KB 48141 over 7 years Claudio Atzori resultorganization_2_hbase.xsl migrated from dn...
sesam_crossref2oaf.xml 6.5 KB almost 8 years alessia.bardi
similarity_2_hbase.xsl 2.29 KB almost 9 years claudio.atzori
wos_rules.xml 2.83 KB about 10 years jochen.schirrwagen
xslt_cleaning_pangaea_datacite.xml 8.28 KB about 8 years alessia.bardi
xslt_cleaning_zenodo_datacite.xml 6.33 KB almost 10 years jochen.schirrwagen
xslt_dc2oaf_narcis.xml 16.9 KB over 8 years jochen.schirrwagen
xslt_nlm2oaf_pmc.xml 17.5 KB over 8 years jochen.schirrwagen
xslt_rioxx2oaf_core.xml 18.4 KB over 8 years jochen.schirrwagen

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
48221 30/06/2017 05:48 PM Alessia Bardi

Tranformation rule for publications claimed via Crossref

48220 30/06/2017 04:34 PM Alessia Bardi

Removed unused transformation

48219 30/06/2017 04:33 PM Alessia Bardi

Fixed transformation rule

48215 30/06/2017 03:58 PM Alessia Bardi

Transformation for datasets claimed via OpenAIRE

48213 30/06/2017 03:51 PM Alessia Bardi

Updated transformation for datasets claimed via Datacite

48175 29/06/2017 06:15 PM Claudio Atzori

integrated latest changes from dnet40

48141 29/06/2017 10:09 AM Claudio Atzori

resultorganization_2_hbase.xsl migrated from dnet40

45279 10/01/2017 06:30 PM Claudio Atzori

codebase used to migrate to java8 the production system

View revisions

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