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Revision 50612

1. Added DivId class and API : special classes to be used by explore portal pages which have steps
2. Added DivHelpContent class and API
3. Added parameter 'div' (true/false) in '/community' to get communities related to some divIds
4. Added parameter 'div' (true/false) in '/community/{pid}/pages' to get pages of a community, which are related to some divIds
5. Added parameter 'before' (true/false) in '/pagehelpcontent'
6. When a community is deleted, all divIds, div contents, page contents related to this community are deleted too
7. When a page is deleted, all divIds, div contents, page contents related to this page are deleted too (page is also deleted from all communities)
8. In 'PageHelpContent' class 'before' field renamed to 'isPriorTo'
9. Bug fixes to ask community by 'pid' not 'id'

View differences:
16 16
    private int order;
17 17
    private String content;
18 18
    private boolean isActive = true;
    private boolean before = false;
    private boolean isPriorTo = false;
20 20

21 21
    public PageHelpContent() {
22 22
77 77
        this.isActive = isActive;
78 78
79 79

    public boolean isBefore() { return before; }
    public boolean getIsPriorTo() { return isPriorTo; }
81 81

    public void setBefore(boolean before) { this.before = before; }
    public void setIsPriorTo(boolean isPriorTo) { this.isPriorTo = isPriorTo; }
83 83

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