


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  src 53566 almost 6 years Argiro Kokogiannaki change mail controller method names, mail sende...
deployments.txt 843 Bytes 52897 about 6 years Argiro Kokogiannaki add deployments info file remove content page f...
init_db.js 26.6 KB 53564 almost 6 years Argiro Kokogiannaki Add ORP for statistics: in init/ update scripts...
pom.xml 2.45 KB 53555 almost 6 years Konstantina Galouni 1. Update pom's and scripts' version to 1.1.1 2...
update_db.js 7.61 KB 53564 almost 6 years Argiro Kokogiannaki Add ORP for statistics: in init/ update scripts...
  • svn:ignore: .idea uoa-admin-tools.iml target

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
53566 26/10/2018 04:03 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

change mail controller method names, mail sender returns boolean to check if mail send or not

53564 26/10/2018 02:40 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Add ORP for statistics: in init/ update scripts | add the entity in creation of a community

53555 25/10/2018 04:21 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. Update pom's and scripts' version to 1.1.1
2. init_db.js: Add missing 'notifications' collection.
3. update_db.js: Add 'createNotificationsCollection()' function and 'addDivHelpContentsForCommunity()' function for adding class contents to 'Clarin' community....

53266 26/09/2018 01:10 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

Fix configuration update method not creating duplicates, add check for no user information

53032 06/09/2018 04:26 PM Konstantina Galouni

Update init_db.js to include 'Other Research Products'.

52992 28/08/2018 04:08 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

uncomment values in properties file - fixing previous commit issue with deploy

52897 03/08/2018 03:17 PM Argiro Kokogiannaki

add deployments info file
remove content page from init script
update names of communities
update html for pages with htmlPageContent

Subscribers: don't subscribe again if already subscribed
Notifications: add entity, DAO, controller
Add Email entity

Change emailSender to be more generic

52811 25/07/2018 03:05 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. Change email subject in EmailSender.
2. update_db.js: Create function for inserting "Other Research Products" entity and relevant pages in database for all communities.

52363 05/06/2018 02:15 PM Konstantina Galouni

1. Update version in scripts and pom.
2. Bug fix in 'init_db' script (remove a new line).
3. Functionality for sending an email to a parametrized list of users added (
4. Add a POST method in API that gets a list of recipients and sends them an email (/invite -

52362 05/06/2018 02:10 PM Konstantina Galouni

Bug fixes in (concurrency issues).

View revisions

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