1 |
1|A + U-Architecture and Urbanism| |0389-9160|Monthly| |A & U PUBL CO LTD
2 |
2|A Rocha Observatory Report| | |Annual| |AROCHA TRUST
3 |
3|AAA-Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik| |0171-5410|Semiannual| |GUNTER NARR VERLAG
4 |
4|AAAAI Annual Meeting Abstracts of Scientific Papers| | |Annual| |MOSBY-ELSEVIER
5 |
5|AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition| | |Annual| |AMER ASSOC ADVANCEMENT SCIENCE
6 |
6|AACL Bioflux| |1844-8143|Quarterly| |BIOFLUX SRL
7 |
7|AAPG Bulletin|Geosciences / Petroleum|0149-1423|Monthly| |AMER ASSOC PETROLEUM GEOLOGIST
8 |
8|AAPS Journal|Pharmacology & Toxicology /|1550-7416|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
9 |
9|AAPS PharmSciTech|Pharmacology & Toxicology /|1530-9932|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
10 |
10|Aardkundige Mededelingen| |0250-7803|Irregular| |LEUVEN UNIV PRESS
11 |
12 |
12|AATCC Review|Materials Science|1532-8813|Monthly| |AMER ASSOC TEXTILE CHEMISTS COLORISTS
13 |
13|ABA Bank Marketing| |1539-7890|Monthly| |BANK MARKETING ASSOC
14 |
14|Abacus-A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies|Economics & Business / Accounting; Finance|0001-3072|Tri-annual| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
15 |
15|ABC Taxa| |1784-1291|Irregular| |Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
16 |
16|Abdominal Imaging|Clinical Medicine / Abdomen; Diagnostic imaging; Gastrointestinal system; Urinary organs; Diagnostic Imaging; Gastrointestinal Diseases; Urologic Diseases; Tractus gastro-intestinal; Gastroentérologie; Maagdarmstelsel; Radiodiagnostiek; Echografie|0942-8925|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER
17 |
17|Abhandlung Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nuernberg| |0077-6149|Irregular| |NATURHISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT NUERNBERG E V
18 |
18|Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg|Mathematics / Mathematics|0025-5858|Annual| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
19 |
19|Abhandlungen aus dem Westfaelischen Museum fuer Naturkunde| |0175-3495|Quarterly| |WESTFAELISCHES MUSEUM NATURKUNDE
20 |
20|Abhandlungen der Delattinia| |0948-6526|Annual| |EIGENVERLAG DELATTINIA
21 |
21|Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt-Vienna| |0378-0864|Irregular| |GEOLOGISCHE BUNDESANSTALT
22 |
22|Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft fur Naturforschung| |1868-0356|Irregular| |E. SCHWEIZERBART SCIENCE PUBLISHERS
23 |
23|Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Oesterreich| |0084-5639|Irregular| |ZOOLOGISCH-BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN OESTERREICH
24 |
24|Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen|natural science|0340-3718|Irregular|http://www.nwv-bremen.de/publik/|NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN ZU BREMEN
25 |
25|Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Museum Heineanum| |0947-1057|Irregular| |MUSEUM HEINEANUM
26 |
26|Abhandlungen und Berichte des Museums der Natur Gotha| |0138-1857|Irregular| |MUSEUM NATUR GOTHA
27 |
27|Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Goerlitz| |0373-7586|Semiannual| |STAATLICHES MUSEUM NATURKUNDE GOERLITZ
28 |
28|Abhandlungen und Berichte fuer Naturkunde| |0945-7658|Annual| |MUSEUM NATURKUNDE
29 |
29|Abstract and Applied Analysis|Mathematics / Mathematical analysis|1085-3375|Monthly| |HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORPORATION
30 |
30|Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society| |0065-7727|Semiannual| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
31 |
31|Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology| |1060-2011|Annual| |AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY
32 |
32|Abstracts of the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy| |0733-6373|Annual| |AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY
33 |
33|Academia Nacional de Ciencias-Cordoba Argentina-Miscelanea| |0325-3406|Irregular| |ACAD NACIONAL CIENCIAS
34 |
34|Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion|Economics & Business|1012-8255|Semiannual| |CONSEJO LATINOAMERICANO ESCUELAS ADM-CLADEA
35 |
35|Academic Emergency Medicine|Clinical Medicine / Emergency medicine; Emergency Medicine; Geneeskunde; Spoedgevallen; Ongevallen; Médecine d'urgence|1069-6563|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
36 |
36|Academic Journal of Entomology| |1995-8994|Semiannual| |INT DIGITAL ORGANIZATION SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION-IDOSI
37 |
37|Academic Medicine|Clinical Medicine / Medical education; Medicine; Education, Medical; Geneeskunde; Onderwijs; Médecine; Enseignement médical|1040-2446|Monthly| |LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
38 |
38|Academic Pediatrics|Clinical Medicine /|1876-2859|Bimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
39 |
39|Academic Psychiatry|Psychiatry/Psychology / Psychiatry|1042-9670|Quarterly| |AMER PSYCHIATRIC PUBLISHING
40 |
40|Academic Radiology|Clinical Medicine / Radiography; Radiology|1076-6332|Monthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
41 |
41|Academie Royale des Sciences D Outre-Mer Bulletin des Seances| |0001-4176|Quarterly| |ACAD ROYAL SCI
42 |
42|Academie Royale des Sciences D Outre-Mer Memoires Classe des Sciences Naturelles et Medicales| |0379-1920|Quarterly| |ACAD ROYAL SCI
43 |
43|Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts-Bulletin Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles| |0352-5740|Semiannual| |SRPSKA AKAD NAUKA I UMETNOSTI
44 |
44|Academy of Management Annals|Economics & Business|1941-6067|Annual| |ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS
45 |
45|Academy of Management Journal|Economics & Business / Industrial management|0001-4273|Bimonthly| |ACAD MANAGEMENT
46 |
46|Academy of Management Learning & Education|Economics & Business|1537-260X|Quarterly| |ACAD MANAGEMENT
47 |
47|Academy of Management Perspectives|Economics & Business|1558-9080|Quarterly| |ACAD MANAGEMENT
48 |
48|Academy of Management Review|Economics & Business / Management; Gestion|0363-7425|Quarterly| |ACAD MANAGEMENT
49 |
49|Acadiensis| |0044-5851|Semiannual| |UNIV NEW BRUNSWICK
50 |
50|Acari Bibliographia Acarologica| |1618-8977|Tri-annual| |STAATLICHES MUSEUM NATURKUNDE GOERLITZ
51 |
51|Acarina| |0132-8077|Semiannual| |KMK SCIENTIFIC PRESS LTD
52 |
52|Acarologia|Plant & Animal Science /|0044-586X|Annual| |ACAROLOGIA-UNIVERSITE PAUL VALERY
53 |
53|Accident Analysis and Prevention|Social Sciences, general / Accidents; Accidents, Traffic|0001-4575|Bimonthly| |PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
54 |
54|Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance|Research; Ethics; Program Evaluation / Research; Ethics; Program Evaluation|0898-9621|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
55 |
55|Accounting and Business Research|Economics & Business|0001-4788|Quarterly| |INST CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ENGLAND & WALES
56 |
56|Accounting and Finance|Economics & Business / Accounting; Finance / Accounting; Finance|0810-5391|Quarterly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
57 |
57|Accounting Horizons|Economics & Business / Accounting|0888-7993|Quarterly| |AMER ACCOUNTING ASSOC
58 |
58|Accounting Organizations and Society|Economics & Business / Accounting; Social accounting|0361-3682|Bimonthly| |PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
59 |
59|Accounting Review|Economics & Business / Accounting; Comptabilité; ACCOUNTING|0001-4826|Quarterly| |AMER ACCOUNTING ASSOC
60 |
60|Accounts of Chemical Research|Chemistry / Chemistry; Research; Chimie; Chemie|0001-4842|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
61 |
61|Accreditation and Quality Assurance|Chemistry /|0949-1775|Monthly| |SPRINGER
62 |
62|ACI Materials Journal|Materials Science|0889-325X|Bimonthly| |AMER CONCRETE INST
63 |
63|ACI Structural Journal|Engineering|0889-3241|Bimonthly| |AMER CONCRETE INST
64 |
64|ACM Computing Surveys|Computer Science / Electronic digital computers; Ordinateurs; Computers; Dataprocessing|0360-0300|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
65 |
65|ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems|Computer Science / Computer systems; Informatique; Ordinateurs|1550-4832|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
66 |
66|ACM SIGPLAN Notices|Computer Science / Programming languages (Electronic computers)|0362-1340|Monthly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
67 |
67|ACM Transactions on Algorithms|Computer Science / Computer programming; Computer algorithms|1549-6325|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
68 |
68|ACM Transactions on Applied Perception|Computer Science / Human-computer interaction; Computer graphics; Psychology; Infographie; Psychologie; Interaction homme-machine (Informatique); Computer Graphics|1544-3558|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
69 |
69|ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization|Computer Science / Computer architecture; Compiling (Electronic computers)|1544-3566|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
70 |
70|ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems|Computer Science / Intelligent agents (Computer software); Computers; Computer science|1556-4665|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
71 |
71|ACM Transactions on Computational Logic|Computer Science / Computer logic; Logic, Symbolic and mathematical; Computer science; Logique informatique; Logique symbolique et mathématique; Informatique|1529-3785|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
72 |
72|ACM Transactions on Computer Systems|Computer Science / System design; Computer architecture; Operating systems (Computers); Computersystemen; Ordinateurs|0734-2071|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
73 |
73|ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction|Computer Science /|1073-0516|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
74 |
74|ACM Transactions on Database Systems|Computer Science / Database management; Bases de données|0362-5915|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
75 |
75|ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems|Computer Science / Electronic systems; Electronic circuit design; Computer-aided design; Integrated circuits; Circuits électroniques; Conception assistée par ordinateur|1084-4309|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
76 |
76|ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems|Computer Science / Embedded computer systems|1539-9087|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
77 |
77|ACM Transactions on Graphics|Computer Science / Computer graphics; Infographie; Grafische voorstellingen; Computermethoden|0730-0301|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
78 |
78|ACM Transactions on Information and System Security|Computer Science / Data protection; Computer security; Data encryption (Computer science); Information storage and retrieval systems|1094-9224|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
79 |
79|ACM Transactions on Information Systems|Computer Science / Electronic data processing; Information storage and retrieval systems; Information retrieval; Informatique; Systèmes d'information; Recherche de l'information; Informatiesystemen|1046-8188|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
80 |
80|ACM Transactions on Internet Technology|Computer Science / Internet|1533-5399|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
81 |
81|ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software|Computer Science / Computer programming; Mathematics; Programmation (Informatique); Mathématiques|0098-3500|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
82 |
82|ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation|Computer Science / Computer simulation; Mathematical models; Simulation par ordinateur; Modèles mathématiques|1049-3301|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
83 |
83|ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications|Multimedia systems; Multimedia communications|1551-6857|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
84 |
84|ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems|Computer Science / Programming languages (Electronic computers); Computer programming; Langages de programmation; Programmation (Informatique)|0164-0925|Bimonthly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
85 |
85|ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks|Engineering / Sensor networks|1550-4859|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
86 |
86|ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology|Computer Science / Software engineering; Génie logiciel|1049-331X|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
87 |
87|ACM Transactions on the Web|Computer Science / World Wide Web|1559-1131|Quarterly| |ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY
88 |
88|Acoustical Physics|Physics / Sound|1063-7710|Bimonthly| |MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER
89 |
89|Acoustics Australia|Physics|0814-6039|Tri-annual| |AUSTRALIAN ACOUSTICAL SOC
90 |
90|Acrocephalus| |0351-2851|Bimonthly| |DOPPS-BIRDLIFE SLOVENIA
91 |
91|Across Languages and Cultures|Social Sciences, general / Translating and interpreting; Language and languages|1585-1923|Semiannual| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
92 |
92|ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces|Materials Science /|1944-8244|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
93 |
93|ACS Chemical Biology|Chemistry / Biochemistry|1554-8929|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
94 |
94|ACS Chemical Neuroscience| |1948-7193|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
95 |
95|ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters| |1948-5875|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
96 |
96|ACS Nano|Chemistry / Nanoscience; Nanotechnology|1936-0851|Monthly| |AMER CHEMICAL SOC
97 |
97|ACS-Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus| |1331-7768|Quarterly| |AGRONOMSKI FAKULTET
98 |
98|ACSMS Health & Fitness Journal|Clinical Medicine / Exercise; Physical fitness; Health; Health Behavior; Physical Fitness|1091-5397|Bimonthly| |LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
99 |
99|Acta Acustica united with Acustica|Physics / Sound|1610-1928|Bimonthly| |S HIRZEL VERLAG
100 |
100|Acta Adriatica|Plant & Animal Science|0001-5113|Semiannual| |INST OCEANOGRAFIJU I RIBARSTVO
101 |
101|Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-Animal Science|Plant & Animal Science / Animal culture; Animal nutrition / Animal culture; Animal nutrition / Animal culture; Animal nutrition|0906-4702|Quarterly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
102 |
102|Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science|Agricultural Sciences / Horticulture; Soil science; Crops and soils; Plant-soil relationships / Horticulture; Soil science; Crops and soils; Plant-soil relationships|0906-4710|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
103 |
103|Acta agriculturae Slovenica| |1581-9175|Quarterly| |UNIV LJUBLJANA
104 |
104|Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis| |1000-2286|Bimonthly| |JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIV
105 |
105|Acta Agrobotanica| |0065-0951|Semiannual| |POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO BOTANICZNE
106 |
106|Acta Agronomica Hungarica| |0238-0161|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
107 |
107|Acta Agrophysica| |1234-4125|Irregular| |POLSKA AKAD NAUK
108 |
108|Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia| |0515-2712|Irregular| |NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHER VEREIN REGENSBURG E V
109 |
109|Acta Alimentaria|Agricultural Sciences / Food|0139-3006|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
110 |
110|Acta Amazonica|Natural history; Science; Natuurlijke historie|0044-5967|Irregular| |INST NACIONAL PESQUISAS AMAZONIA
111 |
111|Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica|Clinical Medicine / Anesthesiology; Critical care medicine; Anesthésie|0001-5172|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
112 |
112|Acta Analytica-International Periodical for Philosophy in the Analytical Tradition|Analysis (Philosophy); Psychology|0353-5150|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
113 |
113|Acta Anatomica Nipponica| |0022-7722|Quarterly| |JAPANESE ASSOC ANATOMISTS
114 |
114|Acta Anatomica Sinica| |0529-1356|Bimonthly| |CHINESE SOC ANATOMICAL SCIENCES
115 |
115|Acta Anthropologica Sinica| |1000-3193|Quarterly| |ACAD SIN BEIJING
116 |
116|Acta Applicandae Mathematicae|Mathematics / Mathematics|0167-8019|Monthly| |SPRINGER
117 |
117|Acta Arachnologica|Spiders; Arachnologie|0001-5202|Semiannual| |ARACHNOLOGICAL SOC JAPAN
118 |
118|Acta Arachnologica Sinica| |1005-9628|Semiannual| |ARACHNOL SOC CHINA
119 |
119|Acta Archaeologica|Social Sciences, general / Archaeology|0065-101X|Semiannual| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
120 |
120|Acta Arithmetica|Mathematics / Mathematics; Number theory|0065-1036|Semimonthly| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST MATHEMATICS
121 |
121|Acta Astronautica|Engineering / Astronautics|0094-5765|Semimonthly| |PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
122 |
122|Acta Astronomica|Space Science|0001-5237|Quarterly| |COPERNICUS FOUNDATION POLISH ASTRONOMY
123 |
123|Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica|Biology & Biochemistry / Biochemistry; Biophysics|1672-9145|Semiannual| |OXFORD UNIV PRESS
124 |
124|Acta Biochimica Polonica|Biology & Biochemistry|0001-527X|Quarterly| |ACTA BIOCHIMICA POLONICA
125 |
125|Acta bioethica|Social Sciences, general /|0717-5906|Semiannual| |PAN AMER HEALTH ORGANIZATION
126 |
126|Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica| |0001-5334|Quarterly| |ACAD SIN SHANGHAI
127 |
127|Acta Biologica Benrodis| |0177-9214|Semiannual| |NATURKUNDLICHES HEIMATMUSEUM BENRATH
128 |
128|Acta Biologica Colombiana| |0120-548X|Semiannual| |UNIV NAC COLOMBIA
129 |
129|Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica|Plant & Animal Science|0001-5296|Annual| |POLSKA AKAD NAUK
130 |
130|Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia| |0001-530X|Annual| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES
131 |
131|Acta Biologica Debrecina| |0567-7327|Irregular| |KOSSUTH LAJOS TUDOMANYEGYETEM
132 |
132|Acta Biologica Hungarica|Biology & Biochemistry / Biology|0236-5383|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
133 |
133|Acta Biologica Panamensis| |2072-9405|Semiannual| |COLEGIO BIOLOGOS PANAMA-COBIOPA
134 |
134|Acta Biologica Paranaense| |0301-2123|Annual| |UNIV FEDERAL PARANA
135 |
135|Acta Biologica Silesiana| |0860-2441|Irregular| |WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU SLASKIEGO
136 |
136|Acta Biologica Slovenica| |1408-3671|Irregular| |DRUSTVO BIOLOGOV SLOVENIJE
137 |
137|Acta Biologica Szegediensis| |1588-385X|Annual| |UNIV SZEGED
138 |
138|Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis| |1407-8953|Semiannual| |UNIV DAUGAVPILS
139 |
139|Acta Biologica Venezuelica| |0001-5326|Quarterly| |UNIV CENTRAL VENEZUELA
140 |
140|Acta Biomaterialia|Microbiology / Biomedical materials; Biocompatible Materials|1742-7061|Bimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCI LTD
141 |
141|Acta Bioquimica Clinica Latinoamericana|Biology & Biochemistry|0325-2957|Quarterly| |FEDERACION BIOQUIMICA PROVINCIA BUENOS AIRES
142 |
142|Acta Biotheoretica|Biology & Biochemistry / Biology; Zoology|0001-5342|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
143 |
143|Acta Borealia| |0800-3831|Semiannual| |ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS
144 |
144|Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica| |1000-4025|Bimonthly| |SHAANXI SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGICAL PRESS
145 |
145|Acta Botanica Brasilica|Plant & Animal Science / Botany|0102-3306|Quarterly| |SOC BOTANICA BRASIL
146 |
146|Acta Botanica Croatica|Plant & Animal Science|0365-0588|Semiannual| |UNIV ZAGREB
147 |
147|Acta Botanica Fennica| |0001-5369|Irregular| |FINNISH ZOOLOGICAL BOTANICAL PUBLISHING BOARD
148 |
148|Acta Botanica Gallica|Plant & Animal Science|1253-8078|Quarterly| |SOC BOTANIQUE FRANCE
149 |
149|Acta Botanica Hungarica|Botany; Plants|0236-6495|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
150 |
150|Acta Botanica Indica| |0379-508X|Semiannual| |SOC ADVANCEMENT BOTANY
151 |
152 |
152|Acta Botanica Malacitana| |0210-9506|Annual| |UNIV MALAGA
153 |
153|Acta Botanica Mexicana|Plant & Animal Science|0187-7151|Quarterly| |INST ECOLOGIA AC
154 |
154|Acta Botanica Venezuelica| |0084-5906|Irregular| |FUNDACION INST BOTANICO VENEZUELA DR TOBIAS LASSER
155 |
155|Acta Botanica Yunnanica|Botany|0253-2700|Bimonthly| |KUNMING INST BOTANY
156 |
156|Acta Cardiologica|Clinical Medicine /|0001-5385|Bimonthly| |ACTA CARDIOLOGICA
157 |
157|Acta Cardiologica Sinica|Clinical Medicine|1011-6842|Quarterly| |TAIWAN SOC CARDIOLOGY
158 |
158|Acta Carsologica|Geosciences|0583-6050|Tri-annual| |KARST RESEARCH INST ZRC SAZU
159 |
159|Acta Chimica Sinica|Chemistry|0567-7351|Semimonthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
160 |
160|Acta Chimica Slovenica|Chemistry|1318-0207|Quarterly| |SLOVENSKO KEMIJSKO DRUSTVO
161 |
161|Acta Chiropterologica|Plant & Animal Science / Bats|1508-1109|Semiannual| |MUSEUM & INST ZOOLOGY PAS-POLISH ACAD SCIENCES
162 |
162|Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca|Clinical Medicine|0001-5415|Bimonthly| |GALEN SRO
163 |
163|Acta Chirurgica Belgica|Clinical Medicine|0001-5458|Bimonthly| |ACTA MEDICAL BELGICA
164 |
164|Acta Chromatographica|Chemistry / Chromatographic analysis; Chromatography|1233-2356|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
165 |
165|Acta Cientifica Venezolana| |0001-5504|Quarterly| |ASOCIACION VENEZOLANA PARA EL AVANCE DE LA CIENCIA
166 |
166|Acta Cirurgica Brasileira|Clinical Medicine / Surgery, Operative; Surgical Procedures, Operative|0102-8650|Bimonthly| |ACTA CIRURGICA BRASILEIRA
167 |
167|Acta Classica| |0065-1141|Annual| |UNIV FREE STATE
168 |
168|Acta Clinica Belgica|Clinical Medicine|0001-5512|Bimonthly| |ACTA CLINICA BELGICA
169 |
169|Acta Clinica Croatica|Clinical Medicine|0353-9466|Quarterly| |SESTRE MILOSRDNICE UNIV HOSPITAL
170 |
170|Acta Coleopterologica-Munich| |0178-7217|Semiannual| |SOC COLEOPTEROLOGICA E V
171 |
171|Acta Conchyliorum| |0721-1635|Irregular| |CLUB CONCHYLIA
172 |
172|Acta Crystallographica Section A|Chemistry / Crystallography; Crystallization; Cristallographie / Crystallography; Cristallographie|0108-7673|Bimonthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
173 |
173|Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science|Chemistry / Crystallization; Crystallography; Cristallisation; Cristallographie|0108-7681|Bimonthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
174 |
174|Acta Crystallographica Section C-Crystal Structure Communications|Chemistry / Crystallography; Crystals|0108-2701|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
175 |
175|Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography|Chemistry / X-ray crystallography; Crystallography; Biomolecules|0907-4449|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
176 |
176|Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online|Chemistry /|1600-5368|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
177 |
177|Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications|Chemistry /|1744-3091|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
178 |
178|Acta Cytologica|Clinical Medicine|0001-5547|Bimonthly| |SCI PRINTERS & PUBL INC
179 |
179|Acta Dermato-Venereologica|Clinical Medicine / Dermatology; Sexually transmitted diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Dermatologie; Maladies transmises sexuellement; Seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen|0001-5555|Bimonthly| |ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA
180 |
180|Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica|Clinical Medicine|1330-027X|Quarterly| |CROATION DERMATOVENEROLOGICAL SOC
181 |
181|Acta Diabetologica|Biology & Biochemistry / Diabetes; Diabetes Mellitus / Diabetes; Diabetes Mellitus|0940-5429|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
182 |
182|Acta Ecologica Sinica| |1000-0933|Quarterly| |SCIENCE PRESS
183 |
183|Acta Endocrinologica-Bucharest|Clinical Medicine /|1841-0987|Quarterly| |EDITURA ACAD ROMANE
184 |
184|Acta Endoscopica|Clinical Medicine / Cineradiography; Endoscopy|0240-642X|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER
185 |
185|Acta Entomologica Bulgarica| |1310-5914|Irregular| |BULGARIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC
186 |
186|Acta Entomologica Chilena| |0716-5072|Annual| |INST ENTOMOLOGIA
187 |
187|Acta Entomologica Iberica E Macaronesica| |0400-4000|Irregular| |SOC PORTUGUESA ENTOMOLOGIA
188 |
188|Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae|Plant & Animal Science|0374-1036|Semiannual| |NARODNI MUZEUM - PRIRODOVEDECKE MUZEUM
189 |
189|Acta Entomologica Serbica| |0354-9410|Semiannual| |ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC SERBIA
190 |
190|Acta Entomologica Silesiana| |1230-7777|Irregular| |SILESIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC
191 |
191|Acta Entomologica Sinica| |0454-6296|Bimonthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
192 |
192|Acta Entomologica Slovenica| |1318-1998|Semiannual| |SLOVENSKO ENTOMOLOSKO DRUSTVO STEFANA MICHIELIJA V LJUBLJANI
193 |
193|acta ethologica|Social Sciences, general / Animal behavior; Human behavior; Psychobiology; Behavior, Animal; Behavior|0873-9749|Semiannual| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
194 |
194|Acta Facultatis Medicae Fluminensis| |0065-1206|Semiannual| |SVEUCILISTA U RIJECI
195 |
195|Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica|Clinical Medicine|0001-5644|Quarterly| |UNIV CATHOLIQUE LOUVAIN-UCL
196 |
196|Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana| |0300-9033|Bimonthly| |SOC ARGENTINA GASTROENTEROLOGIA
197 |
197|Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae| |0001-5660|Quarterly| |MENDEL INST
198 |
198|Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica|Geosciences / Geodesy; Geophysics|1217-8977|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
199 |
199|Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia| |1214-9705|Quarterly| |ACAD SCI CZECH REPUBLIC INST ROCK STRUCTURE & MECHANICS
200 |
200|Acta Geographica Slovenica-Geografski Zbornik|Social Sciences, general /|1581-6613|Semiannual| |GEOGRAFSKI INST ANTONA MELIKA ZRC SAZU
201 |
201|Acta Geologica Hungarica|Geology|0236-5278|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
202 |
202|Acta Geologica Lilloana| |0567-7513|Irregular| |FUNDACION MIGUEL LILLO
203 |
203|Acta Geologica Polonica|Geosciences|0001-5709|Quarterly| |WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE INVIT
204 |
204|Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition|Geosciences /|1000-9515|Quarterly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
205 |
205|Acta Geologica Taiwanica| |0065-1265|Annual| |NATL TAIWAN UNIV
206 |
206|Acta Geologica Universitatis Comenianae| |1335-2830|Annual| |UNIV KOMENSKEHO
207 |
207|Acta Geophysica|Geosciences /|1895-6572|Quarterly| |VERSITA
208 |
208|Acta Geoscientia Sinica| |1006-3021|Bimonthly| |CHINA INT BOOK TRADING CORP
209 |
209|Acta Geotechnica Slovenica|Engineering|1854-0171|Semiannual| |UNIV MARIBOR
210 |
210|Acta Granatense| |1695-6370|Semiannual| |SOC GRANATENSE HIST NAT
211 |
211|Acta Haematologica|Clinical Medicine / Blood; Hematology; Hematologie|0001-5792|Bimonthly| |KARGER
212 |
212|Acta Haematologica Polonica| |0001-5814|Quarterly| |POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO HEMATOLOGOW I TRANSFUZJOLOGOW
213 |
213|Acta Herpetologica|Plant & Animal Science|1827-9635|Semiannual| |FIRENZE UNIV PRESS
214 |
214|Acta Histochemica|Molecular Biology & Genetics / Histochemistry; Histology; Biochemistry; Histochemie|0065-1281|Quarterly| |ELSEVIER GMBH
215 |
215|ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA|Molecular Biology & Genetics / Histochemistry; Cytochemistry; Histocytochemistry; Histochemie; Cytochemie|0044-5991|Bimonthly| |JAPAN SOC HISTOCHEM CYTOCHEM
216 |
216|Acta Historica Tallinnensia| |1406-2925|Annual| |ESTONIAN ACADEMY PUBLISHERS
217 |
217|Acta Histriae| |1318-0185|Semiannual| |UNIV PRIMORSKA
218 |
218|Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica|Aquatic biology; Fish culture|1000-3207|Irregular| |CHINESE ACAD SCIENCES
219 |
219|Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria|Plant & Animal Science / Fishes; Fisheries|0137-1592|Semiannual| |WYDAWNICTWO AKAD ROLNICZEJ W SZCZECINIE
220 |
220|Acta Informatica|Computer Science / Electronic data processing; Information storage and retrieval systems; Machine theory|0001-5903|Monthly| |SPRINGER
221 |
221|Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia| |0102-6712|Irregular| |FUNDACAO BIODIVERSITAS
222 |
222|Acta Linguistica Hungarica|Social Sciences, general / Language and languages|1216-8076|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
223 |
223|Acta literaria| |0717-6848|Semiannual| |UNIV CONCEPCION
224 |
224|Acta Manilana| |0065-1370|Annual| |SANTO TOMAS UNIV PRESS
225 |
225|Acta Materialia|Materials Science / Metallurgy; Materials; Metals; Materiaalkunde; Métallurgie; Matériaux|1359-6454|Semimonthly| |PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
226 |
226|Acta Mathematica|Mathematics / Mathematics; Wiskunde; Mathématiques|0001-5962|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
227 |
227|Acta Mathematica Hungarica|Mathematics / Mathematics|0236-5294|Monthly| |SPRINGER
228 |
228|Acta Mathematica Scientia|Mathematics / Mathematical physics|0252-9602|Quarterly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
229 |
229|Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series|Mathematics / Mathematics|1439-8516|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
230 |
230|Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series|Mathematics / Mathematics; Mathématiques / Mathematics; Mathématiques / Mathematics; Mathématiques|0168-9673|Quarterly| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
231 |
231|Acta Mechanica|Engineering / Mechanics, Applied|0001-5970|Monthly| |SPRINGER WIEN
232 |
232|Acta Mechanica Sinica|Engineering / Mechanics, Analytic; Dynamics|0567-7718|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
233 |
233|Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica|Engineering / Mechanics, Applied; Mechanics, Analytic|0894-9166|Bimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC
234 |
234|Acta Medica Croatica| |1330-0164|Bimonthly| |ACAD MEDICAL SCIENCES CROATIA
235 |
235|Acta Medica et Biologica| |0567-7734|Quarterly| |NIIGATA UNIV SCH MEDICINE
236 |
236|Acta Medica Mediterranea|Clinical Medicine|0393-6384|Tri-annual| |CARBONE EDITORE
237 |
237|Acta Medica Nagasakiensia| |0001-6055|Quarterly| |NAGASAKI UNIV SCH MEDICINE
238 |
238|Acta Medica Okayama|Clinical Medicine|0386-300X|Bimonthly| |OKAYAMA UNIV MED SCHOOL
239 |
239|Acta Medica Portuguesa|Clinical Medicine|1646-0758|Bimonthly| |ORDEM MEDICOS
240 |
240|Acta Medica Scandinavica| |0001-6101|Monthly| |SCANDINAVIAN UNIVERSITY PRESS
241 |
241|ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA|Materials Science /|0412-1961|Monthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
242 |
242|Acta Meteorologica Sinica|Geosciences|0894-0525|Quarterly| |ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA PRESS
243 |
243|Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica|Microbiology / Microbiology; Allergy and Immunology; Microbiologie; Immunologie|1217-8950|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
244 |
244|Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica| |1000-0674|Quarterly| |CHINESE ACAD SCIENCES
245 |
245|Acta Microscopica|Biology & Biochemistry|0798-4545|Semiannual| |COMITE INTERAMERICANO SOC MICROSCOPIA ELECTRONICA-CIASEM
246 |
246|Acta Montanistica Slovaca|Geosciences|1335-1788|Quarterly| |BERG FAC TECHNICAL UNIV KOSICE
247 |
247|Acta Morphologica et Anthropologica| |1311-8773|Annual| |MARIN DRINOV ACAD PUBL HOUSE
248 |
248|Acta Mozartiana| |0001-6233|Semiannual| |DEUTSCHE MOZART-GESELLSCHAFT
249 |
249|Acta Musaei Neostadeni Bohemiae| |1802-7555|Annual| |MESTSKE MUZEUM NOVE MESTO NAD METUJI
250 |
250|Acta Musei Moraviae Scientiae Biologicae| |1211-8788|Annual| |MORAVSKE ZEMSKE MUZEUM
251 |
251|Acta Musei Moraviae Scientiae Geologicae| |1211-8796|Annual| |MORAVSKE ZEMSKE MUZEUM
252 |
252|Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis Series A Scientiae Naturales| |0439-6812|Irregular| |MUZEUM VYCHODNICH CECH
253 |
253|Acta Musicologica|Music; Musicology; Muziekwetenschap|0001-6241|Semiannual| |INT MUSICOLOGICAL SOC
254 |
254|Acta Mycologica| |0001-625X|Semiannual| |POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO BOTANICZNE
255 |
255|Acta Naturae-English Edition| |2075-8251|Quarterly| |RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGENCY SCIENCE & INNOVATION
256 |
256|Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis|Neuroscience & Behavior|0065-1400|Quarterly| |NENCKI INST EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY
257 |
257|Acta Neurochirurgica|Clinical Medicine / Nervous system; Neurosurgery; Neurochirurgie|0001-6268|Monthly| |SPRINGER WIEN
258 |
258|Acta Neurologica Belgica|Clinical Medicine|0300-9009|Quarterly| |ACTA MEDICA BELGICA
259 |
259|Acta Neurologica Scandinavica|Neuroscience & Behavior / Neurology; Mental Disorders; Neurologie|0001-6314|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
260 |
260|Acta Neuropathologica|Neuroscience & Behavior / Nervous system; Neurology; Pathology|0001-6322|Monthly| |SPRINGER
261 |
261|Acta Neuropsychiatrica|Neuroscience & Behavior / Neuropsychiatry; Biological psychiatry; Neuropsychology; Biological Psychiatry|0924-2708|Bimonthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
262 |
262|Acta Nutrimenta Sinica| |0512-7955|Bimonthly| |INST HYGIENE & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE
263 |
263|Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica|Clinical Medicine / Gynecology; Obstetrics|0001-6349|Monthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
264 |
264|Acta Oceanografica Del Pacifico| |1010-4402| | |INST OCEANOGRAFICO ARMADA ECUADOR
265 |
265|Acta Oceanologica Sinica|Geosciences /|0253-505X|Quarterly| |SPRINGER
266 |
266|Acta Odontologica Scandinavica|Clinical Medicine / Dentistry; Tandheelkunde; Dentisterie|0001-6357|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
267 |
267|Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology|Environment/Ecology / Ecology; Plant ecology|1146-609X|Bimonthly| |GAUTHIER-VILLARS/EDITIONS ELSEVIER
268 |
268|Acta Oeconomica|Economics & Business / Economics|0001-6373|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
269 |
269|Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics|Biology & Biochemistry|1509-409X|Semiannual| |WROCLAW UNIV TECHNOLOGY
270 |
270|Acta Oncologica|Clinical Medicine / Oncology; Tumors; Medical Oncology; Neoplasms; Physics; Radiation Effects; Review Literature; Cancer; Oncologie|0284-186X|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
271 |
271|Acta Ophthalmologica|Clinical Medicine / Ophthalmology; Eye Diseases|1755-375X|Bimonthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
272 |
272|Acta Orientalia| |1588-2667|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
273 |
273|Acta Ornithoecologica| |0233-2914|Annual| |M GOERNER
274 |
274|Acta Ornithologica|Plant & Animal Science / Ornithology|0001-6454|Semiannual| |MUSEUM & INST ZOOLOGY
275 |
275|Acta Orthopaedica|Clinical Medicine / Orthopedics|1745-3674|Bimonthly| |INFORMA HEALTHCARE
276 |
276|Acta Orthopaedica Belgica|Clinical Medicine|0001-6462|Bimonthly| |ACTA MEDICA BELGICA
277 |
277|acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica|Clinical Medicine / Orthopedics; Traumatology; Wounds and injuries; Orthopedic Procedures; Wounds and Injuries|1017-995X|Bimonthly| |TURKISH ASSOC ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY
278 |
278|Acta Ortopédica Brasileira|Clinical Medicine /|1413-7852|Bimonthly| |ATHA COMUNICACAO & EDITORA
279 |
279|Acta Oto-Laryngologica|Clinical Medicine / Otolaryngology; Ear; Throat; Oto-rhino-laryngologie; Keel- neus- en oorheelkunde|0001-6489|Monthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS
280 |
280|Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica|Clinical Medicine|0392-100X|Bimonthly| |PACINI EDITORE
281 |
281|Acta Paediatrica|Clinical Medicine / Pediatrics; Pédiatrie; Kindergeneeskunde|0803-5253|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
282 |
283|Acta Palaeontologica Polonica|Geosciences /|0567-7920|Quarterly| |INST PALEOBIOLOGII PAN
283 |
284|Acta Palaeontologica Sinica| |0001-6616|Quarterly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
284 |
285|Acta Parasitologica|Biology & Biochemistry / Parasitology; Parasites|1230-2821|Quarterly| |VERSITA
285 |
286|Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica| |1005-0507|Quarterly| |ACTA PARASIT MED ENTOMOL SIN
286 |
287|Acta Paulista de Enfermagem|Social Sciences, general /|0103-2100|Bimonthly| |UNIV FED SAO PAULO
287 |
288|Acta Petrologica Sinica|Geosciences|1000-0569|Monthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
288 |
289|Acta Pharmaceutica|Pharmacology & Toxicology / Pharmacy; Pharmacology; Pharmaceutical Preparations|1330-0075|Quarterly| |HRVATSKO FARMACEUTSKO DRUSTOV (HFD)-CROATION PHARMACEUTICAL SOC
289 |
290|Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica| |0001-6659|Bimonthly| |MAGYAR GYOGYSZERESZ TARSASAG HUNGARIAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOC
290 |
291|Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia| |1307-2080|Tri-annual| |ISTANBUL UNIV
291 |
292|Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica| |0513-4870|Monthly| |INST MATERIA MEDICA
292 |
293|Acta Pharmacologica Sinica|Pharmacology & Toxicology / Pharmacology|1671-4083|Monthly| |NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP
293 |
294|Acta Physica Polonica A|Physics|0587-4246|Monthly| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS
294 |
295|Acta Physica Polonica B|Physics|0587-4254|Monthly| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS
295 |
296|Acta Physica Sinica|Physics|1000-3290|Monthly| |CHINESE PHYSICAL SOC
296 |
297|Acta Physica Slovaca|Physics|0323-0465|Bimonthly| |SLOVAK ACAD SCIENCES INST PHYSICS
297 |
298|Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica|Chemistry /|1000-6818|Irregular| |PEKING UNIV PRESS
298 |
299|Acta Physicochimica Urss| | | | |USSR ACAD SCIENCES
299 |
300|Acta Physiologiae Plantarum|Plant & Animal Science / Plant physiology|0137-5881|Quarterly| |SPRINGER HEIDELBERG
300 |
301|Acta Physiologica|Biology & Biochemistry / Physiology; Physiological Processes; Physiologie|1748-1708|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
301 |
302|Acta Physiologica Hungarica|Biology & Biochemistry / Physiology; Physiology, Pathological; Fysiologie; Physiologie|0231-424X|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
302 |
303|Acta Physiologica Sinica| |0371-0874|Bimonthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
303 |
304|Acta Phytogeographica Suecica|Botany; Phytogeography; Plantengeografie|0084-5914|Semiannual| |SVENSKA VAXTGEOGRAFISKA SALLSKAPET
304 |
305|Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica|Plant diseases; Entomology; Plant Diseases|0238-1249|Semiannual| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
305 |
306|Acta Phytopathologica Sinica| |0412-0914|Bimonthly| |CHINESE SOC PLANT PATHOLOGY
306 |
307|Acta Phytophylacica Sinica| |0577-7518|Quarterly| |CHINA INT BOOK TRADING CORP
307 |
308|Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica| |0257-4829|Quarterly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
308 |
309|Acta Politica|Social Sciences, general / Political science|0001-6810|Quarterly| |PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD
309 |
310|Acta Poloniae Historica| |0001-6829|Semiannual| |INST HIST PAN
310 |
311|Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica|Pharmacology & Toxicology|0001-6837|Quarterly| |POLSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA FARMACEUTYCZNEGO
311 |
312|Acta Polymerica Sinica|Chemistry / Polymers; Polymerization|1000-3304|Bimonthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
312 |
313|Acta Polytechnica Hungarica|Engineering|1785-8860|Quarterly| |BUDAPEST TECH
313 |
314|Acta Protozoologica|Biology & Biochemistry|0065-1583|Quarterly| |JAGIELLONIAN UNIV
314 |
315|Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica| |0365-558X|Annual| |BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD
315 |
316|Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica| |0001-6314|Annual| |BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD
316 |
317|Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica Supplementum| |0065-1591|Quarterly| |BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD
317 |
318|Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Supplementum| |0105-0028|Quarterly| |BLACKWELL MUNKSGAARD
318 |
319|Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica|Psychiatry/Psychology / Psychiatry; Mental Disorders; Psychiatrie|0001-690X|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
319 |
320|Acta Psychologica|Psychiatry/Psychology / Psychology|0001-6918|Monthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
320 |
321|Acta Radiologica|Clinical Medicine / Radiology, Medical; Radiography, Medical; Radiotherapy; Radiography; Radionuclide Imaging; Radiologie médicale; Radiologie|0284-1851|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
321 |
322|Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa|Clinical Medicine|0303-464X|Quarterly| |MEDFARMA-EDICOES MEDICAS
322 |
323|Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae| |0253-2468|Bimonthly| |CHINA INT BOOK TRADING CORP
323 |
324|Acta Scientiae Veterinariae|Plant & Animal Science|1678-0345|Tri-annual| |UNIV FED RIO GRANDE DO SUL
324 |
325|Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis| |0465-7942|Quarterly| |NANKAI UNIV
325 |
326|Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis| |0479-8023|Bimonthly| |CHINA INT BOOK TRADING CORP
326 |
327|Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni| |0529-6579|Bimonthly| |CHINA INT BOOK TRADING CORP
327 |
328|Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus|Plant & Animal Science|1644-0692|Quarterly| |WYDAWNICTWO AKAD ROLNICZEJ W LUBLINIE
328 |
329|Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy|Agricultural Sciences / Agronomy; Aronomy|1679-9275|Quarterly| |UNIV ESTADUAL MARINGA
329 |
330|Acta Scientiarum-Animal Sciences|Zoology|1806-2636|Quarterly| |UNIV ESTADUAL MARINGA
330 |
331|Acta Scientiarum-Biological Sciences|Biology; Biological Sciences|1679-9283|Quarterly| |UNIV ESTADUAL MARINGA
331 |
332|Acta Scientiarum-Health Sciences|Medical sciences; Medicine|1679-9291|Quarterly| |UNIV ESTADUAL MARINGA
332 |
333|Acta Scientiarum-Technology|Multidisciplinary / Technology|1806-2563|Quarterly| |UNIV ESTADUAL MARINGA
333 |
334|Acta Sedimentologica Sinica| |1000-0550|Quarterly| |SCIENCE PRESS
334 |
335|Acta Silvatica & Lignaria Hungarica| |1786-691X|Annual| |HUNGARIAN ACAD SCIENCES
335 |
336|Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae|Plant & Animal Science|0001-6977|Quarterly| |POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO BOTANICZNE
336 |
337|Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae| |1211-376X|Quarterly| |CZECH ZOOLOGICAL SOC
337 |
338|Acta Sociologica|Social Sciences, general / Sociology; Sociologie|0001-6993|Quarterly| |SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD
338 |
339|Acta Theologica| |1015-8758|Semiannual| |UNIV FREE STATE
339 |
340|ACTA THERIOLOGICA|Plant & Animal Science /|0001-7051|Quarterly| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES
340 |
341|Acta Theriologica Sinica| |1000-1050|Quarterly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
341 |
342|Acta Tropica|Clinical Medicine / Science; Tropical medicine; Ethnology; Tropical Medicine; Médecine tropicale; Ethnologie; Tropische geneeskunde|0001-706X|Monthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
342 |
343|Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis| |1211-8516|Bimonthly| |USTREDNI KNIHOVNA MZLU V BRNE
343 |
344|Acta Universitatis Carolinae Environmentalica| |0862-6529|Annual| |UNIV KARLOVA
344 |
345|Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica| |0001-7132|Quarterly| |UNIV KARLOVA
345 |
346|Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Biologica| |0001-7124|Quarterly| |CHARLES UNIV PRAGUE
346 |
347|Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Biologica et Oecologica| |1730-2366|Irregular| |WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU LODZKIEGO
347 |
348|Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Limnologica| |0208-6158|Irregular| |WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU LODZKIEGO
348 |
349|Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Zoologica| |1230-0527|Irregular| |BIBLIOTEKA UNIWERSYTECKA
349 |
350|Acta Universitatis Lodziensis-Folia Biochimica et Biophysica| |0208-614X|Irregular| |BIBLIOTEKA UNIWERSYTECKA
350 |
351|Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Biologia| |0208-4449|Irregular| |UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA W TORUNIU
351 |
352|Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Prace Limnologiczne| |0208-5348|Irregular| |UNIWERSYTET MIKOLAJA KOPERNIKA W TORUNIU
352 |
353|Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Contributions in Geology| |0585-3532|Irregular| |ALMQVIST & WIKSELL INT
353 |
354|Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses| |0082-0644|Irregular| |UPPSALA UNIV
354 |
355|Acta Veterinaria Brasilica| |1981-5484|Quarterly| |PRO-REITORIA PESQUISA POS-GRADUACO-UFERSA
355 |
356|Acta Veterinaria Brno|Plant & Animal Science / Veterinary medicine; Veterinary Medicine|0001-7213|Quarterly| |VETERINARNI A FARMACEUTICKA UNIVERZITA BRNO
356 |
357|Acta Veterinaria Hungarica|Plant & Animal Science / Veterinary medicine; Veterinary Medicine|0236-6290|Quarterly| |AKADEMIAI KIADO RT
357 |
358|Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica|Plant & Animal Science / Veterinary medicine; Veterinary Medicine|0044-605X|Quarterly| |BIOMED CENTRAL LTD
358 |
359|Acta Veterinaria-Beograd|Plant & Animal Science / Veterinary medicine; Veterinary Medicine|0567-8315|Quarterly| |VETERINARY FACULTY
359 |
360|Acta Virologica|Microbiology /|0001-723X|Bimonthly| |SLOVAK ACADEMIC PRESS LTD
360 |
361|Acta Zoologica|Plant & Animal Science / Zoology; Dierkunde|0001-7272|Quarterly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
361 |
362|Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae|Plant & Animal Science|1217-8837|Quarterly| |HUNGARIAN NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM
362 |
363|Acta Zoologica Bulgarica|Plant & Animal Science|0324-0770|Tri-annual| |INST ZOOLOGY
363 |
364|Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia Ser A-Vertebrata|Vertebrates; Zoology|1895-3123|Semiannual| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES
364 |
365|Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia Ser B-Invertebrata|Invertebrates; Zoology|1895-3131|Semiannual| |POLISH ACAD SCIENCES
365 |
366|Acta Zoologica Fennica| |0001-7299|Quarterly| |FINNISH ZOOLOGICAL BOTANICAL PUBLISHING BOARD
366 |
367|Acta Zoologica Lilloana| |0065-1729|Irregular| |FUNDACION MIGUEL LILLO
367 |
368|Acta Zoologica Lituanica|Zoology|1392-1657|Quarterly| |INST ECOLOGY
368 |
369|Acta Zoologica Mexicana-Nueva Serie| |0065-1737|Irregular| |INST ECOLOGIA A C
369 |
370|Acta Zoologica Sinica| |0001-7302|Quarterly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
370 |
371|Acta Zoologica Taiwanica| |1019-5858|Semiannual| |NATL TAIWAN UNIV
371 |
372|Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae| |1336-510X|Annual| |UNIV KOMENSKEHO
372 |
373|Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica| |1000-0739|Irregular| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
373 |
374|Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria|Psychiatry/Psychology|1139-9287|Bimonthly| |GRUPO ARS XXI COMUNICACION S L
374 |
375|Actas Urológicas Españolas|Clinical Medicine /|0210-4806|Monthly| |ENE EDICIONES SL
375 |
376|Actes de Colloques-Ifremer| |0761-3962|Irregular| |INST FRANCAIS RECHERCHE EXPLOITATION MER-IFREMER
376 |
377|Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales|Social Sciences, general / Social sciences; Sciences sociales; Sociale wetenschappen|0335-5322|Quarterly| |EDITIONS SEUIL
377 |
378|Action Research|Social Sciences, general / Action research|1476-7503|Quarterly| |SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD
378 |
379|Actual Problems of Economics|Economics & Business|1993-6788|Monthly| |NATIONAL ACAD MANAGEMENT
379 |
380|Actualidades Biologicas| |0304-3584|Semiannual| |UNIV ANTIOQUIA
380 |
381|Actualite Chimique|Chemistry|0151-9093|Monthly| |SOC FRANCAISE CHIMIE
381 |
382|Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research|Clinical Medicine|0360-1293|Tri-annual| |COGNIZANT COMMUNICATION CORP
382 |
383|Acupuncture in Medicine| |0964-5284|Quarterly| |B M J PUBLISHING GROUP
383 |
384|Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks|Computer Science|1551-9899|Bimonthly| |OLD CITY PUBLISHING INC
384 |
385|Ad Hoc Networks|Computer Science / Sensor networks; Mobile computing; Mobile communication systems; Wireless communication systems; Computernetwerken|1570-8705|Bimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
385 |
386 |
387|Adansonia|Plant & Animal Science|1280-8571|Semiannual| |PUBLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES DU MUSEUM
387 |
388|Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly|Social Sciences, general|0736-5829|Quarterly| |HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC
388 |
389|Adaptive Behavior|Psychiatry/Psychology / Animal behavior; Animals; Artificial intelligence; Adaptation, Psychological; Animal Population Groups; Artificial Intelligence; Behavior, Animal|1059-7123|Bimonthly| |SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD
389 |
390|Addiction|Clinical Medicine / Alcoholism; Drug addiction; Substance-Related Disorders; Tobacco Use Disorder; Verslaving|0965-2140|Monthly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
390 |
391|Addiction Biology|Neuroscience & Behavior / Substance abuse; Alcoholism; Substance-Related Disorders; Tobacco Use Disorder|1355-6215|Quarterly| |WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING
391 |
392|Addiction Research & Theory|Social Sciences, general / Substance abuse; Compulsive behavior; Behavior, Addictive; Substance-Related Disorders|1606-6359|Bimonthly| |TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD
392 |
393|Addictive Behaviors|Psychiatry/Psychology / Alcoholism; Drug addiction; Obesity; Nicotine addiction; Behavior; Smoking; Alcoolisme; Toxicomanie; Obésité; Tabagisme|0306-4603|Monthly| |PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
393 |
394|Adicciones|Clinical Medicine|0214-4840|Quarterly| |SOCIDROGALCOHOL
394 |
395|Administration & Society|Social Sciences, general / Public administration; Bestuursrecht; Overheid; Openbaar bestuur; Administration publique (Science) / Public administration; Bestuursrecht; Overheid; Openbaar bestuur; Administration publique (Science)|0095-3997|Bimonthly| |SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC
395 |
396|Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research|Mental health services; Mental health policy; Health Policy; Mental Health; Mental Health Services / Mental health services; Mental health policy; Health Policy; Mental Health; Mental Health Services|0894-587X|Bimonthly| |MAIK NAUKA/INTERPERIODICA/SPRINGER
396 |
397|Administration in Social Work|Social Sciences, general / Social work administration; Organization and Administration; Social Work|0364-3107|Quarterly| |HAWORTH PRESS INC
397 |
398|Administrative Law Review|Social Sciences, general|0001-8368|Quarterly| |AMER BAR ASSOC
398 |
399|Administrative Science Quarterly|Economics & Business / Management; Organization; Public administration; Organization and Administration; Administratieve organisatie; Bestuurlijke informatieverzorging|0001-8392|Quarterly| |ADMINISTRATIVE
399 |
400|Adolescence|Psychiatry/Psychology /|0001-8449|Quarterly| |LIBRA PUBLISHERS INC
400 |
401|Adolescent Psychiatry|Psychiatry/Psychology|0065-2008|Annual| |ANALYTIC PRESS
401 |
402|Adsorption Science & Technology|Chemistry / Adsorption|0263-6174|Monthly| |MULTI-SCIENCE PUBL CO LTD
402 |
403|Adsorption-Journal of the International Adsorption Society|Chemistry / Adsorption|0929-5607|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER
403 |
404|Adult Education Quarterly|Social Sciences, general / Adult education|0741-7136|Quarterly| |SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC
404 |
405|Advanced Composite Materials|Materials Science / Composite materials; Reinforced plastics|0924-3046|Quarterly| |VSP BV
405 |
406|Advanced Composites Letters|Materials Science|0963-6935|Bimonthly| |ADCOTEC LTD
406 |
407|Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews|Pharmacology & Toxicology / Drug delivery systems; Drugs; Pharmaceutical Preparations; Médicaments|0169-409X|Monthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
407 |
408|Advanced Engineering Informatics|Engineering / Engineering; Artificial intelligence; Expert systems (Computer science); Productieprocessen; Kunstmatige intelligentie|1474-0346|Quarterly| |ELSEVIER SCI LTD
408 |
409|Advanced Engineering Materials|Materials Science / Materials; Materiaalkunde|1438-1656|Monthly| |WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
409 |
410|Advanced Functional Materials|Materials Science / Molecular electronics; Electrooptics; Optoelectronics; Materiaalkunde|1616-301X|Monthly| |WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
410 |
411|Advanced Materials|Materials Science / Materials; Chemical vapor deposition; Materialen; Vernieuwing; Technologie|0935-9648|Semimonthly| |WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
411 |
412|Advanced Materials & Processes|Materials Science|0882-7958|Monthly| |ASM INT
412 |
413|Advanced Nonlinear Studies|Mathematics|1536-1365|Quarterly| |ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES
413 |
414|Advanced Powder Technology|Chemistry / Powders; Particles; Granular materials|0921-8831|Bimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
414 |
415|Advanced Robotics|Engineering / Robotics|0169-1864|Bimonthly| |VSP BV
415 |
416|Advanced Science Letters|Multidisciplinary|1936-6612|Quarterly| |AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS
416 |
417|Advanced Steel Construction|Engineering|1816-112X|Quarterly| |HONG KONG INST STEEL CONSTRUCTION
417 |
418|Advanced Studies in Biology| |1313-9495|Tri-annual| |HIKARI LTD
418 |
419|Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis|Chemistry / Chemistry; Chemistry, Technical; Catalysis; Technology, Pharmaceutical; Procestechnologie; Katalyse; Synthese (chemie)|1615-4150|Semimonthly| |WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH
419 |
420|Advances in Agronomy|Agricultural Sciences|0065-2113|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
420 |
421|Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union| |1310-8840|Annual| |PENSOFT PUBLISHERS
421 |
422|Advances in Anatomic Pathology|Clinical Medicine / Pathology; Pathology, Surgical|1072-4109|Bimonthly| |LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS
422 |
423|Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology|Molecular Biology & Genetics|0301-5556|Quarterly| |SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN
423 |
424|Advances in Applied Ceramics|Materials Science / Ceramics|1743-6753|Bimonthly| |MANEY PUBLISHING
424 |
425|Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras|Mathematics / Clifford algebras|0188-7009|Quarterly| |BIRKHAUSER VERLAG AG
425 |
426|Advances in Applied Mathematics|Mathematics / Mathematics|0196-8858|Bimonthly| |ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE
426 |
427|Advances in Applied Mechanics|Engineering|0065-2156|Annual| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
427 |
428|Advances in Applied Microbiology Series| |0065-2164|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
428 |
429|Advances in Applied Probability|Mathematics / Probabilities; Mathematics; Probability; Statistics|0001-8678|Quarterly| |APPLIED PROBABILITY TRUST
429 |
430|Advances in Atmospheric Sciences|Geosciences / Meteorology; Marine meteorology|0256-1530|Bimonthly| |SCIENCE CHINA PRESS
430 |
431|Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics|Physics|1049-250X|Annual| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
431 |
432|Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics| |0065-2199|Annual| |ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE
432 |
433|Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology| |0724-6145|Irregular| |SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN
433 |
434|Advances in Biophysics|Biology & Biochemistry / Biophysics; Biophysique|0065-227X|Annual| |JAPAN SCIENTIFIC SOC PRESS
434 |
435|Advances in Botanical Research|Botany; Botanica|0065-2296|Irregular| |ACADEMIC PRESS LTD-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD
435 |
436|Advances in Cancer Research|Clinical Medicine / Cancer; Neoplasms, Experimental|0065-230X|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
436 |
437|Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry Series|Carbohydrates; Biochimie; Glucides; Biochemistry|0065-2318|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
437 |
438|Advances in Cardiology|Clinical Medicine|0065-2326|Irregular| |KARGER
438 |
439|Advances in Catalysis|Chemistry|0360-0564|Annual| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
439 |
440|Advances in Cement Research|Materials Science / Cement; Cement industries|0951-7197|Quarterly| |THOMAS TELFORD PUBLISHING
440 |
441|Advances in Chemical Physics|Chemistry|0065-2385|Annual| |JOHN WILEY & SONS INC
441 |
442|Advances in Chemical Physics| |0065-2385|Annual| |JOHN WILEY & SONS INC
442 |
443|Advances in Child Development and Behavior|Psychiatry/Psychology|0065-2407|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
443 |
444|Advances in Chromatography|Chemistry|0065-2415|Annual| |CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP
444 |
445|Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease|Clinical Medicine /|1548-5595|Quarterly| |W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC
445 |
446|Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine|Clinical Medicine|1230-025X|Bimonthly| |WROCLAW MEDICAL UNIV
446 |
447|Advances in Clinical Chemistry|Clinical Medicine|0065-2423|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
447 |
448|Advances in Colloid and Interface Science|Chemistry / Surface chemistry; Colloids; Chemistry, Physical|0001-8686|Semimonthly| |ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV
448 |
449|Advances in Complex Systems|Multidisciplinary /|0219-5259|Bimonthly| |WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD
449 |
450|Advances in Computational Mathematics|Mathematics / Numerical calculations; Numerical analysis|1019-7168|Bimonthly| |SPRINGER
450 |
451|Advances in Computers|Computer Science|0065-2458|Annual| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
451 |
452|Advances in Difference Equations|Mathematics / Difference equations|1687-1839|Quarterly| |HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORPORATION
452 |
453|Advances in Differential Equations|Mathematics|1079-9389|Monthly| |KHAYYAM PUBL CO INC
453 |
454|Advances in Ecological Research|Environment/Ecology / Ecology; Research; Ecologie; Écologie|0065-2504|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
454 |
455|Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering|Engineering /|1582-7445|Semiannual| |UNIV SUCEAVA
455 |
456|Advances in Engineering Software|Computer Science / Engineering|0965-9978|Monthly| |ELSEVIER SCI LTD
456 |
457|Advances in Environmental Biology| |1995-0756|Tri-annual| |AM-EURASIAN NETWORK SCI INFORMATION-AENSI
457 |
458|Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects| |0065-258X|Irregular| |JOHN WILEY & SONS INC
458 |
459|Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects of Biochemistry| |0065-258X|Irregular| |JOHN WILEY & SONS INC
459 |
460|Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology|Clinical Medicine|0065-2598|Irregular| |SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN
460 |
461|Advances in Experimental Social Psychology|Psychiatry/Psychology / Social psychology; Psychology, Experimental; Psychology, Social; Sociale psychologie; Psychologie sociale|0065-2601|Annual| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
461 |
462|Advances in Fish Research| | |Irregular| |NARENDRA PUBL HOUSE
462 |
463|Advances in Food Sciences| |1431-7737|Quarterly| |PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P)
463 |
464|Advances in Genetics| |0065-2660|Irregular| |ELSEVIER ACADEMIC PRESS INC
464 |
465|Advances in Geometry|Mathematics / Geometry|1615-715X|Quarterly| |WALTER DE GRUYTER & CO
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