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Revision 55645

numerous bug fixes and changes to schema

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Stats_indexConf=index.conf { result { dups = true, links = [ { relType = resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn, targetEntity = result, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_dedup_merges, targetEntity = result, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype,similarity,type] }, { relType = resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype,similarity,type] } ]}, person { dups = false, links = [ { relType = personResult_authorship_isAuthorOf, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [fullname,ranking], max=1000 }, { relType = projectPerson_contactPerson_isContact, targetEntity = project, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [fullname,email,fax,phone] } ]}, datasource { dups = false, links = [ { relType = datasourceOrganization_provision_provides, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [officialname,websiteurl,datasourcetype,aggregatortype,openairecompatibility] } ]}, organization { dups = true, links = [ { relType = projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant, targetEntity = project, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy, targetEntity = datasource, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = organizationOrganization_dedup_merges, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] } ]}, project { dups = false, links = [ { relType = projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [code,acronym,title,websiteurl,contracttype,fundingtree] }, { relType = resultProject_outcome_produces, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [code,acronym,title,websiteurl,contracttype,fundingtree] }, { relType = projectPerson_contactPerson_hasContact, targetEntity = person, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [code,acronym,title,websiteurl,contracttype,fundingtree] } ]}}
Stats_indexConf=index.conf { result { dups = true, links = [ { relType = resultResult_dedup_isMergedIn, targetEntity = result, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_dedup_merges, targetEntity = result, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_publicationDataset_isRelatedTo, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype] }, { relType = resultResult_similarity_isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype,similarity,type] }, { relType = resultResult_similarity_hasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [title,dateofacceptance,publisher,resulttype,similarity,type] } ]}, datasource { dups = false, links = [ { relType = datasourceOrganization_provision_provides, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [officialname,websiteurl,datasourcetype,aggregatortype,openairecompatibility] } ]}, organization { dups = true, links = [ { relType = projectOrganization_participation_isParticipant, targetEntity = project, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = datasourceOrganization_provision_isProvidedBy, targetEntity = datasource, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = organizationOrganization_dedup_merges, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] }, { relType = organizationOrganization_dedup_isMergedIn, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = child, symmetric = true, fields = [legalname,legalshortname,websiteurl,country] } ]}, project { dups = false, links = [ { relType = projectOrganization_participation_hasParticipant, targetEntity = organization, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [code,acronym,title,websiteurl,contracttype,fundingtree] }, { relType = resultProject_outcome_produces, targetEntity = result, expandAs = rel, symmetric = true, fields = [code,acronym,title,websiteurl,contracttype,fundingtree] } ]}}
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