DROP VIEW organizations_view; DROP VIEW organizations_info_view; DROP VIEW organizations_simple_view; DROP VIEW users_view; DROP VIEW conflicts_view; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS other_ids; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS other_names; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS acronyms; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS relationships; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS urls; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS openaire_simrels; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS organizations; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS org_types; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_countries; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS users; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_roles; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS countries; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS id_types; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS languages; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS organizations_id_seq; CREATE TABLE org_types (val text PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO org_types VALUES ('Archive'), ('Company'), ('Education'), ('Facility'), ('Government'), ('Healthcare'), ('Nonprofit'), ('Other'), ('UNKNOWN'); CREATE TABLE id_types (val text PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO id_types VALUES ('CNRS'), ('FundRef'), ('HESA'), ('ISNI'), ('OrgRef'), ('UCAS'), ('UKPRN'), ('Wikidata'), ('grid.ac'); CREATE TABLE languages (val text PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO languages VALUES ('UNKNOWN'), ('aa'), ('af'), ('am'), ('ar'), ('as'), ('az'), ('ba'), ('be'), ('bg'), ('bn'), ('br'), ('bs'), ('ca'), ('ch'), ('co'), ('cs'), ('cy'), ('da'), ('de'), ('dv'), ('dz'), ('el'), ('en'), ('eo'), ('es'), ('et'), ('eu'), ('fa'), ('fi'), ('fr'), ('fy'), ('ga'), ('gd'), ('gl'), ('gu'), ('he'), ('hi'), ('hr'), ('hu'), ('hy'), ('id'), ('is'), ('it'), ('iu'), ('ja'), ('jv'), ('ka'), ('kk'), ('kl'), ('km'), ('kn'), ('ko'), ('ku'), ('ky'), ('la'), ('lb'), ('lo'), ('lt'), ('lv'), ('mg'), ('mi'), ('mk'), ('ml'), ('mn'), ('mr'), ('ms'), ('mt'), ('my'), ('nb'), ('ne'), ('nl'), ('nn'), ('no'), ('oc'), ('or'), ('pa'), ('pl'), ('ps'), ('pt'), ('rm'), ('ro'), ('ru'), ('rw'), ('sa'), ('sd'), ('si'), ('sk'), ('sl'), ('so'), ('sq'), ('sr'), ('sv'), ('sw'), ('ta'), ('te'), ('tg'), ('th'), ('tk'), ('tl'), ('tr'), ('tt'), ('ug'), ('uk'), ('ur'), ('uz'), ('vi'), ('xh'), ('yo'), ('zh'), ('zu'); CREATE TABLE countries (val text PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('UNKNOWN'), ('AD'), ('AE'), ('AF'), ('AG'), ('AL'), ('AM'), ('AO'), ('AR'), ('AT'), ('AU'), ('AW'), ('AX'), ('AZ'), ('BA'), ('BB'), ('BD'), ('BE'), ('BF'), ('BG'), ('BH'), ('BI'), ('BJ'), ('BM'), ('BN'), ('BO'), ('BQ'), ('BR'), ('BS'), ('BT'), ('BW'), ('BY'), ('BZ'), ('CA'), ('CD'), ('CF'), ('CG'), ('CH'), ('CI'), ('CL'), ('CM'), ('CN'), ('CO'), ('CR'), ('CU'), ('CV'), ('CW'), ('CY'), ('CZ'), ('DE'), ('DJ'), ('DK'), ('DM'), ('DO'), ('DZ'), ('EC'), ('EE'), ('EG'), ('EH'), ('ER'), ('ES'), ('ET'), ('FI'), ('FJ'), ('FM'), ('FO'), ('FR'), ('GA'), ('GB'), ('GD'), ('GE'), ('GF'), ('GH'), ('GI'), ('GL'), ('GM'), ('GN'), ('GP'), ('GQ'), ('GR'), ('GT'), ('GW'), ('GY'), ('HN'), ('HR'), ('HT'), ('HU'), ('ID'), ('IE'), ('IL'), ('IM'), ('IN'), ('IQ'), ('IR'), ('IS'), ('IT'), ('JE'), ('JM'), ('JO'), ('JP'), ('KE'), ('KG'), ('KH'), ('KN'), ('KP'), ('KR'), ('KW'), ('KY'), ('KZ'), ('LA'), ('LB'), ('LC'), ('LI'), ('LK'), ('LR'), ('LS'), ('LT'), ('LU'), ('LV'), ('LY'), ('MA'), ('MC'), ('MD'), ('ME'), ('MG'), ('MK'), ('ML'), ('MM'), ('MN'), ('MO'), ('MQ'), ('MR'), ('MS'), ('MT'), ('MU'), ('MV'), ('MW'), ('MX'), ('MY'), ('MZ'), ('NA'), ('NC'), ('NE'), ('NG'), ('NI'), ('NL'), ('NO'), ('NP'), ('NU'), ('NZ'), ('OM'), ('PA'), ('PE'), ('PF'), ('PG'), ('PH'), ('PK'), ('PL'), ('PS'), ('PT'), ('PW'), ('PY'), ('QA'), ('RE'), ('RO'), ('RS'), ('RU'), ('RW'), ('SA'), ('SB'), ('SC'), ('SD'), ('SE'), ('SG'), ('SI'), ('SJ'), ('SK'), ('SL'), ('SM'), ('SN'), ('SO'), ('SR'), ('SS'), ('ST'), ('SV'), ('SX'), ('SY'), ('SZ'), ('TC'), ('TD'), ('TG'), ('TH'), ('TJ'), ('TL'), ('TM'), ('TN'), ('TO'), ('TR'), ('TT'), ('TV'), ('TW'), ('TZ'), ('UA'), ('UG'), ('US'), ('UY'), ('UZ'), ('VA'), ('VC'), ('VE'), ('VG'), ('VN'), ('WS'), ('XK'), ('YE'), ('ZA'), ('ZM'), ('ZW'); CREATE TABLE user_roles(role text PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO user_roles VALUES ('ADMIN'), ('NATIONAL_ADMIN'), ('USER'), ('PENDING'), ('NOT_AUTHORIZED'); CREATE TABLE users ( email text PRIMARY KEY, valid boolean DEFAULT true, role text NOT NULL default 'USER' REFERENCES user_roles(role) ); CREATE TABLE user_countries ( email text REFERENCES users(email), country text REFERENCES countries(val), PRIMARY KEY(email, country) ); CREATE SEQUENCE organizations_id_seq; CREATE TABLE organizations ( id text PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT 'openorgs____::'||lpad(nextval('organizations_id_seq')::text,10,'0'), name text, type text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN' REFERENCES org_types(val), lat double precision, lng double precision, city text, country text REFERENCES countries(val), created_by text, creation_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), modified_by text, modification_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() ); CREATE INDEX organizations_type_idx ON organizations(type); CREATE INDEX organizations_country_idx ON organizations(country); CREATE TABLE other_ids ( id text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, otherid text, type text REFERENCES id_types(val), PRIMARY KEY (id, otherid, type) ); CREATE INDEX other_ids_id_idx ON other_ids(id); CREATE TABLE other_names ( id text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, name text, lang text REFERENCES languages(val), PRIMARY KEY (id, name, lang) ); CREATE INDEX other_names_id_idx ON other_names(id); CREATE TABLE acronyms ( id text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, acronym text, PRIMARY KEY (id, acronym) ); CREATE INDEX acronyms_id_idx ON acronyms(id); CREATE TABLE relationships ( id1 text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, reltype text, id2 text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY (id1, reltype, id2) ); CREATE INDEX relationships_id1_idx ON relationships(id1); CREATE INDEX relationships_id2_idx ON relationships(id2); CREATE TABLE urls ( id text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, url text, PRIMARY KEY (id, url) ); CREATE INDEX urls_id_idx ON urls(id); CREATE TABLE openaire_simrels ( local_id text REFERENCES organizations(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE, oa_original_id text NOT NULL, oa_name text NOT NULL, oa_acronym text, oa_country text, oa_url text, oa_collectedfrom text, reltype text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'suggested', PRIMARY KEY (local_id, oa_original_id) ); CREATE INDEX openaire_simrels_local_id_idx ON openaire_simrels(local_id); CREATE VIEW organizations_view AS SELECT org.id, org.name, org.type, org.lat, org.lng, org.city, org.country, COALESCE(jsonb_agg(DISTINCT jsonb_build_object('id', oid.otherid, 'type', oid.type)) FILTER (WHERE oid.otherid IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS other_ids, COALESCE(jsonb_agg(DISTINCT jsonb_build_object('name', n.name, 'lang', n.lang)) FILTER (WHERE n.name IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS other_names, COALESCE(jsonb_agg(DISTINCT a.acronym) FILTER (WHERE a.acronym IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS acronyms, COALESCE(jsonb_agg(DISTINCT u.url) FILTER (WHERE u.url IS NOT NULL), '[]') AS urls FROM organizations org LEFT OUTER JOIN other_ids oid ON (org.id = oid.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN other_names n ON (org.id = n.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN acronyms a ON (org.id = a.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN urls u ON (org.id = u.id) GROUP BY org.id, org.name, org.type, org.lat, org.lng, org.city, org.country; CREATE VIEW organizations_info_view AS SELECT org.id, org.created_by, org.creation_date, org.modified_by, org.modification_date, count(DISTINCT r.id2) as n_rels, count(DISTINCT e.oa_original_id) as n_enrichments, count(DISTINCT c.oa_original_id) as n_conflicts FROM organizations org LEFT OUTER JOIN relationships r ON (org.id = r.id1) LEFT OUTER JOIN openaire_simrels e ON (org.id = e.local_id AND e.oa_original_id NOT LIKE 'openorgs____::%') LEFT OUTER JOIN openaire_simrels c ON (org.id = c.local_id AND c.oa_original_id LIKE 'openorgs____::%') GROUP BY org.id; CREATE VIEW organizations_simple_view AS SELECT org.id, org.name, org.type, org.city, org.country, array_agg(DISTINCT a.acronym) FILTER (WHERE a.acronym IS NOT NULL) AS acronyms FROM organizations org LEFT OUTER JOIN acronyms a ON (org.id = a.id) GROUP BY org.id, org.name, org.type, org.city, org.country; CREATE VIEW users_view AS SELECT u.email, u.valid, u.role, array_agg(uc.country) FILTER (WHERE uc.country IS NOT NULL) AS countries FROM users u LEFT OUTER JOIN user_countries uc ON (u.email = uc.email) GROUP BY u.email, u.valid, u.role ORDER BY u.email; CREATE VIEW conflicts_view AS SELECT o1.id AS id_1, o1.name AS name_1, o1.type AS type_1, o1.city AS city_1, o1.country AS country_1, o2.id AS id_2, o2.name AS name_2, o2.type AS type_2, o2.city AS city_2, o2.country AS country_2 FROM openaire_simrels s LEFT OUTER JOIN organizations o1 ON (s.local_id = o1.id) LEFT OUTER JOIN organizations o2 ON (s.oa_original_id = o2.id) WHERE s.oa_original_id LIKE 'openorgs____::%' AND o1.id IS NOT NULL AND O2.id IS NOT NULL;