dnet45/modules/dnet-collector-plugins/trunk/src/test/java/eu/dnetlib/data/collector/plugins @ 60371
Name | Size | Revision | Age | Author | Comment |
datacite | 56854 | about 5 years | Alessia Bardi | Test DataciteESIterator's decompression method | |
datasets | 48609 | about 7 years | Alessia Bardi | Added tara Pangaea projects in test, which is n... | |
datasources | 53072 | about 6 years | Miriam Baglioni | changed the number of expected repositories | |
doiresolver | 59309 | about 4 years | Alessia Bardi | Test for DOI pattern | |
excel | 57701 | almost 5 years | Miriam Baglioni | changed test for readexcel plugin | |
httpfilename | 53656 | almost 6 years | Miriam Baglioni | added new test for Elsevier | |
opentrial | 49666 | almost 7 years | Alessia Bardi | Ignore test that makes external calls | |
projects | 52783 | about 6 years | Miriam Baglioni | use HttpConnector to download XML instead of VT... | |
rest | 60371 | over 3 years | Miriam Baglioni | changed settings for FCT rest api | |
schemaorg | 53663 | almost 6 years | Claudio Atzori | added main classes to verify the content collec... | |
utils | 58993 | about 4 years | Alessia Bardi | refactored methods working with json so they ca... |
Latest revisions
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