update dsm_organizations set country='TW' where country='Taiwan'; update dsm_organizations set country='NL' where country='Netherlands'; update dsm_organizations set country='NA' where country='NAM'; update dsm_organizations set country='KZ' where country='KAZ'; update dsm_organizations set country='IL' where country='Israel'; update dsm_organizations set country='US' where country='United States'; update dsm_organizations set country='DE' where country='Germany'; update dsm_organizations set country='CA' where country='Canada'; update dsm_organizations set country='LK' where country='LKA'; update dsm_organizations set country='CD' where country ='Congo, the Democratic Republic of the'; update dsm_organizations set country='CD' where country like 'Congo Democratic%'; update dsm_organizations set country='CD' where country = 'Zaire'; update dsm_organizations set country='FI' where country = 'Finland'; update dsm_organizations set country='MX' where country = 'Mexico'; update dsm_organizations set country='GB' where country = 'United Kingdom';