Claim notifications for communities: - Notifications scheduler will run if property: "" is set to true. - Notifications for community claims are sent if property: "" is set to true. - Notifications for community claims are sent to managers of communities of the comma separated list property: - Notifications runs every 24 hours at 12:00 (noon). Property for specific hour when notifications will be sent (default 12:00): springContext-claims.xml: beans id="targetHour", id="targetMinute" id="targetSecond" Property for hours in between (default 24): springContext-claims.xml: beans id="beautySleep" (in seconds), bean id="defaultFrequencyInHours" Property if notifications will be sent: springContext-claims.propertis: - If manager has default notifications settings, gets email every 24 hours, if during the last 24 hours there were claims for his community - If manager has set notifications settings, gets email depending on his settings and if there were claims for his community from last_interaction_date (last date he got emails) until now. - On the email sent, we have the following configured values: - All emails are also sent (bcc) to: