Updated mapping for culturaItalia and ignored its test until they fix the mapping.
Add dri:datasourceapi in the header
Updated Clarin 365 mapping for tests
Updated tests and mappings
Fixed logs
More tests fro x3m
Ignore CLARIn test that fails for duplicate namespace prefix
Testing #8664#note-5 for EHRI and namespace
More tests for EHRI and CulturaItalia
Testing Parthenos 3M mappings
Returning more detailed counters for mdstore feeding.Fixed bug when trying to store too large XML: now all the page of XMLs is skipped, so we can go on with the other records (MongoBulkWritesManager)
Logging the extracted metadata for debugging
Added tests with real mappings
X3M Transformation node must be able to handle multiple 3M mappings
Handling workflow parameters of type 'list'
New type of workflow parameter that enables multiple selection of values from a list obtained via a function: "list"
Now we can tune the X3ML engine logs: https://support.d4science.org/issues/8117
Moved class in more proper package
Interpretation is not a solr-only property
Handle date range requests
New jobnode to get the last start date of a workflow of the same type of the current. The old job node is still needed to get the date as formatted string
Just one job node for refresh/incremental harvesting
UpdateIndex must consider also the interpretation, not only format and layout
Execution time monitored in debug mode on the jobNode, as the preparation for the mapping application does not impact on the total transformation time (from 0 to 3 ms, while transformation takes 100-200 ms)
logs for monitoring transofrmation execution time
calling the right deliver methods based on the noCursorTimeout param
Using new method to disable cursor timeout when reading from mdstore
checking how long it takes to transform
I do not want to see dri:repositoryIdentifier anymore
removed some DEBUG log
DEBUGGING THE TIMEOUT OF THE MONGO CURSOR: is there a metadata record that it is really slow to transform?
Testing x3ml
fixed xpath for the selection of the metadata body to validate
FORTH said they fixed the mvn repo problem, let's try ona jenkins build!
do not depend on FORTH mvn repo until https://support.d4science.org/issues/8021 is fixed
Need to validate only the content of oai:metadata
deploy.info for SaxonHE branches
changed dependency so that it is clear those are modules using SAXON HE
an instance of default job node for no-op
dateOfTransformation under the dri namespace
fixed call to current-datetime()
LayoutToRecordStylesheet xslt must be passed as property
MDBuilder passes to record template also the datasource name to fill dri:datasourcename
fixed typo on log
Node that validates XML record against their schema or a specific schema given its URL
Added dsName parameter
Created UnaryFunction for X3ML
Building correct D-Net XMLs after transformation with X3M
use the boolean to activate/disable the check
JobNode for X3m transformation and XSD verifier
Simplified param passing to this node
x3m node and test