Send parallel requests to the publishing endpoints when we want to store on virtuoso
Using new mandatory timeout parameter
set timeout parameter
Revised publishign workflows for the index, as it seems we are having troubles when the resultset is created from Iterables.concat
deleted old commented code
Now we can use the /subject endpoint to get the resources based on the proper sparql template
include E78_Collection resources
Using new VirtuosoREadAPI methods to get the paginated list of subjects
removed sys out
Re-try after sleep on request timeout
The availability type must be tUpdated namespace for CRMdig
More informative exception message
iterators in in alphabtical order based on the types they ask for
log subjectUrl on request timeout
I do not want to register also the E55_Types
Not asking for generic DigitalObjects
Loggin the XML only if it caused an error
Use the correct namespace for oai fields
Ensure the rdf string returned by the VirtuosoReadAPI does not start with the XML declaration before using it inside the metadata element
Need to set the Accept header, not Content-Type
We should not need to handle generic "Things"
Setting up a dedicated publishing workflow for the JRR
log debug instead of info
Adjust log levels
Trying to wait for the queue with no timeout
Shutdown now when error occurs
when virtuoso is tired it is better to sleep
Do not stop if we can't get the subject list for a graph
Increased queue timeout
Skip resources in case the CONSTRUCT query does not return after a timeout
throw Exception if we read an ERROR_TERMINATOR
Increased queue timeout and sleep time
Retry if resttemplate returns blank rdf document
Skipping no http resources
increased sleep time to 3 secs
increased timeout to 10 secs
poll returns null when the timeout expires
more logs
Simplified code of VirtuosoIterator. Only one queue and not too many parallel calls: let's see if virtuoso is more happy and if debugging is easier.
more logging
Now we are able to index data collected from virtuoso via CONSTRUCT queries, yeah!
Debug logs and header for rest call to the Parthenos virtuoso reader API
Removed unused field
Reading from Virtuoso for indexing by rdf resource
Adjusted log level
Do not create API for the root folder of clarin x3ml-mappings
Dedicate repo-hi wf for clarin : I want the aggregation wf to be ready to be executed (i.e. no need to manually set the TDS and policy file to use). In order to view the wf only when working with clarin API, clarin API have a specific api typology.
Create/update APIs and TDS for Clarin based on the content of a folder on the local file system containing the mappings.
JobNodes extend AsyncJobNode instead of SimpleJobNode
Node and workflow to publish on JRR + code refactoring on publishing nodes.
Fail if there was at least one non-200 reply from the parthenos publisher
More logs to understand what's going on
Fixed switch case with break
Trying to get some counters in the wf history logs.
Publish/unpublish on virtuoso using the API provided by the springboot app dnet-parthenos-publisher
Remove ead namespace from records collected from EHRI: #8664#note-5
Allow a max of 100 failed download for EHRI, then the collector fails
Let's use Iterators instead of Lists
Using lists in EHRI plugin: previously we stopped consuming after 2600 records.
Fixed target URL construction
Implementation of the Collector for EHRI
Added node to set the validation report correctly in the env output parameters.
Added project structure and initial version of the IS profiles for workflows, vocabularies, etc.