Fixed interface parameter
Node and workflow to publish on JRR + code refactoring on publishing nodes.
Unpublish wf
No OAI related params needed here
Default value for parthenos publisher endpoint
Ensure we are passing the 'passFullRecord' parameter to the X3M transformation job node
Publish/unpublish on virtuoso using the API provided by the springboot app dnet-parthenos-publisher
New parameter to decide to pass the full record or only the metadata block to x3m.
Updated index and lightui configuration to work with the RDF_XML_PLAIN format
Initital workflows with Virtuoso
using xslt 2.0
X3M Transformation node must be able to handle multiple 3M mappings
Added missing params for repo bye
Allow incremental transformation and specify the index interpretation
UpdateIndex must consider also the interpretation, not only format and layout
Updated index format to have the full RDF in the index result (basically for the inspector).The layout stylesheet needed some additional spaces
Added node to set the validation report correctly in the env output parameters.
Parthenos workflows with preview and public index collections
deleted unused old aggregation wf template
setting property for the proper layout2stylesheet XSLT for parthenos
Using datasourcename
Added node for cleaning values with vocabulary terms. Rule is only involving languages for now.
updated params for xml validation
Added missing parameters for repo-bye and OAi workflow
fixed parameters in template
Pathenos workflows are shaping up
No need to pass dsName explicitly, it is in the env
Fixed OAI workflow templates
fixed parameter passing of format
updated description
Added project structure and initial version of the IS profiles for workflows, vocabularies, etc.