deleted old and useless transform template
wfs ui
removed unused old repo-hi wf
dependency to gcube
deleted unused old aggregation wf template
workflows menu
main class moved to parent package eu.dnetlib
unit tests, cleanup
fixed bug on generation of scholix
reaturned streams release the readlock when closed. Early parallel tests
using long to store dates, cleanup
transaction information merged in the metadata collection
oai Explorer UI
metadata and transactionInfo managed using spring data repository
unit tests, working on readlocks
repo api page
shorter name
freemarker dependency moved to parent pom
simple names
reverted bad commit
freemarker dep moved to common-utils
added freemarker dep
migrated mdstore implementation, early tests
fixed a lot of stuff, and create a lot of transformation
added further control on reducer
msroWorker, async method
added property on dedupFixRelation Job configuration
added counters
async method thread
msro: async methods
async communication
using DNGFKey as reducing key for DedupFixRelationReducer
commented english synonym helps to verify the content checker UI
Browse for (un)cleaned records
More logging
Workflow for updating the solr schema according to the current version of a given MDFormat
We need the cleaning errors to be in the indexed record header
first tentative for rotten checker
rename of a package
msro service
Need string in select options
dateOfTransformation under the dri namespace
a minimal working light-ui
fixed call to current-datetime()
setting property for the proper layout2stylesheet XSLT for parthenos
LayoutToRecordStylesheet xslt must be passed as property
Using datasourcename
MDBuilder passes to record template also the datasource name to fill dri:datasourcename
fixed typo on log
Fixed typo in log
don't care about eagle images
Fixed OAI inspector for using MetadataReference
Added index inspector
refactoring: let's reuse class MetadataReference
fixed ds_version on index to use 24H
Added node for cleaning values with vocabulary terms. Rule is only involving languages for now.