wf to generate a report of corrected authors
fixed error on whitespace
fixed Test
Added mergeCollected From job
Added simple test for EHRI
Implementation of the Collector for EHRI
fixed a bug in async response
Added dataciteDatasources
added publisher Datacite transformation
update wf parameters
Jhades support - to show the report use the property "".
trying to fixing infinte loop of generate thumbnail
fixed bug
Changed deliverObjects of mongo gridfs
apis to retrieve/kill proc info
Now we can tune the X3ML engine logs:
changed index mapping
Partial response of async methods
added dependency to dnet-data-provision-services
startWorkflow controller (sync version)
wrong committed
Also handle -1 date
Moved class in more proper package
Interpretation is not a solr-only property
Added default value for property service.index.default.interpretation now used by UpdateIndexJobNode (althouth it is highly suggested to pass the interpretation value in the workflow instead of using the property.
Added missing params for repo bye
Allow incremental transformation and specify the index interpretation
Do use incremental transformation
Collection workflow refactored: no need two separate branches (refresh/incremental)
Handle date range requests
New jobnode to get the last start date of a workflow of the same type of the current. The old job node is still needed to get the date as formatted string
Just one job node for refresh/incremental harvesting
UpdateIndex must consider also the interpretation, not only format and layout
activation of wf nodes
fixed a json deserialization problem
implemented use of from/until for incremental record delivery
Updated index format to have the full RDF in the index result (basically for the inspector).The layout stylesheet needed some additional spaces
For the future, let's not have X3MTransformJobNode at DEBUG by default
logo for lightui entry point
Finally a decent security configuration that allows non-authenticated access to the metadata inspector and OAI
updated intellij file
Better move the security config in the container instead
Execution time monitored in debug mode on the jobNode, as the preparation for the mapping application does not impact on the total transformation time (from 0 to 3 ms, while transformation takes 100-200 ms)
logs for monitoring transofrmation execution time
Added real info about Ariadne
disabling security again because there are problems on the authentication when calling the
Using spring-security 4.2.2
Cleaned namespaces
Nothing works without the spring security filter...
slightly better auth handler, but still far from what we need
Introduced basic spring authentication. This is just a start, we have to do better
guess the UI password
removed duplicate deps
no passphrase
change in the url to get the thumbnail
removed empty dir
cleaned cxf.xml
calling the right deliver methods based on the noCursorTimeout param
Cannot have two web methods with the same name and different args
empty passphrase
Using new method to disable cursor timeout when reading from mdstore
New method to disable cursor timeout when reading from mdstore
check for empty thumbnail object store
checking how long it takes to transform
back to square brackets in log format
I do not want to see dri:repositoryIdentifier anymore
insert image type check.
ldo not want gr.forth.Utils logs
removed some DEBUG log
added method to ObjectStore
implemented the beautiful thumbnail service
I do want to log in debug X3MTransformJobNode
DEBUGGING THE TIMEOUT OF THE MONGO CURSOR: is there a metadata record that it is really slow to transform?
forgot an import
enable simpleAuthentication on modular UIs
Fixed xpath
limit number of files to be downloaded from ariadne (test is ignored anyway)
clean up test log configuration
wf execution
updated log4j properties
fixed EFG Download plugin and decreased the number of threads for generation of thumbnails
Added a missing @Autowired
Testing x3ml
Added no timeout option to gridfsResultSet