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Revision 49013

Ensure we are passing the 'passFullRecord' parameter to the X3M transformation job node

View differences:

24 24
                <PARAM name="useDeclaredSchema" description="Validate according to the schema decalred in each record" required="true" type="boolean" managedBy="user">false</PARAM>
25 25
                <PARAM name="schemaURL"  description="XML schema URL for validation"  required="false" managedBy="user" type="string" />
26 26

				<PARAM name="passFullRecord" description="True to pass the full record to x3m" managedBy="user"    type="boolean">false</PARAM>
				<PARAM name="passFullRecord"        description="True to pass the full record to x3m" managedBy="user"    type="boolean">false</PARAM>
28 28
                <PARAM name="transformationMode"    description="Incremental or refresh mode"       managedBy="user"    type="string"   function="validValues(['REFRESH','INCREMENTAL'])">INCREMENTAL</PARAM>
29 29
                <PARAM name="verboseTransformationLogging"  description="Enable verbose logging of X3M"     required="false"    managedBy="user"    type="boolean"/>
30 30
				<PARAM name="mappingProfiles"              description="X3M mapping rules"                 required="true"     managedBy="user"    category="TRANSFORMATION_RULE_ID"   type="list"   function="listProfiles('TransformationRuleDSResourceType', '//TITLE')"/>
19 19
				<PARAM name="schemaURL"  description="XML schema URL for validation"  required="false" type="string" />
20 20
				<PARAM name="mappingPolicyProfile" description="Mapping policy to apply by X3M" required="false" type="string" />
21 21
				<PARAM name="mappingProfiles" description="X3M mapping rules" required="true" type="list" />
				<PARAM name="passFullRecord" description="True to pass the full record to x3m" required="true" type="boolean" />
22 23
				<PARAM name="verboseTransformationLogging" description="Enable verbose logging of X3M" required="false" type="boolean"/>
23 24
				<PARAM name="cleaningRuleId" description="Cleaning rule" required="true" type="string" />
24 25
77 78
						<PARAM name="mappingPolicyProfileId" ref="mappingPolicyProfile"/>
78 79
						<PARAM name="mappingProfileIds" ref="mappingProfiles"/>
79 80
						<PARAM name="verboseLogging" ref="verboseTransformationLogging"/>
						<PARAM name="passFullRecord" ref="passFullRecord"/>
80 82
81 83
82 84
						<ARC to="clean"/>

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