About Scholix

The goal of the Scholix initiative is to establish a high level interoperability framework for exchanging information about the links between scholarly literature and data. It aims to enable an open information ecosystem to understand systematically what data underpins literature and what literature references data. Scholix maintains an evolving set of Guidelines consisting of: (i) an information model (conceptual definition of what is a Scholix scholarly link), (ii) a link metadata schema (set of metadata fields representing a Scholix link), and (iii) a corresponding XML and JSON schema.

Scholix REST API

The Scholix Swagger API allows clients to run REST queries over the Scholexplorer index in order to fetch links matching given criteria. In the current version, clients can search for:
  • links whose source object has a given PID or PID type
  • links whose source object has been published by a given data source
  • links that were collected from a given data source
The APIs are available from here. The results of queries return lists of links encoded as JSON Scholix records. JSON (and XML) schema and example records for Scholix links are availabe on GitHub.