



Data source

OpenAIRE entity instances are created out of data collected from various data sources of different kinds, such as publication repositories, dataset archives, CRIS systems, funder databases, etc. Data sources export information packages (e.g., XML records, HTTP responses, RDF data, JSON) that may contain information on one or more of such entities and possibly relationships between them. For example, a metadata record about a project carries information for the creation of a Project entity and its participants (as Organization entities). It is important, once each piece of information is extracted from such packages and inserted into the OpenAIRE information space as an entity, for such pieces to keep provenance information relative to the originating data source. This is to give visibility to the data source, but also to enable the reconstruction of the very same piece of information if problems arise.

Data source

field name cardinality type description
id ONE string Main entity identifier, created according to OpenAIRE_entity_identifier_and_PID_mapping_policy
originalId MANY string the list of original ids associated to the datasource
pid MANY ControlledField the persistent identifiers for the datasource
datasourcetype ONE ControlledField the datasource type (e.g. pubsrepository::institutional, Institutional Repository) as in the vocabulary dnet:datasource_typologies.
openairecompatibility ONE string the OpenAIRE compatibility of the ingested results, indicates which guidelines they are compliant to the vocabulary dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel.
officialname ONE string the official name of the datasource
englishname ONE string the English name of the datasource
websiteurl ONE string the URL of the website of the datasource
logourl ONE string the URL of the logo for the datasource
dateofvalidation ONE string the date of validation against the guidelines for the datasource records
description ONE string the description for the datasource
subjects MANY string the subjects of the contents provided by the datasource
languages MANY string the languages of the contents provided by the datasource (OpenDOAR only)
contenttypes MANY string the typologies of the contents provided by the datasource (OpenDOAR only)
releasestartdate ONE string ???
releaseenddate ONE string ???
accessrights ONE string open, restricted or closed
uploadrights ONE string open, restricted or closed
databaseaccessrestriction ONE string All existing access restrictions to the research data repository. Allowed values are: feeRequired, registration, other (re3data only)
datauploadrestriction ONE string All existing restrictions to the data upload. (re3data only)
versioning ONE boolean The research data repository supports versioning of research data. (re3data only)
citationguidelineurl ONE string The URL of the research data repository providing information on how to cite its research data. The DataCite citation format is recommended ( (re3data only)
pidsystems ONE string
certificates ONE string
policies MANY string
journal ONE Container

Definitions for the re3data specific elements from:

Updated by Claudio Atzori over 3 years ago · 2 revisions