




Organizations include companies, research centers or institutions involved as project partners or as responsible of operating data sources. Information about organizations are collected from funder databases like CORDA, registries of data sources like OpenDOAR and re3Data, and CRIS systems, as being related to projects or data sources.


field name cardinality type description
id ONE string Main entity identifier, created according to OpenAIRE_entity_identifier_and_PID_mapping_policy
legalshortname ONE string the legal name in short form of the organization
legalname ONE string the legal name of the organization
alternativenames MANY string the alternative names of the organization
websiteurl ONE string the websiteurl of the organization
country ONE Country the country where the organization is located
pid MANY OrganizationPid the list of persistent identifiers for the organization

Updated by Miriam Baglioni about 3 years ago · 4 revisions