From 25/04/2018 to 24/05/2018
- 06:28 PM Revision 52220 (dnet45): introduced xquery to read all type of context profiles and expose them via the Context API
- 06:18 PM Revision 52219 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 06:18 PM Revision 52218 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.3-BETA
- 06:18 PM Revision 52217 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.3-BETA
- 06:17 PM Revision 52216 (dnet45): depending on released paretn and mapping-utils 6.2.0
- 06:16 PM Revision 52215 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 06:16 PM Revision 52214 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.2.0
- 06:16 PM Revision 52213 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-mapping-utils-6.2.0
- 06:14 PM Revision 52212 (dnet45): Including Open SOurce among the licenses
- 05:58 PM Revision 52211 (dnet45): Handling OPEN SOURCE access rights for software from ODF
- 05:57 PM Revision 52210 (dnet45): Depending on mapping-utils with solrj 4.9 and snapshot parent
- 05:52 PM Revision 52209 (dnet45): more vtd utilities
- 05:51 PM Revision 52208 (dnet45): do not run integration test unless explicitly told to
- 05:47 PM Revision 52207 (dnet45): Reverted pom to use dnet-index with solr5. Bumped version to 6.2.0-SNAPSHOT. if you want to use solr7 use the relative branch (with version 6.1.6-solr7-SNAPSHOT
- 05:31 PM Revision 52206 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:30 PM Revision 52205 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:30 PM Revision 52204 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:29 PM Revision 52203 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:28 PM Revision 52202 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:17 PM Revision 52201 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:16 PM Revision 52200 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:16 PM Revision 52199 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:16 PM Revision 52198 (dnet45): cleanup
- 05:16 PM Revision 52197 (dnet45): cleanup
- 01:39 PM Revision 52196 (dnet45): fix favicon
- 01:08 PM Revision 52195 (dnet45): Add type field in Email and comments about verification code in Verification Actions
- 12:38 PM Revision 52194 (dnet50): added UNKNOWN status
- 12:23 PM Revision 52193 (dnet45): Testing Open Source access rights for software
- 11:04 AM Revision 52192 (dnet45): distinct fundingpaths in projects_mv
- 11:02 AM Revision 52191 (dnet45): distinct fundingpaths in projects_mv
- 11:01 AM Revision 52190 (dnet45): distinct fundingpaths in projects_mv
- 06:24 PM Revision 52189 (dnet50): Add extra field only if its value is not blank
- 06:00 PM Revision 52188 (dnet50): New mapping for DARIAH-DE
- 05:49 PM Revision 52187 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 05:49 PM Revision 52186 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-profiles-1.0.23
- 05:49 PM Revision 52185 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-profiles-1.0.23
- 05:48 PM Revision 52184 (dnet50): Updated resource identifier of country vocabulary as generated by the parthenos IS
- 05:48 PM Revision 52183 (dnet45): pid field declared as string_ci type
- 05:47 PM Revision 52182 (dnet50): We do need the country vocabularies for the admin GUI when creating new datasources, for example
- 05:39 PM Revision 52181 (dnet50): removed uncleaned availability
- 05:35 PM Revision 52180 (dnet50): availabilitytype is not cleaned anymore, but let's index the values in availabilitytype
- 05:31 PM Revision 52179 (dnet50): New mapping for WP4
- 04:50 PM Revision 52178 (dnet45): Add favicon in every jsp page
- 04:47 PM Revision 52177 (dnet40): Use cookie to save the reload url - to share it through different domains/ dashboards
- 04:46 PM Revision 52176 (dnet40): Use cookie to save the reload url - to share it through different domains/ dashboards
- 04:43 PM Revision 52175 (dnet45): introduced mapping for multiple collectedfrom elements, map ORCID from oaf/odf into[]
- 04:02 PM Revision 52174 (dnet45): Update favicon
- 03:48 PM Revision 52173 (dnet40): 1. Link for 'Results in OpenAIRE' added in table view pages (connect portal).
- 03:48 PM Revision 52172 (dnet45): introduced mapping for multiple collectedfrom elements, map ORCID from oaf/odf into[]
- 03:48 PM Revision 52171 (dnet40): 1. Link for 'Results in OpenAIRE' added in table view pages (connect portal).
- 03:47 PM Revision 52170 (dnet45): buped dependency
- 03:46 PM Revision 52169 (dnet45): introduced mapping for multiple collectedfrom elements, map ORCID from oaf/odf into[]
- 03:31 PM Revision 52168 (dnet50): According to, let's drop the service availability vocabulary
- 03:29 PM Revision 52167 (dnet40): 1. 'enableSearchView' input parameter added in searchPageTableView.component in library's update.
- (When status is not DONE, all forms and search view are disabled. When status is not LOADING or DONE, hide datatable ...
- 03:26 PM Revision 52166 (dnet50): Updated mapping for WP8
- 03:26 PM Revision 52165 (dnet50): New mapping for WP3
- 03:24 PM Revision 52164 (dnet40): Layout changes for home page - new images - delete old | add preparedeploy script
- 03:24 PM Revision 52163 (dnet40): 1. Bug fix: when filtering has no results in table view pages do not crash - enableSearchView input parameter added in searchPageTableView.component.
- (When status is not DONE, all forms and search view are disabled. When status is not LOADING or DONE, hide datatable ...
- 03:15 PM Revision 52162 (dnet40): menuItems for footer dynamically created
- 02:23 PM Revision 52161 (dnet40): change css for footer to stay in the bottom of the page
- 02:22 PM Revision 52160 (dnet40): correct admin tools API double slash in prod properties, add prepare deploy script, use the same property for communities API in app component, remove dashboard menu item, comment title & message for dashboard stats
- 02:15 PM Revision 52159 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 02:15 PM Revision 52158 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.0-proto250
- 02:15 PM Revision 52157 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.0-proto250
- 02:14 PM Revision 52156 (dnet45): bumped version, added author pids and affiliation strings
- 02:12 PM Revision 52155 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 02:12 PM Revision 52154 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.0
- 02:12 PM Revision 52153 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-data-protos-3.9.0
- 02:11 PM Revision 52152 (dnet45): bumped version
- 11:59 AM Revision 52151 (dnet45): Fix package path in IUserActions
- 11:57 AM Revision 52150 (dnet45): Move IUserActions to actions package
- 11:54 AM Revision 52149 (dnet45): Add package actions
- 11:48 AM Revision 52148 (dnet45): Change imports for Role and User classes
- 11:48 AM Revision 52147 (dnet45): Move Role and User to pojos/migration package
- 11:38 AM Revision 52146 (dnet45): Change imports for MigrationUser and LDAPUser
- 11:37 AM Revision 52145 (dnet45): Move MigrationUser and LDAPUser to pojos/migration package
- 11:23 AM Revision 52144 (dnet45): Move migration package to pojos
- 05:02 PM Revision 52143 (dnet45): Fix email settings for beta
- 04:59 PM Revision 52142 (dnet45): Add pojos package, Move UserVerification to pojos package, Add a first draft of Email
- 03:20 PM Revision 52141 (dnet45): Closed range for map-reduce because we do not want to include the versions for beta, which exclude the newest solr 7 libraries
- 02:00 PM Revision 52140 (dnet45): intellij file
- 01:01 PM Revision 52139 (dnet45): using name() instaed of local-name()
- 01:00 PM Revision 52138 (dnet45): xslt as classpath resource and property
- 12:23 PM Revision 52137 (dnet45): pom indentation
- 12:19 PM Revision 52136 (dnet45): depending on snapshot parent to resolve eu.dnetlib:dnet-directindex-api
- 12:14 PM Revision 52135 (dnet45): solved duplication declaration
- (groupId:artifactId:type:classifier)' must be unique: eu.dnetlib:dnet-deduplication:jar -> duplicate declaration of v...
- 12:08 PM Revision 52134 (dnet45): Add deleteVerification entry method
- 12:07 PM Revision 52133 (dnet45): Delete user from code verification table, Add deleteVerification entry, Change delete query
- 12:04 PM Revision 52132 (dnet45): Delete user from code verification table
- 11:57 AM Revision 52131 (dnet45): Updated new claim transformation with UNIBI's contribution on date management (see #2973#note-11)
- 11:44 AM Revision 52130 (dnet45): Remove comment from email in JWT generator
- 11:25 AM Revision 52129 (dnet45): add delete account
- 11:25 AM Revision 52128 (dnet45): add scooby logout
- 11:22 AM Revision 52127 (dnet45): Updated wf name
- 11:19 AM Revision 52126 (dnet45): Updated wf name
- 10:17 AM Revision 52125 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 10:17 AM Revision 52124 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-hadoop-service-2.7.6
- 10:17 AM Revision 52123 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-hadoop-service-2.7.6
- 10:17 AM Revision 52122 (dnet45): oozie job monitor does not propagate failures form the job status polling
- 10:10 AM Revision 52121 (dnet45): Do not depend on dnet-directindex-api yet
- 10:09 AM Revision 52120 (dnet45): xqueries to turn all aggregation workflow with incremental transformation
- 06:10 PM Revision 52119 (dnet45): Change css for 'We hope to see you again' from h4 to h3
- 05:50 PM Revision 52118 (dnet45): Add RequestToDelete page
- 05:48 PM Revision 52117 (dnet45): Add RequestToDelete page and Fix css
- 05:43 PM Revision 52116 (dnet45): Add getZombieUsersUserName, getUsersEmail, deleteZombieUser, deleteUser at LDAPActions
- 02:31 PM Revision 52115 (dnet40): 1. Sorting (desc) by percentage for related/similar research results added in publication, dataset & software landing.
- 12:24 PM Revision 52114 (dnet45): Added counters for missing date of collection and transformation
- 12:20 PM Revision 52113 (dnet45): updated with branch info
- 12:19 PM Revision 52112 (dnet45): Do not add to the BasicDBObject properties that are not listed as field to index
- 11:46 AM Revision 52111 (dnet45): splitAsList cannot be found when running on the cluster (dependency issues with guava?). Lets try to work around it.
- 11:21 AM Revision 52110 (dnet45): Added new parameter to the OAI M/R jobs for the date patterns 'services.publisher.oai.datepatterns'
- 11:21 AM Revision 52109 (dnet45): OAI M/R jobs expect a new parameter that lists the date patterns to try 'services.publisher.oai.datepatterns'
- 10:26 AM Revision 52108 (dnet45): communityname and id for communityies and ris
- 10:21 AM Revision 52107 (dnet45): Fixed SINK_METADATA_FORMAT
- 06:08 PM Revision 52106 (dnet40): 1. Bug fix in paging components (limit was not initialized).
- 06:00 PM Revision 52105 (dnet40): 1. Add paging limit in add-content-providers.component & add-projects.component.
- 05:59 PM Revision 52104 (dnet40): 1. Add EnvProperties in paging components (to get limit).
- 2. Add limit in pagingFormatterNoLoad.component when input property 'limitPaging' is true (default set to false).
- 05:56 PM Revision 52103 (dnet40): 1. #3662: For 'Similar Research Results' use 'similarity' field instead of 'trust' used in 'Related Research Results' (publication, dataset, software landing).
- 04:43 PM Revision 52102 (dnet45): minor
- 04:21 PM Revision 52101 (dnet40): Show loading after Save in edit-community-form page
- 04:10 PM Revision 52100 (dnet45): stupid mistake
- 04:08 PM Revision 52099 (dnet45): minor
- 03:56 PM Revision 52098 (dnet40): Disable SAVE button if there are no changes to save in the form
- 03:41 PM Revision 52097 (dnet45): tentative tansformation for core - resourcesync
- 02:47 PM Revision 52096 (dnet40): 1. Add pipe for numbers.
- 02:37 PM Revision 52095 (dnet40): Reorganize links in sidebar, separate configuring content & configuring visualization of content | add icon in pages, make simple links like those with subnav
- 12:19 PM Revision 52094 (dnet40): Make responsive community-edit-form
- 11:58 AM Revision 52093 (dnet45): check for malformed json
- 11:15 AM Revision 52092 (dnet40): Move form in the center of the page at community-edit-form
- 10:46 AM Revision 52091 (dnet40): 1. Add 'volume', 'start page', 'end page' info of a journal in publication landing.
- 10:11 AM Revision 52090 (dnet45): commented dependency to dnet-directindex-api
- 09:55 AM Revision 52089 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 09:55 AM Revision 52088 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-oai-store-service-8.0.4
- 09:55 AM Revision 52087 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-store-service-8.0.4
- 09:54 AM Revision 52086 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 09:54 AM Revision 52085 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-oai-utils-4.0.3
- 09:54 AM Revision 52084 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-oai-utils-4.0.3
- 09:50 AM Revision 52083 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 09:50 AM Revision 52082 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.2-BETA
- 09:50 AM Revision 52081 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mapreduce-jobs-1.1.2-BETA
- 09:48 AM Revision 52080 (dnet45): more test records
- 08:37 PM Revision 52079 (dnet45): Let's add also a try with ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME
- 07:03 PM Revision 52078 (dnet45): We also have some date as ISO DateTime with Zone...
- 05:35 PM Revision 52077 (dnet45): I really hope we are finally fine with date handling
- 05:15 PM Revision 52076 (dnet45): All date fields are actually added as Date field on mongo, hopefully
- 05:14 PM Revision 52075 (dnet45): Fixed bug when retrieving info about store indices for a given metadata format
- 02:58 PM Revision 52074 (dnet40): add ngx-json-ld library in package.json - requires install
- 02:57 PM Revision 52073 (dnet40): add ngx-json-ld library in package.json - requires install | change orcid API in properties file
- 02:54 PM Revision 52070 (dnet40): add ngx-json-ld library in package.json - requires install | remove skip(1) from communities response in app.component - show error message only once
- 02:51 PM Revision 52069 (dnet50): Testing URI shortener
- 02:22 PM Revision 52068 (dnet50): Updated LRE map
- 02:13 PM Revision 52067 (dnet40): Change form name fields from div to span
- 02:07 PM Revision 52066 (dnet40): change polyfilis to work for IE | change loading-gif css to work with IE
- 01:37 PM Revision 52065 (dnet40): fix ngx-json-ld version in package.json to get 0.1.6 which is compatible to ang4
- 01:27 PM Revision 52064 (dnet40): 1. Use modal from library for 'save' and 'update' forms ('<modal-form>' changed to '<modal-alert>').
- 2. Asterisks (*) added in necessary fields of forms.
- 12:58 PM Revision 52063 (dnet40): Add id for status in community-edit form
- 10:59 AM Revision 52062 (dnet45): added integration test for VTD parser, reads the datacite collection and provide statistics about the parser performances
- 10:29 AM Revision 52061 (dnet40): add schemajsonld annotaion in result landing pages | requires installation of ngx-json-ld
- 05:42 PM Revision 52060 (dnet40): 1. availableOn & fundedBy: Change the way 'View more/less' is displayed (previous changes in css caused problem, so we slice results according to a threshold).
- 04:51 PM Revision 52059 (dnet45): remove DOCTYPE from metadata xml
- 04:33 PM Revision 52058 (dnet40): Add volume and pages in cite this| update APA csl
- 03:37 PM Revision 52057 (dnet45): removed module for testing the mappings
- 03:34 PM Revision 52056 (dnet45): minor
- 03:28 PM Revision 52055 (dnet45): module for testing the mappings
- 03:01 PM Revision 52054 (dnet45): filtering metadata and added param in template to specify what to filter out
- 02:40 PM Revision 52053 (dnet45): VTD based publication and dataset parser, manage license mapping
- 01:51 PM Revision 52052 (dnet40): add the classes for projects & DP table view forms
- 01:50 PM Revision 52051 (dnet40): add a check in stats component to prevent change titles and meta when stats are used in dashboard
- 12:53 PM Revision 52050 (dnet45): Add and .jsp, Fix titles of .jps pages, Fix email messages
- 12:53 PM Revision 52049 (dnet45): made a few changes in usagestats-report-results
- 12:44 PM Revision 52048 (dnet45): VTD based publication and dataset parser
- 12:34 PM Revision 52047 (dnet45): Add method getZombieUsersEmail
- 11:38 AM Revision 52046 (dnet40): add number pipe for dashboard & monitor pages
- 07:19 AM Revision 52045 (dnet45): continued working with sushilite stats tool
- 07:44 PM Revision 52044 (dnet45): long, not string!
- 07:08 PM Revision 52043 (dnet45): depending on SNAPSHOT parent
- 07:04 PM Revision 52042 (dnet45): use the same (hopefully) format for field timestamp, and the same value for each record involved in a transaction
- 06:08 PM Revision 52041 (dnet45): VTD based publication and dataset parser
- 05:34 PM Revision 52040 (dnet45): On Claudio's request Sandro's variable has been extracted
- 05:33 PM Revision 52039 (dnet45): logging query
- 04:15 PM Revision 52038 (dnet45): Incremental transformation also for entity registries
- 04:15 PM Revision 52037 (dnet45): spaces for human readability
- 03:31 PM Revision 52036 (dnet45): removed DOCTYPE from xml metadata document
- 03:28 PM Revision 52035 (dnet45): change in the parameters of httpWithFilename plugin
- 02:52 PM Revision 52034 (dnet45): minor
- 02:27 PM Revision 52033 (dnet40): 1. Add pipe for numbers.
- 02:10 PM Revision 52032 (dnet45): More title in blacklist
- 02:10 PM Revision 52031 (dnet45): modified update of information in xml metadata
- 12:40 PM Revision 52030 (dnet40): 1. publication.service: parse 'volume', 'start page', 'end page' info for journal.
- 11:42 AM Revision 52029 (dnet45): blacklisted title
- 10:51 AM Revision 52028 (dnet40): pass community Id parameter in advance pages of results as input | remove advanced search parameters in simple pages
- 10:48 AM Revision 52027 (dnet40): add communityId parameter in advanced pages of results - for filtering results based on community id
- 05:57 PM Revision 52026 (dnet45): considered the case metadata are given in xml format instead of json
- 03:32 PM Revision 52025 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 03:32 PM Revision 52024 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-deduplication-1.5.11
- 03:32 PM Revision 52023 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.5.11
- 03:31 PM Revision 52022 (dnet45): bumped version
- 03:31 PM Revision 52021 (dnet45): added SNAPSHOT to version unmber
- 03:22 PM Revision 52020 (dnet45): 1.5.X branches (still on solr 4.X)
- 02:52 PM Revision 52019 (dnet45): depending on released parent
- 02:51 PM Revision 52018 (dnet45): fixed path to authors
- 02:46 PM Revision 52017 (dnet45): fixed path to authors
- 01:42 PM Revision 52016 (dnet40): Change organization query for datasources with native compatibility #3577
- 09:57 AM Revision 52015 (dnet40): Hide mining rules link from dashboard and sidebar when the community has not type 'ri'
- 09:22 AM Revision 52014 (dnet40): Use svn externals for common css| delete common css, js, image files | make the proper changes to use common files
- 05:50 PM Revision 52013 (dnet40): Add Status field in community edit form, fix css for invalid email
- 05:32 PM Revision 52012 (dnet40): add svn externals for common css, js, image files | apply path changes in index.html
- 04:38 PM Revision 52011 (dnet40): add FAB link also in Projects | change landing page widths also for pr, org, dp | fix FAB link z-index, drop down position when scrolling | fix cookie law z-index to be behind FAB link
- 04:27 PM Revision 52010 (dnet45): moved directIndex API in a new module
- 04:25 PM Revision 52009 (dnet45): logs and exceptions
- 04:23 PM Revision 52008 (dnet45): a required xslt for direct-index-api
- 03:49 PM Revision 52007 (dnet45): fixed missing enable metrics redirection
- 03:03 PM Revision 52006 (dnet45): create usageStats-report-results page
- 01:34 PM Revision 52005 (dnet40): Use common assets folder| delete files that are common
- 01:33 PM Revision 52004 (dnet40): change any component that uses path to assets, change loading.gif to be property in a class
- 01:31 PM Revision 52003 (dnet40): library css
- 10:05 AM Revision 52002 (dnet40): update theme.css & custom.css| create library.css for components in library
- 05:58 PM Revision 52001 (dnet45): moving to my pc
- 05:37 PM Revision 52000 (dnet45): trim managers and subjects
- 04:48 PM Revision 51999 (dnet45): Added wf parameter for dashboard visibility
- 04:39 PM Revision 51998 (dnet40): 1. 'datasourcesAPI' property changed to the one that has https.
- 2. 'datasourcesAPI' property added in production properties file (connect-production-properties.json).
- 04:37 PM Revision 51997 (dnet40): 1. 'datasourcesAPI' property changed to the one that has https.
- 04:36 PM Revision 51996 (dnet40): 1. bug fix in dataProvider.component.html to display properly 'Content Providers' tab.
- 2. bug fix in searchResult.component.html in 'Funder' label.
3. tabResult.component: show information the same way as... - 04:08 PM Revision 51995 (dnet40): 1. "datasourcesAPI" property added (with https).
- 2. commented code in "home.component" to query search api for datasources (not currently used).
- 02:55 PM Revision 51994 (dnet45): Use InputValidator for username validation instead of the regular expression naked
- 09:52 AM Revision 51993 (dnet40): Fixing filtering issue in DP search pages when using resources query (after IE changes)
- 05:59 PM Revision 51992 (dnet45): first implementation of the Context API
- 04:50 PM Revision 51991 (dnet45): Fix redirect in case of error at ForgotPasswordServlet page
- 04:13 PM Revision 51990 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:13 PM Revision 51989 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-msro-service-3.2.2
- 04:13 PM Revision 51988 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-msro-service-3.2.2
- 03:59 PM Revision 51987 (dnet45): Move to usermanagement project
- 03:57 PM Revision 51986 (dnet45): Use InputValidator from user management project and Replace regular expressions. Fix user messages for unused email.
- 03:55 PM Revision 51985 (dnet40): fix parameter for advanced search url | changes in src/assets/discover-custom.css
- 03:54 PM Revision 51984 (dnet40): layout changes in result landing pages (make it clear -use margin & paddings, use FAB for linkinf menu)| layout changes in search results, advanced search form | fix reading from url for creating the list with refine fields
- 03:22 PM Revision 51983 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 03:22 PM Revision 51982 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.11
- 03:22 PM Revision 51981 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.11
- 03:22 PM Revision 51980 (dnet45): added missing class
- 03:20 PM Revision 51979 (dnet45): Add and Use it instead of regular expressions and Fix email unicode
- 03:06 PM Revision 51978 (dnet45): merged incremental transformation to trunk
- 12:06 PM Revision 51977 (dnet40): 1. API to get datasource aggregation information (for dataprovider landing) added in properties.
- 11:50 AM Revision 51976 (dnet40): 1. API to get datasource aggregation information (for dataprovider landing) added in properties.
- 06:06 PM Revision 51975 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 06:06 PM Revision 51974 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 05:20 PM Revision 51973 (dnet40): 1. "fundedContent" and "indexRecords" information added in dataprovider landing page (collected from datasource api).
- 02:59 PM Revision 51972 (dnet40): 1. Software tab added in dataprovider landing page.
- 2. 'softwarerepository', 'aggregator::softwarerepository' and 'orprepository' types added as dataprovider types (for ...
- 12:46 PM Revision 51971 (dnet40): Layout changes| change polyfilis to work for IE | update mining
- 12:43 PM Revision 51970 (dnet45): commit after refactoring
- 12:39 PM Revision 51969 (dnet40): Change polyfills imports to work with IE
- 12:37 PM Revision 51968 (dnet40): Change polyfills imports to work with IE
- 12:36 PM Revision 51967 (dnet40): In searchpage change the url encoding to work for IE
- 12:34 PM Revision 51966 (dnet45): commit after refactoring
- 12:31 PM Revision 51965 (dnet45): added bean
- 11:59 AM Revision 51964 (dnet45): Fix javascript for white space message for register.jsp
- 11:43 AM Revision 51963 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 11:43 AM Revision 51962 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-modular-collector-service-3.3.19
- 11:43 AM Revision 51961 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-modular-collector-service-3.3.19
- 11:39 AM Revision 51960 (dnet45): In Configuration of Session cookie get domain through properties file | add a getUser method that uses the OIDCAuthenticationToken to get userInfo without request to AAI
- 11:20 AM Revision 51959 (dnet45): fix bug
- 11:16 AM Revision 51958 (dnet45): added default value to responseType variable
- 10:47 AM Revision 51957 (dnet45): added jsoup dependency
- 10:44 AM Revision 51956 (dnet45): pluging for collecting metadata from files mapped to urls (related to #3236)
- 10:40 AM Revision 51955 (dnet45): add private variable responseType and getter for it and code to assign it the responseType value
- 05:40 PM Revision 51954 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 05:20 PM Revision 51953 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 04:56 PM Revision 51952 (dnet45): added more VTDUtilities
- 04:53 PM Revision 51951 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:53 PM Revision 51950 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaire-datasource-manager-1.0.5
- 04:53 PM Revision 51949 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaire-datasource-manager-1.0.5
- 04:51 PM Revision 51948 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:51 PM Revision 51947 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-datasource-manager-common-1.0.3
- 04:51 PM Revision 51946 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-datasource-manager-common-1.0.3
- 04:48 PM Revision 51945 (dnet45): changed order in method buildOafEntity
- 04:40 PM Revision 51944 (dnet45): added more VTDUtilities
- 04:31 PM Revision 51943 (dnet45): saving attribute: api.removable
- 04:12 PM Revision 51942 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 03:47 PM Revision 51941 (dnet50): Updated ariadne mapping
- 03:38 PM Revision 51940 (dnet45): changed default value: api.removable = true
- 03:23 PM Revision 51939 (dnet45): add communities xml files| change fetching methods for communities | set properly date in migration | change ORCID API
- 03:04 PM Revision 51938 (dnet45): add more roles for community curators | distinct admin and claim curators
- 03:02 PM Revision 51937 (dnet45): Add webAppRootKey
- 12:22 PM Revision 51936 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 12:21 PM Revision 51935 (dnet45): More VTD Utilities
- 12:03 PM Revision 51934 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 06:49 PM Revision 51933 (dnet45): fixed return to landing after timeout
- 04:35 PM Revision 51932 (dnet45): Fix javascript messages and Add some more checks for the input values at ResetPassword, AddPassword, Verify and Activate. Add InputValidator.Java
- 12:45 PM Revision 51931 (dnet40): Claims - search results: Fix a non-closed div that brakes the tabs
- 11:27 AM Revision 51930 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 11:18 AM Revision 51929 (dnet45): more VTD utilities
- 10:56 AM Revision 51928 (dnet45): introducing VTD parser utilities
- 10:02 AM Revision 51927 (dnet45): introducing VTD parser utilities
- 06:47 PM Revision 51926 (dnet45): fetch contet profiles of type 'community' or 'ri'
- 06:45 PM Revision 51925 (dnet45): using type 'ri' for community profiles
- 04:11 PM Revision 51924 (dnet40): Cite this: complete previous commit - add check for journal
- 04:06 PM Revision 51923 (dnet40): Cite this: change APA csl|add doi& journal info| in date keep only year (maybe wrong if extended to 1-1-)
- 04:05 PM Revision 51922 (dnet40): Cite this: add doi info| in date keep only year (maybe wrong if extended to 1-1-)| change APA csl(turkish version used)
- 03:31 PM Revision 51920 (dnet45): update to solve bug related to 3624#note-5
- 02:07 PM Revision 51919 (dnet45): #3577#note-2: added terms for softare repositories, aggregators of software repositories and orp repositories
- 02:05 PM Revision 51918 (dnet45): Renamed svn file for the vocabulary of datasource typologies for easy retrieval
- 02:04 PM Revision 51917 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 02:04 PM Revision 51916 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.10
- 02:04 PM Revision 51915 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.10
- 02:01 PM Revision 51914 (dnet45): 3577#note-2: added also for aggregator::softwarerepository (e.g. SoftwareHeritage)
- 01:57 PM Revision 51913 (dnet40): Check for the status before showing communities | show label 'Private view' when the status is hidden| minor layout changes in community landing| add piwik id for aginfra
- 01:27 PM Revision 51912 (dnet40): Parse new field status in communities | add new field in communityInfo class
- 12:42 PM Revision 51911 (dnet45): Hardcoded application properties
- 11:58 AM Revision 51910 (dnet40): Claim Search: add parse method(optionally) in all search services for claim search(orcid, datacite, crossref), use common response as an array of ClaimResult | use common component to show those results | transform openaire results to ClaimResult class | enhance Orcid result with DOI with info got from crossref
- 10:32 AM Revision 51909 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 10:32 AM Revision 51908 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.9
- 10:32 AM Revision 51907 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-openaireplus-workflows-6.2.9
- 10:30 AM Revision 51906 (dnet45): 3577#note-2: correct classnames for Software and ORP repositories
- 07:01 PM Revision 51905 (dnet45): corrected html of events-of-repo-eventslist and notifications-of-subscription
- 02:57 PM Revision 51904 (dnet40): new API for ORCID- update properties
- 02:29 PM Revision 51903 (dnet40): Change orcid API url in properties
- 02:26 PM Revision 51902 (dnet40): Change Orcid API, parsing and display
- 12:07 PM Revision 51901 (dnet40): Change ORCID API | correct resolving from crossref | In get claims split the query of projects and results in groups in order to not exceed max url chars
- 06:47 PM Revision 51900 (dnet45): opened officialName and Institution in updateRepositoryForm
- 01:05 PM Revision 51899 (dnet45): renemaed some packages
- 12:28 PM Revision 51898 (dnet45): fixed encoding problem in broker/getTopicsForDatasource request
- 12:17 PM Revision 51897 (dnet45): updated properties
- 11:58 AM Revision 51896 (dnet45): fixed encoding problem in broker/getTopicsForDatasource request
- 11:46 AM Revision 51895 (dnet45): fixed a package
- 09:51 AM Revision 51894 (dnet45): fixed auto indentation issues
- 06:42 AM Revision 51893 (dnet45): fixed bug in admin-metrics template
- 06:29 AM Revision 51892 (dnet45): fixed null response bug
- 05:59 PM Revision 51891 (dnet45): implemented Community status management
- 05:45 PM Revision 51890 (dnet45): meh
- 05:44 PM Revision 51889 (dnet45): added status field
- 02:59 PM Revision 51888 (dnet45): param must be in lowercase
- 02:57 PM Revision 51887 (dnet45): Added "hidden" parameter for RCD
- 02:43 PM Revision 51886 (dnet45): Renamed file to access_modes for easy retrieval and added Open Source term for software
- 02:11 PM Revision 51885 (dnet45): New parameters for community tags #3158#note-86
- 02:05 PM Revision 51884 (dnet45): New action set for community tags #3158#note-86
- 12:56 PM Revision 51883 (dnet45): minor adjustments
- 12:43 PM Revision 51882 (dnet45): aginfra+ context (#3624)
- 04:41 PM Revision 51881 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:41 PM Revision 51880 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag dnet-actionmanager-api-4.0.3
- 04:41 PM Revision 51879 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-actionmanager-api-4.0.3
- 04:40 PM Revision 51878 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:40 PM Revision 51877 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag cnr-spring-utils-1.0.2
- 04:40 PM Revision 51876 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-spring-utils-1.0.2
- 04:38 PM Revision 51875 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- 04:38 PM Revision 51874 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag cnr-service-common-2.1.7
- 04:38 PM Revision 51873 (dnet45): [maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-service-common-2.1.7
- 02:21 PM Revision 51872 (dnet40): change the query for community in search pages of pub/data/soft and the parameters in the url
- 02:20 PM Revision 51871 (dnet40): change the query for community in search pages of pub/data/soft
- 12:09 PM Revision 51870 (dnet45): fixed pagination in tables
- 03:30 PM Revision 51869 (dnet40): 1. connectHelper.ts: bug fix - return null if we are in explore domain.
- 2. searchPage.component.ts: bug fix - when filters or keyword changes (goTo function), call createIndexQueryParameter...
- 02:23 PM Revision 51868 (dnet45): replace equals with contains
- 12:09 PM Revision 51867 (dnet45): add more logout redirects
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