[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-4.0.2
fixed version: this is not a release yet
Merged changed from trunk: go and check for the OAI db to use without restarting, but only when the resumption token is not involved.
Creating branch for 4.x version of oai-publisher-common.
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-4.0.1
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-4.0.1
Fixes baseURL handling used by the verb Identify
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common-4.0.0
Preparing for release 4.0.0
Not counting even for date range queries. OAI requests with date ranges are served without the information about the completeListSize.
Cching the metadata formats info with ehcache to avoid a call to the IS at each OAI request.
fixed handling of unexisting set
Cleaned logs
The oai database currently in use is discovered dynamically from the OAIConfiguration profile.The xquery to use to retrieve the db name from the configuration is in the property services.oai.publisher.db.xquery.The OAI controller/core have been refactored....
closing dep ranges
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed deploy.info file to the module cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added deploy.info file to the module cnr-data-information-oai-publisher-common