fixed representatives/dissimilarities management in the dedup index
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.5
added wf node to check that a given dedup orchestration has the relative action set profile
search by id AND actionset
using also actionset id as primary key
added basic dedup workflow for person entities
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.4
added dedicated workflow profiles
better logging
reset groups and dissimilarities when the user performs a new search
dedup inspector discovers the configurations and builds the ui accordingly
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.3
change actionset in the model when the user changes page
fixed user action mapping
added actionsetid to dissimilarities
atomic dedup offline workflow
passing the action sets also to the workflow env
fix: actually using the action set when serializing the list
using action set id in the index record builing process
Oaf2HBase workflow can choose how to map the entities extracted from the publications on HBase
rendering person entities in the dedup inspector
added fullname path for person entities
autodiscover the entities by lookup for DedupOrchestrationDSResourceType(s)
added dedup conf parameter name
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.2
fixed bean name
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.1
making DedupConfigurationAwareJobNode instantiable
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.1.0
bumped version
migrated from dnet-openaireplus-workflows
show number of hits
actions management wf nodes migrated from dnet-openaireplus-workflows, and adapted to manage a preconfigured action set
fixed configuration iteration
fewer logging
introduced support for action set ids
adding dedup orchestration profile management
added junit
minor changes
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-deduplication-1.0.1
added test
removed property, it should be defined somewhere else
renamed class
unwrap the base64 encoded index response using a different approach
improved regex to unwrap the base64 encoded index response
abstract class
querying by configuration id
using dedupConf driven OafEntityMerger
sets as deletedbyinference=false the documents included in the dissimilarities
work in progress
added similar/dissimilar js data structures
preliminary implementation
UIs migrated from dnet-openaireplus-workflows, work in progress
fixed application context
creating dnet-deduplication module
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-stdl-workflows-1.0.0
1st implementation
creating stdl workflows module
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-aggregative-basic-workflows-1.0.1
Empty values for parameters of the VerifyDatasource node
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-aggregative-basic-workflows-1.0.0
depending on released parent
moved workflows template to src/main/resources
resetting the ids as in the running instance of mincyt.
Added repo-hi workflow profile.
Basic repo-hi workflow
Project structure and basic pom
creating new module for basic aggregative workflows (e.g., basic repo-hi)