fixed ARC in repohi
-added am empty mediawiki translation workflow-some project structure refactorings
moved relationship to visual repr onto in artifact
removed <texthtml> node from rel in artifact entity
fixed range for msro-services
added OAI publisher for EAGLE
the composition of two XML docs is now conditional to the return of the xqueries.If one of the xqueries doesn't return a node the composition is aborted.
stateless ids for images
suppress namespaces in xsl:copy-of
-removed edition mdstore
-edition text is composed withepidoc, processed and copied to EMF records.
update text selection in XSLT
removed script xslt
wf with edition refactored
composeEprJobNode seems to work
updated the way in which info are retrieved from CP profile
a few changes edition wf. still WIP
duplicate transformation for edition wf
compose editions and with transformed texts obtained from epidoc [still WIP]
WIP: edition WF currently in integration
default value for unset tm_id is not "n/a"
added param to edition xslt
removed unused mapping
added redundancy for transcription within the artifact
tm_id xquery corrected
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed file to the module dnet-eagle-workflows
vocabularies removed from workflows as CPs should enforce their application
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added file to the module dnet-eagle-workflows