[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mincyt-profiles-1.0.2
fixed rule with blacklist
Added TDS rule that takes into account the validation blacklist. Basically it's a copy of the 13427... TDS rule with the blacklist(...); command.
Default oai db name is oaistore_dnet
Added synonyms for fra and spa
latest profile for argentinian web generic. Merged browse for repositories
changed textual to *
- latest web profile for updated mincyt web generic
#1286: vocabulary for languages provided by Katerina migrated to the new format.
Added NamespacePrefix and fixed aggregatorName in EXTRA_FIELDS
fixed namespace
remove repositoryId
added datasourceprefix
support dri:datasourceprefix
get profile field by query instead of profile id
Added NamespacePrefix extra field
removed mincyt:aggregators vocabulary as agreed in #1261#note-8
dmf2dc for OAI (mincyt)
WebInterfaceLayout profile
deleted useless applicationContext
index fields must be lower-cased, because they are transformed into lower-case anyway when the schema is pushed to solr.
using id generated by the mincyt IS inspector.
Updated OAI configuration and changed identifier of the identity xslt TDSRule
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mincyt-profiles-1.0.1
profiles cleanup
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release dnet-mincyt-profiles-1.0.0
reformatted xmls and added scm
no parallel build
updated light ui profile
-changed transformator schema to DMF-removed oaf namespace from transformation rule-using default mdBuilder
non snapshot parent
fixed wrong ID
added declare_ns oaf = "http://namespace.openaire.eu/oaf";
deploy.info added
small fixes
patched vocabularies with @code
configured lightUI for mincyt
added identity transformation rule
added simple oai configuration profile
identity XSLT added
patched repo profiles
patched vocabularies
patched repositories
patched mdFormat profiles
added startup profiles from dump.
mincyt starting container
svn:ignore added