fixed package
deleted invalid package
moved a test in the right package
-introduced readTimeout for oai harvester.default is set to 60s
-the returned XML document is inspected for errors.e.g. bad resumption token is not considered
added closeQuitely()
stream closed
retry on exceptions
javadoc annotations
oai harvester using Jochen's HttpConnector and XmlCleaner
removed the exception when a param is missing
fixed merging with branches csv
new version of ListProtocols
merged branch NewCSVPlugin
Implemented a new version of the collector plugin for the File system
created a branch version of the collector service with a different collector plugin CSV
created missing branches folder
sysout transformed into log
fix a npe
add method dateRangeCollect
from, until support
multiple sets management
SCRIPT_COMMENT: fixed file to the module dnet-modular-collector-service
SCRIPT_COMMENT: Added file to the module dnet-modular-collector-service